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Good Morning Wire....

Jim No Horse

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15184381065991622492123.thumb.jpg.74e6d1250ef1ea3b7064c1d78df494bb.jpgAs of last Wednesday my MRI came back with four one inch tumors and one 3/4 inch in various parts of my brain. 

I ask that you lift me up in prayer as I start what is called full brain radation in a few hours. Fifteen, once daily treatments to hold the tumors in check while they get the  immunotherapy drugs they think might shrink them.This feels a bit like drawing to an inside straight but it is the hand I have been dealt and I will play it.

I am on steroids  now  so I can walk again. Edema, swelling was affecting my gyroscope. I have been told I have a big head before but who knew you could take a steroid for  'big head'  ..LOL...

Prayers have given me the last three years and you cowpals are closest to my heart when I think of riding the river.


So this is a gun forum not a pity party for JimNo Horse so....Come shoot the Cabs at Texas Republic Ranch in our brand new Old West town of Determination Texas...it has been a grounds up build and is an exceptional range. We ebven put in indoor plumbing with rainwater to feed the toilets...God bless you all... Jim 



Jim No Horse,

   Our prayers will definitely include a healing touch on your body as you go through this test. Keep the faith and HIS will be done. 


Prayers up for you Jim


Our prayers are with you Jim.


Prayers for ya. Keep up the fight.


You are in our thoughts and prayers Sir! 


Prayers have been, and will continue to head your way from Ohio.

Hang in there and draw strength from all of us......your cowboy/cowgirl friends

We're pullin' for ya.



Prayers on the way for His Will


Prayers Up for ya Jim and your family and friends. Hoping for improved health.

3 hours ago, Loophole LaRue, SASS #51438 said:

Your personal courage and grace are a lesson to us all; you have my respect and my hopes for a better time to come.

Plus one. Keep fighting.


Prayers up Pard. 



Best wishes and a prayer for devine guidance for the physicians treating you!


Keep up the good fight, thoughts and prayers!


Hey  No Horse , 


Still  praying  for  you  every  day .  Sounds  like  it's time  to  double  up . 


Now  that  I  think  about  it ,  when  I pray ,  should  I  use your  real  name  or that  Allen  moniker  you  use sometimes ? 


Blessings  to you  and  Sweetie . 




God made me a cowboy

Use that Jim No Horse Lol


Remaining members of the Prayer Posse  - Mount Up.  Jim needs strong prayers for these tumors. 

Jim, you have my nightly prayers to Lord Jesus and Saint Pio of Pietrelcina


Prayers. Keep fighting strong.




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