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Eyesa Horg

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Eyesa Horg last won the day on April 7 2018

Eyesa Horg had the most liked content!


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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Verdant Mountain Vigilantes, VT., Pemi Valley Peacemakers, NH., Maine Marshalls

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  • Gender
  • Location
    West Fairlee, VT
  • Interests
    Guns, Hunting,Harleys, Early 30's Ford trucks, Woodworking

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Eyesa Horg's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. It's a shame these scum crawl the earth.
  2. I just reported him again on another thread.
  3. My Mom, an RN decades ago has mentioned it as well as flashlights on the other side. Also heard the same from a lady that worked for me and was also an EMT.
  4. Report the info to the Moderator for perusal.
  5. You Sir are off to a great start! It's a fun sport to share as a couple.
  6. We have a mating pair of Peregrines in town on the cliffs every year for as long as I've lived here. I've never seen them. They close the area to all humans during the nesting season. The cliff overlooks the Interstate.
  7. Appears that you can even see air/dirt bubbles under the plastic film.
  8. Prayers up for a successful surgery. Good Luck with your sale.
  9. WHL, he's a good Pard to deal with from experience! Referring the Wild Hair Larry!
  10. Let's hope it helps keep those POSs behind bars. They should've gotten life without parole in the first place.
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