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Pat Riot

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Everything posted by Pat Riot

  1. Thank you @Cholla
  2. My great grand-dad was a wood cutter in the Sahara Forest in Africa.
  3. I don’t follow… What do you mean?
  4. I can’t tell you how many times I have been in a gun store hearing the woeful tale of some young guy that has some event he needs ammo for and he can’t find the particular ammo he needs anywhere. “Event” - a hunting trip, shooting match, shooting trip, etc… Years ago I encountered a guy that had one of those weird Winchester Short Magnum rifles. I think it was 7mm WSM. I was in the mountains at a campground in the San Bernardino Nat’l Forest just north of Big Bear, CA. He had searched everywhere “down the hill” (we were camping at 8600’) and he somehow thought showing up at camp would magically add inventory to the meager gun stores in Big Bear. He left for Big Bear at 07:00 and returned just before the sun went down behind the mountain at 16:30. He had no luck. While he was making his way around the campground generally lowering the mood I wondered if someone might give him at least one round of ammo in his rearend. He politely asked permission to enter my campsite and I obliged. We talked a moment and then he said something that made me want to kick him in the arse. ”Maybe I should have brought my 7mm-08 as a backup.” The guy lived 3 hours away. He could have gone home and been back early in the afternoon. The next day was the start of our deer season. He spent the night then the next morning when I came back to camp for lunch he was gone, camper and all. I guess he gave up. Never saw him again. Funny thing is I offered to let him use my Marlin 30-30. That was my backup. He declined with a snotty look on his face. I’m glad he left.
  5. I have to ask… Who is the “Tough Guy” of today?
  6. That’s how I look at it. I don’t get too excited when food prices go up due to uncontrolled or unforeseen circumstances. I can’t control it so I just accept it and move on. I tried eating oatmeal for breakfast every day. Screw that. Life’s too short not to have eggs and bacon when you want it.
  7. “The design of the vehicle was 50 years ahead of its time.” I really don’t think so. What was ahead of it’s time was the Siemens concept of maintaining a customer’s vehicle(s) after selling it to them then showing them that they, Siemens, could only maintain them. Thereby creating a business model still used today to make a mega-ton of money on each project. That concept or business model does not fly in the U.S. and Canada due in large part to a group of people known as the Amalgamated Transit Union.
  8. Will do, Eyesa. That’s heartbreaking.
  9. “Bag O’ Crab”? What a name!
  10. I found this set that gives you two different colors, one color for each ear. I think I will buy them. https://a.co/d/3lqlNdX
  11. They have some nice grip panels. https://azcustomgrips.com/collections/all
  12. The Sam’s floor scrubber also does inventory. I can’t wait get me a personal gun robot. Robot: "Pat Riot, would you like your pistols cleaned?" Me: “Yes, thank you robot 10 minutes later "Pat Riot, I am done. Would you The your rifles cleaned?" Me: “Yes, thank you robot.” 10 minutes later "Pat Riot, I am done. Would you like me to continue with loading the 200 rounds of 9mm ammo we talked about earlier?" Me: “Yes, thank you robot 15 minutes later "Pat Riot, I am done. Shall I load your magazines for our trip tomorrow?" Me: “Yes, thank you robot.” 5 minutes later "Pat Riot, I am done. Do you plan to shoot poorly again tomorrow? If so, would you like me to bring a small canine for you to kick?" Baby, this robot needs to go…it’s inefficient and a bit too smarmy for my liking! It’s a show off and a smart*ss! On second thought. I don’t want a robot.
  13. I can only imagine what they experienced and their last moments were like.
  14. I know what you mean. I think it’s great that the 6.5 CM is popular and people like it, but I find it annoying that dealing with some 6.5 fans is like having a couple of self absorbed Vegans at your holiday dinner table. I was looking at buying a bolt gun in .308. The sales guy tried to steer me to the 6.5 Creedmoor as they had more rifles to choose from. Two younger guys (customers) decided to chime in with their 2¢. Directly behind us was the ammo aisle. I said “Let’s just look at some .308 and 6.5 ammo and make some comparisons.” A look of satisfaction came over the 4 (another clerk had joined the fellowship of the Creedmoorians) The 2 young guys and I went up the rifle ammo aisle the 2 clerks watched us. I said “Grab a box of each of the 6.5 and I will do the same with the .308 and we can compare.” It was agreed. As I was picking up the 5th box of .308 (there were 8 different ones to choose from) I hear “I don’t see any 6.5 Creedmoor!” I actually knew this from looking at ammo while I waited for a clerk to be available to help me with my hunt for a .308 rifle. I put the .308 boxes back where they belonged and said while motioning towards the numerous boxes of 8 different loads “This is one reason the .308 is has an edge over 6.5 or any other hunting cartridge. It’s available and it isn’t so popular that finding ammo is tough. I didn’t get an “Amen”, but I did get acknowledgment that I had a very good point. In discussing “long range”. A man has got to know his limitations. I have crummy eyesight even with glasses. I also do not have the confidence in myself to make an accurate humane shot a more than 200 yards. Oh, I can hit a 12” gong with my .308 scoped rifles out to 400 yards, but I would never try that on an animal. Hitting a gong is one thing. Wounding an animal is something else. I look at my abilities like this. If that animal is too far away for me to confidently shoot and kill it then I need to be a “hunter” and get close enough to confidently and humanely kill the animal. If I can’t get close enough or that animal detects me then the animal lives and I can learn from the experience and move on. I am not desperate for food and my well being doesn’t hinge on taking that animal at any cost. Apologies for getting blabber-fingered.
  15. Make sure that whatever cartridge you choose that is legal to take big game where ever you and you son plan to hunt. I really would like a .243 Winchester rifle. Here in WV cartridges must be .25 caliber or larger for taking whitetail, mule deer and elk. 6.5mm CM fires a projectile that is actually .2644” (6.72 mm). WTH couldn’t they have called it a 6.7 Creedmoor? Annoying dipsticks.
  16. I think we should just have a “History Month”. This is where history, real history, is taught and promoted. Novel idea…teaching history.
  17. I can’t watch it. I’m not of age.
  18. I was 20’ from a Mountain Lion in the Nat’l Forest just North of Big Bear, CA. I have no idea how big it was as all I could see was one eye that was about 2.5” wide looking at me through a bush. Beautiful greenish yellow. I backed the heck out of there on foot. I never went hunting without a sidearm again. I found out later from the forest rangers it was probably a tracked male “bachelor” that lived in that area of the woods. Edit: I have had other instances of seeing fresh sign, smelling fresh and stale big cat pee, being in the woods and realizing all the birds and little animals just went quiet and you look around not seeing why. Things like these are the reasons that when most guys were concerned about bears I was more concerned about big cats. The hunting instance above was the only hunting trip where I hunted without a side arm. I also never carried a rifle with an empty chamber again after that.
  19. Do you need to wet them to put them in? I used to see people put them in their mouths then stick them in their ears. Ewwwww! I have been considering some of those custom earplugs as well. No one around here makes them. I was thinking about trying these. https://a.co/d/5C4aDXk This person’s instructions on how he molded his to makes them work make sense. Review on Amazon: Perfect if you take your time! https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/review/B00WIXL46Q/R34WEKWP9PJTRR?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dprv_3DA3C5YMJGQQD39GSPRS&language=en_US
  20. “We don’t rent pigs”
  21. February is also American Heart Month. And Humpback Whale Awareness Month.
  22. Okay Joe, you win. It’s a pizza. A weird one, but a pizza. Side Note: If you would ever like to try a good thin crust pizza exactly like pizza I had near the docks in Livorno Italy get yourself to Trader Joe’s and buy the thin crust pizzas with the Italian flag on the label. Trust me, you’ll love it. 8 minutes in an oven and Mmmmmmm! The 3 cheese is superb. I just found a Trader Joe’s 50 miles away.
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