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  1. Tradition is important. It gives us a sense of continuity like nothing else can. Nations have traditions. Families have traditions. Even Cowboys have traditions. I have been honored to be Posse Marshall at the Florida State match for a couple of years. If you're on my posse you will hear a speech about the Shotgun Salute after the last stage. As it was told to me the Shotgun Salute honors our fallen Cowboy Brothers and Sisters. Sometimes it is a year before we get to do this but it's an important milestone. I have an interim tradition that is a more personal reminder. I take my main knife out of its sheath and set it aside for the day. It is a visual but silent reminder of a loss. This weekend I will ride the trail without my knife in remembrance of Major Art Tillery.
    37 points
  2. Fast Eddie called me yesterday and asked me to come take him to the hospital and of course I did. Initially we thought it was pneumonia, turns out the doctors think it was an Nstemi heart attack (Google is your friend here). I visited him about 30 minutes ago and he's resting comfortably. Heart enzymes are up and they're going to do a stress test this morning. A heart attack is obviously a bad thing, but the good news is he's in very capable hands and feeling upbeat. He's tired and he runs out of breath pretty quickly so if you are going to call him keep that in mind. I checked with him before posting this and he's OK with it. Thoughts, prayers, whatever works for you will be appreciated. As I get news I will share it here.
    25 points
  3. With all this business about copyrights and such and the possibility of being out in the cold in the alley behind the Saloon I went ahead and re-upped. I don’t plan on attending matches, but I figure that I hang out here enough that I should help out a bit.
    21 points
  4. If you are interested in clarifications in the SHB, I have marked-up my copy of the Shooters Handbook (v. 27.6; revised Jan. 1, 2025). It has clarifications along with penalty marks suitable for printing on hole-punched paper for placement in a binder. Anytime there is a major update, I update my copy of the latest version of the handbook with clarifications and highlight key rules to review. Be sure to check back occasionally after a major SHB update to get my latest marked-up copy of the SASS Shooters Handbook. https://doilygang.com/refreshers
    20 points
  5. Some of you may recall my story about the 2 neighborhood boys who stepped up to take my garbage cans down to the street for pickup and then bringing them back up to the house the next day. These 2 young men have been doing this for well over a month now and won’t accept any payment, so Mrs. Lose and I came up with a plan. Today I sat out 6 of the small boxes that I build and when the boys showed up to bring the cans back this afternoon I let them pick a box to give to their mother for Valentine’s Day. They told me that they give her candy and flowers and they really liked the idea of giving her one of the boxes. Mrs. Lose is going to box it up and wrap it and they’ll pick it up on Tuesday. Here’s the one that they chose.
    20 points
  6. The surgery was successful and he is resting comfortably!
    20 points
  7. I need to add a follow up to my post. Ruger took care of the issue under warranty. The rifle now functions as expected.
    19 points
  8. First remember the part about NOT BEING A HARD A**. It is a local thing and goes by many different names. I've seen variations of it at several different clubs over the years. I also shoot with some clubs that offer a Lone Ranger category. Participant(s) only shoot their pistols because they are physically unable to shoulder long guns. The shooter in question has shot CAS almost since it started but age and failing health means they are no longer able to shoot long guns. The clubs that have this category created it so that the person in question could come out and enjoy a day outdoors with good friends. Some days the shooter makes it through the whole match and sometimes they can only shoot a few stages. We don't care. We are just glad they show up. As for overall results WHO CARES. The shooter doesn't and neither do the other members of the clubs. What maters is that we are bringing joy to a person's life and in turn they bring a little sunshine into our lives..
    19 points
  9. Today's match at Tusco was the first match that my brother @Led McSlingin and my boy Buckaroo Tracks joined my Dad Moosetrack and I on the Cowboy Range! My Dad and I have been in SASS for about 20 years now. It was so cool to have my brother and my boy join us for their first full matches! (Led McSlingin, Moosetracks, Buckaroo Bubba, Buckaroo Tracks)
    18 points
  10. TWO MISSES for the unfired rounds. Any BoD to the shooter. The ONLY way a SDQ could have been called on the shooter would have been the discovery of TEN empties + the TWO unfired rounds at the ULT. Which would have been evidence of loading all SIX chambers in each revolver at the loading table. Were the revolvers checked at the LT to verify hammers were down on empty chambers? Which line of the "RO Pocket Card" did the TO reference to assign the SDQ? A SDQ would have been for either: Changing location/moving with a live round under a cocked hammer or firearm with the hammer down on a live round. (from the LT to the stage) or Failure to adhere to loading and unloading procedures. SHB p.23
    18 points
  11. I just talked to Fast Eddie. Sharyn will be picking him up and taking him home this evening!
    18 points
  12. Eddie called me last night with good news. First they tried to discharge him thinking it was just the flu. Eddie wasn’t having it and said there was no way that the flu was causing all his symptoms. So, they did a CAT scan with contrast and what do you know? Pulmonary embolisms. Two large clots in his lungs. He’s on serious blood thinners and will be in the hospital another few days while the clots dissolve then he will be back to out shooting folks half his age!!
    18 points
  13. Ok folks in light of the passing of Major, we at Butterfield Gulch will carry on the Classic Cowboy Showdown event this year. Now that being said I am sure it wont be run as smooth as when Major ran it but we will give it a good college try. I will do my best to keep you all informed Dawg
    18 points
  14. Major was my good friend and travelin' buddy for many years. We came in SASS about the same time and hit it off quickly. He was much more than a friend. He had become affectionately, my little brother. His heart was full. He loved this game, his family and his girlfriend, and his dogs (Travis was a huge animal lover). He was indeed one to ride the river with and my travels with him were better because of him being there. He had a passion for this game, for this life and for everything that matters. He will be missed. Love ya, little brother. Rest in Peace.
    17 points
  15. My world was rocked this morning at 11:18 when I received a call at work from Major Art Tillery’s mom telling me had died in a tragic car crash on his way to work this morning. Travis was one of my best friends in this world. He was a fierce competitor of mine in the Classic Cowboy category. We went back and forth beating each other for years. We told everyone we were cousins. In fact, I loved him like a bother. We traveled together to Winter Range in 2019 along with our other “brother” - “Dantankerous.” He was a guest in my home on many occasions. He camped with me at Land Run this past October in the RV. We ate together, talked and texted frequently and even occasionally prayed together. The world is a smaller place now my friend. You’ve left a huge hole in it. We shot together in Nebraska, Arizona, Oklahoma, Iowa, Texas, and Kansas. I will miss him immensely until I see him again. Rest easy pard. Give my best to all my other previously departed lead slinging friends, especially CoJack and. Mr. Finger. I’ll see ya when my number’s called.
    16 points
  16. Up for sale is a 1910 John Deere chuck wagon. Now I don't know whether John Deere made chuck wagons or whether someone put the chuck box on at a later date. This wagon is in good condition and is always stored under cover and protected from the elements. The man I bough it from is a collector and seller of wagons such as this one. It has the canvas, the cooking fly and all of the poles for the fly. This would make a great addition to your clubs range as either a prop or for cooking if you've got any good dutch oven cooks. I'm asking $7,500.00 $6,500.00 or best offer.
    15 points
  17. Yep, if I loan a gun to another shooter, I also give him/her the ammo that goes with it, that I reloaded. It's one of my cardinal rules. --Dawg
    15 points
  18. Eddie looked stronger yesterday and was in good spirits. His doctor decided that going in through a vein and getting the clots out was the way to go and they are doing that today. I’ll update after the procedure.
    15 points
  19. I build boxes for a few galleries and when I do a run of boxes I always build a few extras. This time around I have 8 extra boxes, 5 rectangular and 3 square. The boxes are built of different species of hardwoods with various burl or spalted tamarind inlays. The lid lifts are fractal burned hardwood, various species. The corners are mitered with dovetail splines installed in the corners for strength. The boxes are finished with hand rubbed oil and wax. The liners are embossed vinyl and depict butterflies, dragon flies and flowers. I call these boxes utilitarian art boxes and usually they sell to people who have a nice watch or bracelet and they need a place to keep it overnight. The square boxes are 5”x5”x2 1/4” high, inside usable space about 1 1/2” depth. $215.00 each shipped. I charge more for the square boxes because of the additional work required. The rectangular boxes are 6”x3 3/4”x 2 1/4” high, inside usable space is 1 1/2” depth. $175.00 each shipped. Pm me if you have any questions about certain boxes. If you order within the next week or so they will arrive for Valentines Day. Here are a couple that haven’t sold. They are both built out of Jarrah, an Indonesian hardwood that was used in a business building floor and the floor was water damaged and the floor warped so they replaced the wood. I salvaged enough for a bunch of boxes and these 2 are some of them. The inlays are madrone burl and the lid lifts are fractal burned Jarrah also. The embossed vinyl liner material was made by Chinese virgins.. $175.00 each shipped.
    14 points
  20. I've been on active duty orders at Fort Dix, NJ for the past 9 days, where I was the president of a promotion board. The Army has fielded a new system where the board members can now see every packet electronically instead of flipping through physical paper folders containing an NCOs record. So it went much, much faster than anticipated. In any event, I had an entire day of unplanned activity, so I went up to NYC to see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. This was my first time, so I thoroughly enjoyed it. And to top it off, I can now say I've driven a car and parked in Manhattan! Please note: In 2010-11 I was mobilized to work at the Pentagon for an entire year. During that time, I took a bus up to NYC twice. Once was to see a Yankees game, and the other was to see a Mets game. During that timeframe, the new World Trade Center had not yet been built. So having been a product of 9-11, seeing it now brought up a lot of emotions. I'm feeling very patriotic today. 'Merca.
    14 points
  21. I have set up my new Fortress of Solitude in the back yard roomier than the last two and Insulated. Designed for those nuts who go out on the ice to fish. 😂 even thiugh it’s not that cold tonight I am enjoying the evening in it with some essential items. 😋
    14 points
  22. A couple from a while back. Thanks Gateway Kid
    14 points
  23. Benny Carmen Todd Third great grandchild arrived 3 weeks early, but in good health. Mom is, too. Guess I AM officially old.....
    14 points
  24. The stars aligned and the weather gods cooperated, so I had the opportunity to visit a SASS club in southern GA today... the Valdosta Vigilance Committee. Spent most of the day spotting and picking brass... and a little shooting thrown in with borrowed guns and brass. Unfortunately I wasn't able to return the bullets, powder or primers! Shoutout to Wabash for his generosity. While once upon a time I owned a Ruger, this is only the 3rd time that I shot one (actually pairs) in a cowboy match. Reluctantly so. Although truth be told, these were slick and well behaved... except for those built in misses! A well tuned '73 20" Short Rifle, with a full octagon bbl, it's a mite heavier than my 18-½" half octagon version. And for a shotgun, I was blessed to finally experience the SKB. I can certainly see the appeal they offer. Only once did I actually fail to let the trigger go so it could reset itself! What could possibly be better'n6 stages in a relatively warmer part of the country for January! I remembered to video tape the last stage, but somehow the GoPro viewed it's world upside down! So to avoid inducing vertigo on the world, I'll not post it! I'll blame the misses on the big brass sights on the pistols and the rifle. I was a little worried about getting my Kenworth down their entrance drive, but I didn't knock any bark off the trees or any paint off my mirrors... so if you have a short wheelbase motor home, it shouldn't be a problem if you're in this area. They utilize the action pistol ranges of the Little River Sportsmen Association, so while they have no permanent stages, they were creative using two bays and sets of targets to have 6 distinct stages, although target arrays remained setup. A little ingenuity in stage writing kept it from becoming "same old, same old." Even had a couple of interested potential new shooters come out to observe, and yep... got roped into shooting a couple of stages! It's hard to resist enthusiastic welcomes!
    14 points
  25. Major was first and foremost a gentleman, always positive with a ready smile and handshake. Our club in Chapman Kansas has been deprived of a great cowboy and wonderful friend. I pray for his family and all of our friends who will miss him for the rest of our lives. Rest easy nephew .
    14 points
  26. Cayenne Kay and Sixgun Seamus out from Ohio came by yesterday for a lunch and "brief visit". I'd never met them before but the "brief visit" turned into about six hours. Delightful people, both of them, cowboy shooters, and like most of the breed, just fun to have around. They'll be back next weekend after the shooting is over and before they go home.
    13 points
  27. Back in 2005 my wife and I traveled to Arizona to spend an early Christmas with my oldest daughter and her family in Sedona. They always go up to Pennsylvania to SIL’s family for the real Christmas. We made the trip and as we were pulling up to the front of our house when we got home I noticed a large object sitting in the planter with a garbage bag over it next to the garage door. I went ahead and drove into the garage and my wife got out and went in to use the restroom. I was curious so I went over to the object and removed the garbage bag and I was shocked to see a real stuffed bald eagle. I was familiar with the ramifications of even possessing a single eagle feather let alone the entire bird and knew right away that I was in trouble. I moved it into the garage so that it would be out of sight and my wife came out and saw it and immediately fell in love with it. I had quite a collection of hand carved duck decoys in a display case in the house and she thought the eagle would be a great addition. I let her know the consequences of being caught with an eagle in my possession and she told me just to not tell anybody and she named it Baldy. Well federal prison wasn’t on my bucket list so I called up the California Dept. of Game and Fish and told them about the mystery bald eagle and they told me to call the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I called them and everyone was out of the office because it was in the evening and I left a message on their voicemail. If I remember correctly at 9:00am sharp I got a call from this African American gentleman that wanted to know about the eagle. I could tell that he didn’t believe me and thought that I was pulling a prank. So I told him the story about coming home and finding it and his exact words were (they were etched into my memory) “So you expect me to believe that a stuffed bald eagle magically appeared in front or your house while you were away?” I said yep that’s what happened and he says “Yeah right.” I asked him if he wanted to come up to where I live and pick it up and he said no, I’m going to bring it to him. This was just a few days before Christmas, remember, and him and most of the office were going to be on leave until after Christmas so I made arrangements to bring the eagle down to the Fish and Wildlife offices in downtown San Diego on the 28th of December. I didn’t realize that Oklahoma and Oregon were going to be playing in the Holliday Bowl the next day so downtown was crowded with Oregon and Oklahoma football fans. I found a parking spot not far from the front of the Fish and Wildlife offices in downtown and went up to the 4th floor and told the receptionist what I was there for and who I needed to see. Out comes this guy who looks like he could play linebacker for both of the above mentioned teams, he was tall and looked like he was solid muscle and he comes out and says “So you’re the eagle man.” To say I was nervous and intimidated would be an understatement because I’d tossed and turned all night wondering what tomorrow would bring and if I’d be spending nights in the Graybar Hotel. The guys name was Wendel, if I remember right and he said “Let’s go see your eagle.” So I told him that we’d need a cart to haul it on because it was bulky and awkward to carry so he rounded up a 4 wheeled cart and we took the elevator down to street level and made our way through all of the football fans out to my SUV. I opened up the rear hatch and he said “You weren’t just a $***+++ng me were you?” Well we unloaded this stuffed bald eagle and put it on the cart and I’m pretty sure it was the first bald eagle on first street in San Diego in a long time and the OU and Oregon fans were mobbing us taking pictures and asking questions. We fought our way through the crowds into the building and there were like 3 or 4 Oklahoma fans that followed us into the building into the elevator and up to the 4th floor, the security people let everybody through in the lobby, it was crazy. Once we get up to the 4th floor Wendel chases the football fans off and escorts them onto the elevator. You’d a thought the other Fish and Wildlife people there had never seen a stuffed bald eagle before. Of course everyone wanted to hear the story and every one of them was skeptical , it was obvious with their comments and questions. So Wendel escorts me into this little interview room that feels like a meat locker it’s so cold and sits Baldy down on the table and gives me some forms to fill out and a tablet to write down how I became the not so proud owner of a stuffed bald eagle. I must have repeated the story five or six times to people that would come in and introduce themselves and check out old Baldy. Wendell came in with a camera and took my picture by the deal on the wall that has the measurements on it and a couple of shots with me and Baldy and every time somebody came into the room they’d have to tell me a story about]t the time they busted somebody for having eagle feathers or other eagle parts. I was at the point where I was really thinking I’d never see my Temperpedic mattress again. Wendel came in one time and proceeded to tell me that Baldy was from Mexico. I asked him how he could tell that and he produced a picture of the Mexican flag and sure enough the wings on Baldy were positioned just like the wings on the eagle on the flag. He also told me that it was still legal back then to hunt and kill bald eagles in Mexico but it was illegal to bring them into the U.S. I remember asking him if they tasted like chicken and he told me that I didn’t want to find out. I truly believe that he enjoyed putting the fear of going to federal prison in me because he told numerous stories about arrests that he had made over the years from just driving along and seeing somebody with an eagle feather hanging from their rear view mirror, visiting craft shows where eagle feathers and parts were being illegally sold and stuff like that. I had got there at 9:00 sharp and it was lunchtime and I’d gone out to use the restroom once or twice and they brought me coffee and water and were nice to me. Wendel had disappeared for awhile and came back with a brown paper bag with some Philly cheesesteak sandwiches and chips. He sat down and gave me a sandwich and chips and he opened up a sandwich and I took a bite of mine and I told him where those sandwiches came from. He asked me how I could possibly know that and I told him that I’d spent 4 1/2 months up at UCSD Medical center in 1992 with numerous spinal operations and related problems that developed. I told him that once I had come out of my medically induced 6 week coma and learned how to eat and swallow again my wife would come down to that deli and get me those sandwiches and painstakingly feed me small bites so that I didn’t choke on it and get it in my lungs. His entire demeanor changed after I told him about my months at the hospital and all of the setbacks that I’d gone through. We finished lunch and talked awhile more and he instructed me to be sure and let him know if I ever found out where the eagle came from. I was and still am very bad about carrying a cellular phone with me so I couldn’t call my wife and tell her what was going on and why I was so late coming home. With the downtown traffic and stuff I didn’t get home until nearly 4:00. My wife met me in the kitchen and after I told her about my day she told me that she found out how the eagle got to the front of the house. My wife’s sister and bother in law did an early Christmas trip up to their daughter’s place in Northern California. The son in law was a game warden for The California Dept. of Fish and Game and there was a high school somewhere up there that had the bald eagles as their teams name. Someone had donated the stuffed eagle to the school and it was displayed in their trophy case. He confiscated it and sat it on a shelf in a storage room attached to their garage and hadn’t had the opportunity to turn it in to Fish and Wildlife for disposal so her sister and BIL stuck it in the back of their car and brought it down and stuck it in the front of our house thinking that it would look right at home with my duck decoy collection. I don’t think her sister ever forgave me for turning Baldy over to the Feds. I called Wendel the next day and told him how it got there and he thanked me for letting him know and the SIL,BIL or son in law weren’t in any trouble and I told him that the next time a stuffed bald eagle shows up in front of my house that he’d be the last to know. We’ve got pictures of the eagle around here somewhere and if I ever find them I’ll resurrect this thread and post them.
    13 points
  28. Last week Mrs. Lose was moving a bunch of files and other stuff around in the garage and managed to knock one of the raised panels out of the bottom panel on the one garage door. I got some estimates on replacing the doors and I also tried to contact the original builders of the doors to see if they could build a replacement bottom section. Replacing the garage doors now days with even the aluminum or fiberglass or steel doors was very expensive. The outfit that built the doors originally is no longer in business. I didn’t want to have to trash the 2 doors and spend the money on replacements so here’s what I came up with. The cutters they used were pretty big and were made to use in a shaper instead of a router table like mine. I used to build raised panel cabinet doors so I dug through my router cutter stash and came up with one that was kind of similar but about 1/2’ smaller across diagonally. So what I did was cut a panel exactly the size of the opening not including the slot around the frame that the panel tongue fit in. I used 3/8” Baltic birch plywood for the interior panel that the outer panel would mount to. Matching the color was another challenge but digging through some old cans of stain I came up with something pretty close. I sprayed the new panel with a couple of coats or polyurethane exterior finish and put it all together. Once the sun shines on the door a bit and it gets dusty like th rest of the door it’ll look pretty close. If you look at it closely you can see the difference in the raised panels because of the different sized cutters used.
    13 points
  29. This last Saturday January 25th at the Lonestar Frontier Shooting Club we had 33 shooters attend the match. After each of the two posses completed the match they each did a Shotgun Salute in honor of Major. One of them recorded a video of their salute and I will add a link to that video and hope it will work. Scout Major Salute.MOV
    13 points
  30. I just got through talking to Eddie and he gave me an update. They now think he may not have had a heart attack, he may have either had a blockage in his stent or he has type A flu and the virus may have gone to his heart. Evidently either of them is still better than having a heart attack. He’s getting an echo cardiogram tomorrow. I’ll visit him after the match tomorrow and report back!
    13 points
  31. We have over 600 registered for Cowboy and 90 registered for Wild Bunch, which means we have about 100 spots left in Cowboy and 50 openings for Wild Bunch. If you have not received your confirmation letter, you will receive it in te next few days. Thanks for everyone's support. Remember, if you have not shot Wild Bunch for a while, The Oklahoma Territorial Marshals are conducing The Wild Bunch Match and Roy's Creek Dan is writing the stages. It should be fun. Thanks again, Flat Top Okie PS: If you failed to register for Wild Bunch, but you would like to, you will still receive your discount.
    13 points
  32. We are seeing more and more videos every day. Videos of everything. People walking down the road. People having lunch, or picking their nose at a stop light in their car. There are cameras everywhere. There is no reasonable expectation of privacy anymore, so people are more careful with things we do than we were 30 years ago. There are no exceptions with shooting videos being posted. Chances are if youre shooting a stage, it may be being recorded. We live in a fortunate time when we can analyze shooters, methods, and efficiencies. We can get the equivalent of many hours of practice simply by sitting on our butts and watching videos of shooting done right....and wrong. There are times when videos will be put up for viewing, where we will see a rule be broken and not get caught or called. This is just going to happen. It is now part of the game. Video evidence cannot be used to make a call and won't be made after a match. I hardly ever see anything mentioned in the comments of these videos. Probably because etiquette dictates people don't want to be the one who points it out. I can understand these videos leaking through with someone just video dumping to you tube or wherever of their local match. What surprises me is the number of shooters posting their own videos with very obvious 170 violations or other obvious infractions. It may be holding their offhand pistol straight down beside the holster while shooting the other or pointing the pistol straight across the firing line 180° when they turn to move or holding the shotgun or rifle straight up or down 180° or their holsters almost touching each other. I know sometimes there's doubt when watching a video and you cant tell. But sometimes there is no doubt and thats what I'm referring to. Think of the fuss for one of a shooters' championship runs where a blatant violation wasn't called. It'd be rough on the 2nd place shooter to see it. There are probably videos of me breaking some kind of rule out there, but hopefully not one that I posted. I'm just saying maybe watch your own shooting videos before posting them.
    13 points
  33. In Santa Rosa, California. Thanks to the excellent painting work of Anton Daineko and his assistant Andrei, and the preliminary design work by Father Patrick and Father Moses, our church is now blessed with two of the four evangelists painted in the pendentives. SE corner NE corner Looking east, sort of close Looking east, more inclusive view.
    12 points
  34. 2 misses for the rounds not fired. Marshal Stone
    12 points
  35. I'd just like to give a shout out to one Sarah Hennessey at Cimarron Firearms. I have a couple of their pistols with the black powder frame that uses a screw in the front of the frame to secure the cylinder pin. The screws in those guns are a small screw requiring a specific screwdriver to keep tightened during an extended range session. When new, the guns also come with a second screw with a larger, knurled head that can be hand tightened, but since I had got my guns used, they didn't have them. I wanted them, but the usual places, (Numrich, Brownells, Midway) don't have even a listing for them. So I contacted Cimarron directly. Sarah responded and told me that they stocked them and that I could order them through her. I did so, but when they showed up, they were the smaller screws that I already have. I emailed her again explaining the problem. She promptly shipped two of the correct screws at no further charge, telling me to just keep the others.
    12 points
  36. Plan lots of time at the range and visit with folks, even those you don't know (yet). With three sets of posses shooting through the days, you might not see the folks shooting in different groups if you don't hang around. Take lots of pictures. I took this picture at the awards banquet in 2022. I didn't know the people, just thought the little girl was so cute. The next year I ran into the family at the lunch area on the range, and gave them the picture. They were so happy to get it.
    12 points
  37. Not a meme just a cool picture!
    12 points
  38. Hickock 45 lives not too far from me. He’s a dedicated Second Amendment advocate and supporter, a former school teacher, a former SASS member, and an all around nice guy!! He knows guns and he doesn’t pull punches. He also keeps to himself around here. Most locals outside of the gun community have no idea who he is or that he’s a YouTube celebrity.
    12 points
  39. We all know video adds not only 10 pounds, but 20 seconds!
    12 points
  40. I'm much slower on video than in real life - why? When I'm on the firing line, ...bang bang bang ...and I'm done ! On video, it's like 50 freaking seconds !!?? WHY ??!!
    12 points
  41. Three classic Henry shooters- me, Dantankerous and Major at Butterfield Gulch
    12 points
  42. A few months ago I posted that Davide Pedersoli was going to announce its new version of the Colt 1884 Lightning rifle at the Shot Show in Las Vegas, Jan. 20-24, 2025. Last week I had the opportunity to meet with Stefano Pedersoli at the Show for a personal demonstration of the Lightning. The new model, renamed the Silver Spur, features floating cartridge guides that provide smooth feeding and eliminate the possibility of stove-piping. Background: The original medium-frame Colt Lightning – and all Lightning clones made by other manufacturers – featured a short cartridge guide about 1˝ long fitted into each side of the receiver. The guides are designed to prevent a cartridge from popping up out of the action when the lifter brings the cartridge up. Once the round is fired and the bolt extracts the cartridge from the chamber, the guides also act as ejectors to flip the shell out of the action (thus they are often referred to as “cartridge guides / ejection plates”). New Pedersoli Feature: Colt’s large-frame Lightnings had longer cartridge guides to accommodate the size of the larger calibers of the day. Pedersoli cleverly borrowed from the design of Colt’s large-frame Lightnings and applied the long-guide design to its new Silver Spur Lightning rifle. The long guides trap the cartridges to ensure a smooth and error-free path to the chamber. Because the guides are longer, they have to open once the cartridge begins to enter the chamber – thus the name “floating cartridge guides” and then they snap closed once the cartridge is chambered. The guides open again when the fired case is extracted from the chamber. In operation, the movememt of the floating guides is quick, easy, and very efficient. Pretty slick! Pedersoli's new Silver Spur Lightning is focused on the cowboy action shooting market and will be released in the June/July time frame in .45LC with a 24˝ round barrel, checkered walnut foregrip and main stock, curved buttplate, adjustable-elevation ramp sight, and case-hardened receiver. Other calibers and configurations to follow. Roger Rapid
    11 points
  43. I talked with Eddie earlier today and they’re going to be getting him up and walking and getting him in a regular room. Seems to be doing well.
    11 points
  44. A lot of S&W lovers hated the lock on the revolvers for the last 20 yrs! Well it’s gone!!! https://www.shootingnewsweekly.com/gun-news/hallelujah-smith-wesson-now-making-three-classic-no-lock-revolvers/
    11 points
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