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Marshal Dan Troop 70448

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Marshal Dan Troop 70448 last won the day on March 7 2018

Marshal Dan Troop 70448 had the most liked content!

About Marshal Dan Troop 70448

  • Birthday 04/10/1944

Previous Fields

  • SASS #
    70448 LIFE
  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Ft. White,

Contact Methods

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Florida,and Illinois

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Marshal Dan Troop 70448's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. It seems lately some topics create controversy here. It also seems that individual opinions no longer count if they don't agree with some. The Saloon use to be ,"use to be" a place were we could agree and disagree in a friendly discussion. It was unheard of closing or deleting posts at one time unless really bad. So am cutting ties here and wishing those that remember, the Best. I won't be back.
  2. This is amazing to see and find this. Bradley, Illinois is only 12 miles from my home town and I lived next to WW2 Vet, Ron Dygert when we bought a house there before we bought our Farm.
  3. Had a lot of bikes in my younger years, Me and wife rented a Harley in Germany and toured for almost 2 months. But my favorite bike and one I would tear apart and rebuilt every year, (because I enjoyed getting into it), was my Kawasaki 500. Had it up to 135 MPH one time. Sold it for more then what I paid new 10 years later and was my last bike.
  4. Here's one me and wife watched last night. Kinda different "B" western story also.
  5. Marshal, I hope everything is going well with you and your family.  Got to thinking about you and just wondering how you are doing.


  6. Tex doesn't like me posting prayer requests for him on the SASS Wire so please keep this one private.


    A message from Cat:


    "Tex in hospital with very bad infection-sepsis. Is in critical care unit in Pres downtown. Thought u should no. Cat"

  7. I would love to have a go at making your recipe. Please send me a copy at ed.edwardgfisher.fisher@gmail.com




  8. If you lived closer, I would have considered trading my extra set of matching stainless Ruger  SA numbered seq. pistols with original red box and papers. (I bought 2 sets, 1 as backups). They sell with tax over 1600.00 today. For your Garand. I have 6 Garands now and 39 Carbines.

    Good luck in finding your wants.  MT

  9. For an early "B" western, and possible considered by many the best Trio western series. The story is actually good. MT
  10. Interested in cash still? As to trades, all I have at the moment to sell or trade s a Ruger SA 5 3/4 .22 hardly fired. But if cash and interested in an offer, I can make one. Live in Jacksonville and have a &R License so can be shipped direct. 

    My E-Mail is   marshaltroop@bellsouth.net

    Lot easier to get ahold of me that way. MT

    1. Kid Karst aka Jaundice Joe

      Kid Karst aka Jaundice Joe

      I am still interested in selling it  i live in ny now so would have to ship so the 650 to you. Let me know. 

  11. I enjoyed it. Here's a strange but good one. Also its the un-edited version. MT
  12. One western I looked forward for decades until finally the Western Channel showed it a few times, haven't seen it since, always looking to watch it again, and again. It's not, and never been available in DVD or Video tapes. But you can catch it on YouTube but have to pay a couple bucks to watch it. Dana Andrews in "Three Hours to Kill". If you get a chance, take a chance and watch it. MT
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