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Del Rio Pete

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    Trinity Valley Regulators Comanche Valley Vigilantes

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    Dallas/Fort Worth, TX

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  1. Tex doesn't like me posting prayer requests for him on the SASS Wire so please keep this one private.


    A message from Cat:


    "Tex in hospital with very bad infection-sepsis. Is in critical care unit in Pres downtown. Thought u should no. Cat"

    1. Del Rio Pete

      Del Rio Pete

      Thanks.  Will do.

  2. I guess we'll need to start a thread on the best self-defense cane. Diameter, length, type of material, weight, brand, short stroke, holster, etc. Glad the senior citizen stepped in. Old Guys Rule!!!
  3. Have you considered that perhaps your mail accidently went to your neighbor? When I get other people's mail, I figure the same thing happens to mine periodically.
  4. Yul Lose, Is this similar to what you used to do? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1BgzIZRfT8&sns=em
  5. I like showing the stories about the young adults to my grandkids...well, actually to everyone. Glad they were on the front page. Thanks.
  6. We should let the soldiers on the front line decide what gun and caliber they want. Or, make the guys at the top who make the decisions go on the front line to see how it really works. Added comment: I am not suggesting that every soldier carry a different weapon and caliber of their choosing. I meant that the experienced front line soldiers should be included in the decision making process. If 90% of experienced front line soldiers want a .45 caliber in a Sig, then that is what should be purchased. Decision making from the bottom up usually works better than decision making from the top down. It is the "worker" doing the job that usually has the best idea of what is needed.
  7. We want our troops to have the very best. However, aren't there any American companies that have safe reliable guns? I am not sure if the stories are true, but didn't the US military have caps made in China or some other country? Also, it bothers me to see American flags, the Statue of Liberty, etc made in China that are sold at government owned museums, etc. I wonder where the Clinton and Trump political caps and trinkets were made. (Also posted this on the other thread about this)
  8. We want our troops to have the very best. However, aren't there any American companies that have safe reliable guns? I am not sure if the stories are true, but didn't the US military have caps made in China or some other country? Also, it bothers me to see American flags, the Statue of Liberty, etc made in China that are sold at government owned museums, etc. I wonder where the Clinton and Trump political caps and trinkets were made.
  9. Joys of childhood, music, & laughter. Thanks
  10. Ain't technology great. Glad we have Grizz to help us. Such fun to see Mohawk all the way in Aussie land. A real Crocodile Dundee type. Great shooting. What a BP blast!
  11. Awesome, How can one man have so much talent?
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