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Dantankerous last won the day on October 16 2019

Dantankerous had the most liked content!


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    Drifting around...

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Off the trail, still west of the river from old Delano. Sometimes in the middle of a cloud of cigar smoke.
  • Interests
    Colorado, camping, Jeeps, the Old West, ghost towns, US History, the US Constitution, big band music of the '40s, red meat, whiskey, coffee and flapjacks.

    Proudly wearin' the Gold SASS Badge.
    NRA Life Endowment

Dantankerous's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Yes, it is still for sale. 4065 rifle.

  2. 80% of all people shot live? Guess they weren't shot enough. (Assuming the criminal element here.) Stabbed in the home may very well have been done with the largest knife in the kitchen. I mean, why not grab the largest? A large kitchen knife will make a huge bleeding wound, deep or slashed. A 9mm hole, not so much. Now a 44 mag hole, well... 😀
  3. 6? You have some shopping to do!
  4. You are correct. The smoke and fire is from BP. APP is pretty much smoke only. When I stated APP loads yielded same results it was referring recoil, not fire. The smoke and fire comparison is only between full BP loads and BP/CoW stuffed loads. Hope that clears it up.
  5. While I agree with the physics I have to expend some 2000+ 200 grainers first.
  6. Me too. I've had to maintain a clean shaven face for 32 years at my job... we wear full face respirators, scba equipment, etc so I get it. When I retire I'm throwing away my razors.
  7. This weekend I tried a new recipe for 45 Colt black powder. I had been using the standard "full load" to maintain simplicity but follow-up shots on the revolver were much slower than I wanted due to, you guessed it, recoil. I have been using Goex and Swiss FFg as my BP choice but my APP loads yielded identical recoil results from my Rugers. Bullets are BP lubed 200 grainers. Based on suggestions I obtained from posting on this site I tried a BP load of a Lee 1.6 cc dipper followed by a 1.0 dipper of filler, in this case I used Cream of Wheat. Fed 150 LPPs. The results are much lower recoil with all the smoke and fire. Not zero recoil, but MUCH more manageable. Sure, it takes another step in the reloading process, but very worth the extra effort. Hope some of you find this helpful. 😀
  8. I made that same drive several years ago in November and it was stunningly beautiful. You have bountiful beauty in every part of your state, UB. (Insert jealous emoji).
  9. You need to quit babyin' your left paw and git yourself shootin double duelist, little brother. You'll love it AND look cool doing it.
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