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Loophole LaRue, SASS #51438

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Loophole LaRue, SASS #51438 last won the day on June 17 2020

Loophole LaRue, SASS #51438 had the most liked content!

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    Harvard Ghostriders

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    Falmouth, MA

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Loophole LaRue, SASS #51438's Achievements

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  1. Actually it's the latest in a never-ending series of assaults; remember when they assured us that "nobody is trying to take your guns"? LL
  2. HK I read about the new restrictions on more "assault weapons", but have not seen anything that would further restrict cowboy guns; what did I miss? LL
  3. And most T riders would gladly forgo googly eyes in exchange for trains that ran even occasionally on time..... LL
  4. If you go to Worcester, and call it 'Wooster" or "Worchester'', you will be firmly corrected. LL
  5. So Einstein was a conspiracy particle theorist ??
  6. Count your blessings..... Both of our Senators are Progressives; all 9 of our Congressional reps are Democrats. I've been waiting for a voice in Congress since Scott Brown briefly "stole" Teddy Kennedy's seat. I've given up hope. LL
  7. Or devolves, depending upon how it is used (or misused). LL
  8. Doug: I don't see this gun on the MA Approved Roster; am I missing something? LL
  9. How about vinegar and baking soda? Or Mentos and Coke? LL
  10. Nice pics. UB. Whatever happened to the solar farm they were threatening to build across the road? LL
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