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Pat Riot

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Pat Riot last won the day on July 22

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About Pat Riot

  • Birthday 01/25/1961

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Morgantown, West Virginia
  • Interests
    Guns, motorcycles, fishing, hunting, my roadster

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SASS Wire Vet

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  1. James Garner is/was one of my favorite actors. I liked Steve McQueen as well. When I first read what they were paid for The Great Escape I thought that they weren’t paid much, but then the average household annual income in 1963 was $6,200. Households headed by a college graduate earned $9,700.
  2. $4.49 for 93 octane. It’s all I use in my bike and roadster. I don’t even bother worrying about the price. If I want to ride, I pay. Simple. I think 87 octane is $3.39 right now at most stations.
  3. Definitely unique…and quite explanatory. Only one is needed
  4. I wonder if she can get all the local channels?
  5. Mr. Garth, your punishment is you must buy everyone in the Saloon at least 3 drinks on Friday evening. “BANG”! (Gavel strike - so it must be real)
  6. Getting older is a challenge, but still a blessing. In the 80’s I read this quote and decided to do my best to follow it. So far I am on track. Hunter S. Thompson, The Proud Highway: Saga of a Desperate Southern Gentleman, 1955-1967 Tags: adventure, death, life God Bless Hunter S. Thompson.
  7. A friend of mine was a manager for McDonald’s. He took the leftover food to a homeless shelter after hours. He did this for weeks then one day he got a “Cease and Desist Order” from McDonald’s Legal Offices. It turned out that the Shelter wrote a very nice letter to McD’s corporate offices praising my friend for his generosity. Corporate turned the letter over to Legal. My friend came close to losing his job in the whole thing all because of “what if” legal BS. Just one more reason I will not eat their food or patronize their establishments. In the desert areas out west I have actually driven an extra 50 miles to find a place to eat that wasn’t a McD’s. McDonald’s is like cancer out west on some interstate routes. Every exit seems to have a McD’s and many have only a McD’s.
  8. I will. I hope and pray the surgery is successful and that your little grandson gets a new lease on life.
  9. That last line of the comic says a lot. THROUGH 20 YEARS OF EFFORT, WE'VE SUCCESSFULLY TRAINED EVERYONE TO USE PASSWORDS THAT ARE HARD FOR HUMANS TO REMEMBER, BUT EASY FOR COMPUTERS TO GUESS. I recall the military format that a lot of government agencies went to back in the mid 00’s. That was utterly annoying. At least 12 characters, using capitals, lower case, symbols and numbers and no repetitive characters and no using partial passwords from prior months. I found a workaround. When I forgot my password…Again 1. I called IT for a reset password. 2. I entered it then never logged out. 3. At the first of the month all passwords auto reset. See step 1. I did this for months until they figured me out.
  10. I can’t find that commercial. I did find this one that I thought was pretty funny.
  11. James Friedman does some funny stuff. Here is a group of his mods I found on Acid Cow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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