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  1. Past hour
  2. Their music is fun. Any time in the 80s or 90s when I was in a nightclub and the DJ put on YMCA the place turned into a huge dancing party. Without fail every single time. Didn't matter if it was a cowboy bar or not. And this was in the midwest. Not even close to San Francisco. šŸ˜„
  3. The dot over the letter i is called a tittle. such a little tittle.
  4. I know of a guy , that has replaced most every part , if not every part on a G17 figure he has over $1800 in it , by his own admission willing to bet , I could build another out of the extra parts He has on hand BUT , it is his $$$ to do with what he wants , I do NOT see it , CB
  5. Because to some people that $200 is an eveningā€™s worth of tips.
  6. Today
  7. Had -4 a bit ago. Still have water and electricity so ok. Sun should come up and make solar passive house comfortable.
  8. I would like to help you out but mine was San Diego 1965. kR
  9. Never cared for them but I guess they kinda represent diversity? Black, white, Asian, gay and Indian.
  10. This is a nice old revolver to shoot and have in my S&W collection . I would say for it's age and the fact it's fully functional as designed. The build quality is better then the reputation they have been know for. Rooster
  11. The Brotherhood of The Traveling Remington 1858 By Pietta has been shipped off to the next Pard to review. It has been a honor to be a part of the history of this Brotherhood of the Traveling 1858 . Thank you Pietta. PS. RIP Mr. Pietta
  12. There is a lot of good information here on the rare Smith&Wesson No. 3 revolvers. Few Pards us them in competition. But I think many of us have them in our closet lol . It would be nice to see this information pinned at the top at some point to make it easier to find for the closet Smith&Wesson No.3 fan to find .
  13. Glocks are very good guns. Well made and very well marketed. Simple, reliable and (if desired) easy to upgrade (or at least make changes to). But I have too many years of carrying and training with other platforms and muscle memory is a real thing - I can shoot a Glock perfectly well, but I have to think about it when I draw and do magazine changes. What I fail to understand is the popularity of Glock clone knockoffs; the above mentioned Ruger as well, that do nothing better than the Glock. I can understand debating Vaquero vs. a Colt SAA for strength and reliability. I can understand debating Taurus vs. a Smith & Wesson for the difference in price. But a Glock vs. a knockoff (Ruger, PSA, etc.) for a $200 difference? I don't get it.
  14. My grandson is watching Avengers assemble right now on YT. Works fine.
  15. Squib Kid, how well does this break down? It looks like a couple of the top pieces come off. It also looks like there's pins in the axel to allow the wheels to come off. Any thing else come lose? When you were using it did you need a full size pickup to haul it around?
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