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Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217

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Everything posted by Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217

  1. This isn't a joke. I had a doctor with staff like that.
  2. My new phone doesn't seem to have auto correct. It has about four complete words above where you type. You can select the one that finishes your word then enters a space. I like it.
  3. You do know that there is a shooter named Royal Flush; he's a plummer.
  4. Hmmm... You do remember that MJ caught his hair on fire when filming an ad for them. So you must be correct.
  5. PS I thought this was so funny I drunkenly overlooked the "your" mistake.
  6. I have a cat that resembles that remark. She puts her feet in the water dish and plays in the sprinkler or rain.
  7. This reminds me of something that happened at one of my jobs, an Air Freight carrier. N. American Van Lines had a package to pick up on Saturday. I was the only person there as all of the drivers were out on deliveries. It was a large package that required a fork lift. I told the two men, it wouldn't fit into their van's side doors. They poo pooed me rudely. I said okay and took the package to the side doors. It was about three feet too wide. Hee hee. I got the last laugh. I guess they didn't have this toy.
  8. There is a Jubal Sackett from Utah. He's taller and doesn't look like that. Are you sure?
  9. I instantly thought of the line by Julia Roberts in Erin Brockovich, "they're called boobs Ed."
  10. The cats' drinking problem and muddy paw prints cured hubby of leaving the lid up.
  11. Nonfat latte, one sweet-and-low Saccharin. Whew! I got it in four words.
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