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This Thread should be fun: What They Won't Say when you're gone!

Widder, SASS #59054

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Seems like every time someone dies, everyone was their friend and they lit up a room when they walked in.


Well, honestly, they won't say that about me unless they are lying.

And they won't say everyone who met me liked me, especially my X's.


They'll never say TN Williams was a 'babe magnet'.  :lol:


They'll probably never say that Pat Riot misses California politics and gun laws.


They'll never say Phantom needed SG lessons or Missouri Lefty was slow.


AND..... this one is a classic:  They'll never say PWB knew nothing about SASS rules and guidelines.


Merry Christmas Y'all.




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They won't say "He was the soul of tact."

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Ain’t likely anyone’ll say I was bashful…


Probably won’t say I was quiet!!!


They won’t many of ‘em say they liked riding with me, but there’s a few as might.

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I don’t care what they say about me when I am gone as I will be dead. ;)

I truly hope that anything is said it’s not said by some faux religious type in a bad suit  espousing a bunch of crap that I wouldn’t want to hear when I was alive holding his hands in some stupid fashion to display piety and reverence. 

What I would like to be said is “The ribs are almost ready. Grab your plates and whatever you’re drinking and get some food. Somebody needs to turn up the rock-n-roll. This is a wake, not a funeral!” :D

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5 hours ago, Marshal Dan Troop 70448 said:

Few will remember me or know when I'm gone.


There is a solution to that.

Borrow a lot of money from them.

Spend it, then die.

I guarantee, they'll talk about you and remember you!


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Several years ago in the local obituaries I saw what I thought was the perfect write up for the deceased. (Mine will be something very similar.) Here it is:




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My grandkids call me Old Koskoosh, from Jack London's story "The Law of Life".


When Old Koskoosh is no longer strong enough to follow the tribe when they strike tents for new hunting grounds, they'll leave him a fire, a few sticks, and a fur coat. 


After that, it's up to the wolves.

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23 hours ago, Pat Riot said:

I don’t care what they say about me when I am gone as I will be dead. ;)

I truly hope that anything is said it’s not said by some faux religious type in a bad suit  espousing a bunch of crap that I wouldn’t want to hear when I was alive holding his hands in some stupid fashion to display piety and reverence. 

What I would like to be said is “The ribs are almost ready. Grab your plates and whatever you’re drinking and get some food. Somebody needs to turn up the rock-n-roll. This is a wake, not a funeral!” :D

amen , you took the words right out of my head , also build a nice fire for folks to relax around - everybody likes a great fire 

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i think , we all think similar on this , but i do have personal experience in the last two months i need to share here on the serious side , i lost one of my dearest friends , an old marine of multiple tour VN era , he always thought that we might have trouble finding six to carry - at his memorial service we had to pull out extra chairs from another venue because there were so many that came and stayed , 


my relationship with that man was shorter than most that were there , most of them were relatives , friends from his service in the fire department , friends from his years working at DPMS , and friends from his time at our local gun club working and shooting with them , also hunting friends , the only friends that i know didnt show up was one on a hunting trip and the other is dyeing of cancer , i had just had my pacemaker installed and others drove hundreds of miles just for that celebration of life , 


a lot of us spent the evening remembering , a lot of us have remembered since , in those moments of reflection when you hear his voice saying that phrase you have never forgotten and will always remember , 


DONT ever think you will be forgotten , you have touched so many other lives even if you didnt even know it , ive always underestimated that in my life till i saw what my friends turnout pointed out my wrong thinking , he was one of the best things that ever happened to me and introduced me to all of my very best friends , as well as some great acquaintances  and steered me from some not so good acquaintances , 


i know ive belabored this with a lot of verbiage but ive not said much of my friend outside of my friends till now , it was time i did 

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48 minutes ago, LawMan Mark, SASS #57095L said:

They'll say, "So that's where we get the name for that syndrome".

  1. There'a a "horses ass syndrome"?  I had a VA doctor in California suggested that for me.  I didn't know it was already taken.  :P  :D
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They'll never say...


He had no sense of humor

This is a non-alcohol celebration of life

He was always politically correct

He always drove the speed limit


If they say any of the above, they're at the wrong guys service!




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