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Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

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Everything posted by Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

  2. ..... yeah, Jesus isn't from Australia, ........ and is too polite to not accept ...... 🙃
  3. superbowl, supperbowl, saladbowl, punchbowl, toiletbowel sorry, but I don't care ...... 🤢
  4. ..... and she's J-Bars' grand daughter ..... 😍
  5. ....................... nailed it ! 🙃
  6. ............ I'm remembering something about a ...... BOOK ! 🙃
  7. .......................... guilty. <blush>
  8. let us not forget prop65 and it's related importance ....... 🤢
  9. ................. or, thinking at all.
  10. ........ ok, they not he 🙃
  11. it'll do 'tiz also the way I heard it 🙃
  12. I have heard a similar story about Rolls Royce, it involved a driveshaft on a RR automobile. RR was contacted about spares to fix it, they sent a shipping voucher for the part to be sent to them. the part was promptly repaired and returned but no bill. The car owner re-contacted RR wishing to pay for services rendered and was informed there was no charge because "Rolls Royce products don't break". I have had a notdissimilar experience with Dillon Precision whereby they insisted on replacing the primer feed on my 550 at no charge ...... so, because international shipping was involved, I bought some other products which needed shipping charges and they included the part in that package. I like Rolls Royce I love Dillon Precision 🙃
  13. ... but we don't got bears, or 'buzztail' snakes, or mountain lions ....... 🙃
  14. ...... gravity is not just a suggestion; ...... IT'S THE LAW !!!
  15. so, ......... you don't mean the police airwing ........
  16. ........ if you throw it hard enough. at him. 😉
  17. You dunn didit again ............. ................. my screen went all blurry .......... 🙃
  18. ..... ours don't; ............ too many sharks ...... and other "bities" ......
  19. you better believe it 😉
  20. I live close to 2 level crossings, each had 2 locomotive signs, 1 on each approach. ................... all were stolen within a week of installation.
  21. ............................ mr. shannon watts ?
  22. ... yep, they is protected ........ ........ but they ain't armour plated 🙃
  23. .................................................. dang!
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