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Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

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Everything posted by Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

  1. ................ and one less for us down under here 🙃
  2. So!, Uncle Alpo are you the one who influences Christmas decorations and, God forbid, associated music this early ...... ??? 🙃
  3. OK, .... maybe tomorrow, ... that the date is 10/10/24. 10th day of the 10th month of the year 2024 10/10/24 🙃
  4. ................ so now I need 7 of them ....... 🙃
  5. until recently it was the Queens birthday, .... but that's in june. 'Twas Labour day 🙃
  6. where can I get it ??? .... I want 3, .... regular, bigger, and "I wasn't kidding"
  7. ........................ you HAVE been here, ......... haven't you ! 🙃
  8. ..... well, ...... it is known as the "land of the long weekend" ....... 🙃
  9. ........... mayhaps it's time you got ketch'd up ....... 06:23 MONDAY, dst , Public Holiday 🙃
  10. I believe that's rotary engine, not a radial ........... 🙃
  11. ......... always the eternal constant .......... 🙃
  12. ............ let x solve it himself ......... 🙃
  13. .............. not without the pineapple ........ 🥰
  14. not quite "Logans Run" ....... is it. 🙃
  15. ......... hadn't seen'd that 4th one. Pity they switched to "unbreakable", .... 'cause they wasn't entirely ....... 🙃
  16. ....... unfortunately, this was the fate of many
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