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Subdeacon Joe

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Everything posted by Subdeacon Joe

  1. Double crud! Padres lost to the Dodgers, 7 - 5.
  2. Very rarely. And when we do it's usually some sort of hardware There are some commercials that make me say "Never!" or "Never again!" and for what it's worth I write (email) to the company and express my disgust at their commercial. Just a few days ago I emailed a sandwich shop chain about their idiotic commercial of a guy in a posh restaurant throwing a tantrum worthy of a 2 year old because the restaurant doesn't have a "hot sauce bar" like the sandwich shop. Plus, until I actually watched the commercial, I thought he was asking where the HOTDOG bar was. Not that I bought them often, but I've written the makers of gumnt bears about how obnoxious the commercials with shrill kids voices dubbed to adults are.
  3. It's a mom thing. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_qKBzVxbz-/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  4. Nice turn around by the Metropolitans. Now up 5-1 top of the 9th.
  5. I don't know... do you really think that Cleveland can dig out of the hole?
  6. Yehudi lights. Yehudi lights are lamps of automatically controlled brightness placed on the front and leading edges of an aircraft to raise the aircraft's luminance to the average brightness of the sky, a form of active camouflage using counter-illumination. They were designed to camouflage the aircraft by preventing it from appearing as a dark object against the sky. .l #yehudilights #camouflage #aircraftcamouflage #stealth #stealthengine #stealthtechnology #usnavy #usairforce #navigationlight #aircraft
  7. I wonder how many people during a check up or follow up appointment will say, "Hey, Doc. How about you put me on Latest Wonder Drug that I heard of on television?" And how many doctors say, "Okay, we can do that." What gets me about those is the list of every possible side-effect, but no mention of the rate. 1 in 10? 1 in 100? 1 in 100,000,000? Makes a difference
  8. Name recognition. Say you hear a commercial for "Tvortnasters Frozen Tasty Baky Spuds." You hear it a lot on radio and television for a few months. You get invited to a potluck and you're supposed to bring some sort of spuds. You go to the store and look through the frozen foods and see them. "Hmmm....that name seems familiar." so you pick them up. Back maybe 30 years ago in a political campaign one candidate put out a radio commercial that must have been written by someone who supported his opponent. A catchy little jingle that mentioned his opponent about 20 times in half a minute. And only at the end, "This message paid for by Friends of This Candidate." "I'm This Candidate and I endorse this ad." All anyone remembered is the name from the jingle, not the name of the candidate who paid for the ad. The guy mentioned in the ad got something like 90% of the vote. That's why Truman never mentioned the name of anyone running against him. Name recognition is a powerful thing.
  9. So I was on the black, but not the 10 ring. Your last point they can get from his name and ID, gun registration has nothing to do with it. All registration can do is trace a firearm back to the last registered owner. If it's been lost or stolen a d gets resold by Guiseppi's Late Nite Gun Shoppe, location and hours vary, it's useless.
  10. But so is this: https://auto.howstuffworks.com/rotary-engine.htm
  11. Some desserts from: https://archive.org/details/365dessertsdesse00nels/mode/1up — Ginger Pudding. One-eighth of a pound of suet chopped fine, 1/2 cup of molasses, 3/4 of a cup of water, 1/2 tablespoonful of ginger, 1/2 teaspoonful of salt, 1/2 teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a little water, flour enough to thicken. Put the soda in the last thing before the flour. Put in a mould or pudding bag and boil 2 hours. Sauce — 1 tablespoonful of butter, 3 tablespoonfuls of sugar, a wine-glass of sherry. Beat all to a cream. 5.— Potato Pie. Boil either white or sweet potatoes until well done; mash and sift them through a coarse wire sieve ; to a pint of pulp add 3 pints of fresh milk ; a tablespoonful melted butter; 2 eggs; a teacupful of sugar; 1/2 teaspoonful salt ; nutmeg or lemon to flavor. Bake it with an under-crust of rich paste. Macaroni Pudding. One cup of macaroni broken into inch lengths, 1 quart of milk, 4 eggs, 1)2 of a lemon juice and grated peel, 2 tablespoon fuls butter, 3/4 cup sugar. Simmer the macaroni in half the milk until tender. While hot stir in the butter, the yolks well beaten up with the sugar, the lemon and lastly the whipped whites. Bake in a buttered mold about Yr> hour, or until nicely browned. — From "Common Sense in the Household," Marion Harland, Copyright by Charles Scribner's Sons.
  12. I obviously took his question to mean what good registration does to reduce crime or violence. Other than give the DA one more "gun crime" to claim he prosecuted. Or bargain away.
  13. Yep. And they transferred a lot of the energy of a crash to the driver. They kept building them stronger and stronger until someone came up with the idea that maybe they should design them to crumple so the hardware absorbes that energy rather than transferring it to the software behind the wheel.
  14. Yeah, our laws are stupid. And that's giving them the benefit of the doubt. I have yet to get a straight answer from any capon about exactly how registration prevents crime or violence.
  15. When I was involved in reenacting I met some guys, on black and one white. One time while a bunch of us were standing around and got around to introducing ourselves one person made mention that they had the same less than common surname. Black guy said, "That's because his grandfather (or maybe it was great grandfather) owned mine." The families stayed close after they were freed, helped each other out as needed.
  16. And Padres Dodgers. That should be interesting.
  17. When a friend's grandfather passed they found a considerable collection of antique Oriental erotica, paintings, carvings, and the like, as well intimate toys. They were going to toss it, but I suggested that they try to contact a collector, or at least an auction house. They managed to find a collector and netted enough to put some of the great grandchildren through college.
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