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Buckshot Bear

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Buckshot Bear last won the day on October 18 2024

Buckshot Bear had the most liked content!


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  • SASS #
    SSAA 274974
  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Woodstock Regulators - Southern Regulators

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Buckshot Bear's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Fantastic....thank you!!!
  2. I'm enjoying it.....though its pretty dark and very vicious. Have they taken much liberty with the Mormon Militia Vs the U.S Military? I've read a lot of Western History and never read anything as volatile as this before.
  3. We get untold amounts of Blue Bottles (below) and other stinging jellyfish - But the Box Jelly Fish is nothing like them.......These are not much bigger than your finger nail and can kill you......and you will go out SCREAMING.
  4. Of all the Aussie biters & stingers.....these are the things that REALLY scare me https://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/arrived-early-health-warning-for-aussie-beachgoers/news-story/d2bfcc93aa42fadb17b0602ab1a01e71
  5. Watched the first one and looking forward to seeing the rest.
  6. Very popular down here are the CZ's, I had a CZ85 Combat with a spur hammer that I foolishly sold
  7. The fastest legal speed limit in Australia is 130 kilometers per hour (km/h) on some highways in the Northern Territory. The Australian Capital Territory's fastest posted limit is 100 km/h, and the rest of the States have a freeway limit of 110 km/h.
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