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Buckshot Bear

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Buckshot Bear last won the day on July 3

Buckshot Bear had the most liked content!


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  • SASS #
    SSAA 274974
  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Woodstock Regulators - Southern Regulators

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SASS Wire Vet

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  1. ‘THE CLARKE BROTHERS’ - 1865 Known by some as the “bloodiest bushrangers”, the Clarke Gang operated in the Braidwood district of New South Wales between 1865 and 1867 led by Thomas Clarke and his uncle Patrick O’Connell. Brothers Thomas and John Clarke were raised in an enterprising family that included a solid contingent of horse thieves, cattle rustlers, robbers and killers. The Southern Tablelands of New South Wales was the disreputable pair’s patch, as it was for their immediate and extended family. The clan was as dysfunctional as it was loyal – demonstrated by their willingness to break incarcerated members out of gaol as required. By 1866 the members of the Clarke family gang, led by Thomas, were declared outlaws. After spending some time on individual pursuits, John joined his brother and the pair wreaked havoc over the course of twelve months, with armed robbery their crime of choice. In April 1867, following a gunfight with the constabulary near Braidwood, the Clarkes were captured; they were sentenced to death in May and hanged at Darlinghurst gaol in June. The brothers’ demise saw the end of organised bushranging gangs in New South Wales.
  2. It's just money....... You can't take it with you when you kick the bucket.
  3. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-07-24/silverton-residents-keep-watch-donkeys-interact-outback-tourists/104127712
  4. Alpo I just can't imagine you're buttons ever being pushed mate.
  5. I think I'd rather pick cold over extreme heat.
  6. It was 37.4°F this morning, which is pretty cold for my neck of the woods.
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