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Imis Twohofon,SASS # 46646

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About Imis Twohofon,SASS # 46646

  • Birthday 10/22/1948

Previous Fields

  • SASS #
    Sass 46646
  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Wartrace Regulators, I miss Possom trot

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Murfreesboro, TN
  • Interests
    Cowboy shooting, Model railroad, local history. Old cars and trucks

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Imis Twohofon,SASS # 46646's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Happy Birthday Pappy Imis , who appreciates ALL Helium music
  2. I use Cleanshot for all my cowboy loads, 3.1 Gr in .38 and .357, also in 9mm. For LPP I use 4.4 Gr in .44sp and Mag, also in .45acp for WB. Not to be left out I use 14.4 Gr in 12 ga. It is good stuff. Imis
  3. I do, for 14.4 gr of Cleanshot Imis
  4. As told to me by Frank Buckshot, I dont know who told him. When using the Dillon powder measure and the small bar with the spacer that is retained by the plastic pin, referenced by Larsen, fine grain powder can escape from above the spacer bar. The solution is to empty the measure, remove the linkage and small powder bar, then pull the pin and remove the spacer bar. Now comes the tricky part, place a single layer of cellophane packing tape on the TOP side of the spacer bar, not in contact with the moving powder bar. With a sharp hobby knife cut the tape to size and shape , remove for the pin hole and drop through for the powder, then reinstall the spacer bar and pin, the reinstall the powder bar and move the bar back and forth . If there is any up-down slop add another layer of tape. the tape is only a couple of thousandths thick so it should not lock up the measure with a couple of thicknesses. Congratulations, you have made a shim. My experience with my 900 is that the indexing can be key to powder spilling. If everything is right the indexing will be very smooth. It is a complicated machine and fully capable of being balky and jerk every stroke. That shakes powder everywhere. I finally have mine running smoothly, after lots of tweaking. I have not had to shim the powder measure and I run Cleanshot in mine. I dont run the spring on any of the four Dillon powder measures I have but I DO have the failsafe rod setup on both machines. Imis
  5. I made some memories, some painful, some joyful Imis
  6. I shall be in attendance at both. Oso is riding to Gallatin with me. Imis
  7. I was assigned to a OV-! company in RVN in 1971-72. I wasnt an aviator so I only got to fly in them a few times. It was a very capable airplane. Imis
  8. I'm 15, but I have done it 5 times. Imis
  9. I have a Diamondback Firearms DB9R, an AR in 9mm that uses Glock mags, has a rail, a decent trigger (for factory) 16 1/2 inch barrel, Magpul furniture and I really like it. I replaced the trigger with a drop-in making it a 6 lb pull, minimal reset and a joy to shoot. The price was reasonable $6-700 last year from Buds. I wish I had two. Imis
  10. BW, by a weird twist of fate every one of your pictures contain a ford body. Not so? Imis
  11. I had both eyes done about 5 years ago, a couple of weeks apart. For those two weeks I constantly closed one eye then switched , just so I could see how much better it would be when they were both done. Since I have worn glasses for almost 70 years I had progressive bi-focals made with no correction for distance. Im loving it Imis
  12. I had a mixed breed blood hound, dubbed an Indebe by a vet. His name was Tigger. One evening I told my wife I was going to the kitchen for a 'C-O-O-K-I-E" and he licked his lips. Either he could spell or he snookered me into believing that he could. It has been 36 years and I still miss him. Imis
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