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Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

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Everything posted by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

  1. Well in some locations, I hear the doorstep has been used in an emergency.
  2. Big Red is home sick, honking, coughing, blowing of the nose and it snowed here again. Sigh. So it's up to his olde Dad to fire up the snow blower, clear the drive and around the generator. Grump.
  3. Those close ties, forged at that time, remain in effect today, (aided of course by the War brides who returned with Canadian servicemen!) Two of my Uncles, Doug and Lester, built long term friendships that lasted until they died. Uncle Lester's ties were even deeper, due to the wife he returned with at the end of the war. A little Tid-Bit: When Princes Juliana, of Royal Family of the Netherlands, was about to give birth here in Ottawa, Canada, the portion of the Civic Hospital effected was declared to be Dutch Territory, in order that a possible heir to the throne, Princes Margariet, would be born on Dutch territory. When the Princes was baptized, President Roosevelt was one of her God Fathers The ties between Canada and the Netherlands are remembered and reinforced every year with the present of tulip bulbs delivered to Ottawa, by the Netherlands and the Tulip Festival that occurs annually, when they are in full bloom.
  4. Just wasn't the same Saloon without you to pick on!
  5. The Rationale in the preamble to the City By-Law: Melt water from a heated driveway will find it's way onto the road and re-freeze causing a hazard for others. The fellow who did the one I mentioned had a storm sewer in just the right spot to take the melt water form his heated drive.
  6. Fellow up here had a storm sewer at the end of his driveway, so when he had the drive redone, he had heating cables buried under the asphalt. City later passed a by-law ag'in it, but TOO LATE! He was in before the bell.
  7. Did he have Canadian plates on the car? 12 F. here yesterday, when I was grocery shopping and one fellow was wearing short pants.
  8. Any way to hold them to account? Even if it was only public ridicule and blame for the losses? Or like here, (until recently) would the media just ignore it?
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