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Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619

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    Tacoma, Washington
  • Interests
    Cowboy biathalon

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SASS Wire Vet

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  1. Was it 'news'? Doubt it. If the issue is 'crashworthiness' then I think it's pretty realistic.
  2. How often was that scene copied of the townsmen and women scattering in panic, drawing their shades and shutters, as the good guy(s) and bad guy(s) confronted each other in the street before the saloon? For that matter, the shootout itself? Must have been copied thousands of times! And what was the original? There are no new stories. Everything is a copy to some degree.
  3. Several years ago I took the deposition of a orthopedist at the University of Washington medical school who was a nationally-recognized specialist in the reconstruction of lower extremity traumatic injuries. The case involved huge injuries to the feet and legs in a high-impact accident. He said that they never used to see such extensive injuries from auto accidents, because the forces required to produce them had invariably been fatal to the occupants before the introduction of air bags and other crashworthiness improvements.
  4. Why seek to get over a fear of heights? A very salutary fear, I believe.
  5. The only active ingredient in the Costco Kirkland "Sleep Aid" is Doxylamine Succinate, so that's one possible source. I'm sure there are others. I wouldn't 'over-research' things at this juncture. Use what works for now.
  6. We don't have these in this state; at least I've never encountered one nor heard of one.
  7. Doxylamine Succinate is the active ingredient in Costco's Kirkland Sleep Aid, and I find it works, better than dyphenhydramine, the active ingredient in many. So it sounds like you may be responding favorably to this ingredient.
  8. But that's the whole purpose right now. Get caught up on sleep, then reassess the situation.
  9. I love my Uberti .44 Russian but it is a bit harder to handle and shoot than a Colt.
  10. Just my 'umble opinion, but I'd try the Lunesta. Every medication has possible negative effects that are quite rare but of course are in the literature, and your research will turn them up. The idea it seems to me is to break the current cycle of insomnia. Then re-evaluate when that is done. Just my own thinking.
  11. Definitely talk to a doc at this point.
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