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LawMan Mark, SASS #57095L

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Everything posted by LawMan Mark, SASS #57095L

  1. I make my own with a block of 2x4, 3/4" CPVC and a 5/8" bolt. Cut a slot on one end for the shell plate, drill holes on the other end for locater pins.
  2. Was gifted some bullets in calibers I don't reload for. 243 88 grain BTHP, 308 110 grain FMJ, 41 170 grain SJHP.. All spoken for. Thanks for looking!
  3. Went by the local H-D dealership to pick up a couple of HOG tee shirts Sunday. They had this on the floor, and now I've got an urge that I need to stay away from...2021 Fatboy 114.
  4. It's good to be the King. 2017 HD Road King Classic.
  5. It sat for a little over an hour before we ate it. I was fixing a chicken pot pie that had to be cooked at a higher temp than the cobbler, so I finished the cobbler first. The recipe I copied was 2 1/2 cups of brown sugar and 2 1/2 cups of lite corn syrup. I actually cut that back to 2 cups of each, and on the next making, will cut it back again to 1 1/2 each. That based on the capability of my skillet. The scoop of 'niller ice cream made sure no tongues were burnt in the consuming of said cobbler.
  6. Tried a new recipe Sunday. Chocolate Pecan Cobbler. Got it from a Youtube channel called "Meat Church". It was awesomely good hot with Blue Bell home made vanilla ice cream, but even better cold the next morning.
  7. Every time I have a new pain, the first thought through my head is "so this is how it ends".
  8. Gambling addiction hotlines would do so much better if every fifth caller was a winner.
  9. I'm 6'2" tall. Strangers ask me to get stuff off the top shelves for them.
  10. I had a rough childhood...I had to help my dad build the house I was born in, but then my mother died six months before I was born and left me to raise my younger brother and sister all by myself. I've never recovered...
  11. I'm eagerly anticipating receiving my CZ Sharptail, especially since I broke my SKB at the Alabama State match.
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