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Crooked River Pete, SASS 43485

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Crooked River Pete, SASS 43485 last won the day on November 24 2024

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    Akron, Oh

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  1. Lots of people tumble after reloading to remove sizing lube.
  2. Buds, https://www.budsgunshop.com/product_info.php/products_id/411561777/ruger+rxm+9mm+semi+auto+pistol+15+1+w+magpul+enhanced+grip?trk_msg=eprgbsb1p0v4rcv217pd1thi9c&trk_contact=k93kihr2dk9e34ukqcevr3cp4o&trk_sid=94e1qi94364p7k80eqq2vt8sag&trk_link=vf3ueej3bfpk522ls3jqa2hke0&utm_source=listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=shop+now&utm_campaign=bgs12d121124&avad=234121_e3e2d8add
  3. I've seen them advertised for $399 some where, maybe buds?
  4. You can also make syrup from the sap of birch trees.
  5. Have we done this yet and I missed it? Ruger has a new gun, gen 3 Glock knock off. Looks interesting. https://ruger.com/products/rxm/specSheets/19400.html
  6. Wasn't all that long ago that mayo bottles did not state " refrigerate after opening" the vinegar content is high enough to control spoilage. It was probable something else in the food, like onions, that made you sick.
  7. My parents made maple syrup for many years after they retired. I love it, better than any commercial syrup. They made the syrup for themselves, so it was made to high standards. I found that early season syrup was lighter and better tasting, late season was darker and stronger flavor. Early season went on food, late season went in cooking. Since they passed I have bought it at stores, roadside stands, anywhere I could find it, none tasted as good as theirs. Recently I found some at Save-a-Lot and Aldis that is quite good, but only the stuff in bottles that I can see through, if the bottle is opaque the tend to fill it with the dark stuff which is only good to add to baked beans.
  8. Some suppressed weapons do not cycle on purpose. they are quieter. It could be he had to manually cycle the gun every shot.
  9. Back in the day my buddy had an '70 AAR, cool car.
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