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SASS Wire Forum

Injun Ryder, SASS #36201L

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Injun Ryder, SASS #36201L last won the day on July 3 2022

Injun Ryder, SASS #36201L had the most liked content!

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Arizona Yavapai Rangers, Whiskey Row Gunslingers, Granite Mountain Outlaws

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Prescott, AZ
  • Interests
    M/C, Shooting

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Injun Ryder, SASS #36201L's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Not this thread but Uberti stocks refinished by Longshot Logan (Jan 2011):
  2. Someone posted this on a local neighborhood chat board and, boy howdy, did it bring out the nutjobs!
  3. No problem here. Probably last logged in 1 - 2 years ago.
  4. I hope for the best for you. I had to have an artificial ankle joint removed and my ankle fused in 1978 due to the inability to fight an infection on and around the metal and plastic joint!
  5. As do the full face helmet, nylon gear, riding suit, mirrors, hydraulic brakes, cell phone or navigation device, and EVERYYHING ELSE!
  6. Pat - Kris - TL: Remember B&B - Ain't no one breaking in there! Too bad they're gone.
  7. Well, she did win the talent contest to kick off her political career in ca!
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