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J-BAR #18287

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J-BAR #18287 last won the day on December 19 2019

J-BAR #18287 had the most liked content!

About J-BAR #18287

  • Birthday 04/30/1944

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Southern Missouri Rangers, Central Ozarks Western Shooters, The Ozarks Posse, Powder Creek Cowboys, Outlaw Camp

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    Springfield, Missouri

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SASS Wire Vet

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  1. The Chicken Oil Company, an establishment in Bryan, Texas (Texas A & M), served a Death Burger which is the hottest thing I've ever eaten. Took half an hour and three beers to get around it. Website says they are closed...other than the pain it was a fun place!
  2. Someone's career just ended.
  3. I don't own one. I have researched them. I own one other CZ firearm. I can't imagine that you would be displeased.
  4. That's a grinder! 1/2 pound of Jimmy Dean hot sausage formed to fit a hoagy roll; mayo, tomato, lettuce. Chips on the side. It's a meal!
  5. I like DDG. The other search engine I sometimes use is Startpage: https://www.startpage.com/
  6. I maintain that it's easy to put too much stuff on a hamburger/cheeseburger. Order a Five Guys double patty cheeseburger with mustard, grilled onions, grilled jalapenos. That's all. Perfection.
  7. Our house has a crawlspace. If the temperature goes below 10 F, I run the faucets in all sinks, thin streams, both hot and cold taps. It adds a few dollars to the utility bill, but is cheaper than calling the plumber to thaw the pipes. Consult your neighbors for more advice. Pipe depth varies from town to town.
  8. I was given a JC Higgins bolt action .22 at age 14, and a High Standard Sport King semiautomatic pistol at 16. The first gun I bought with my lawn mowing money was a Remington 513T for competition on the high school ROTC rifle team. All gone, actually no regrets. I love the ones I have now, hope my heirs enjoy them.
  9. I always thought the Ruger Red Label 28 looked and felt like a magic wand. How many rounds do you expect to shoot? 10,000? Get a 20. Less than that... Go to a gun store. Have them put a 20 and a 28 on the counter. Mount them both, swing them both. Trust your judgement.
  10. We are using "What's App" to communicate with our granddaughter in Tasmania. Free, similar to regular texting on iPhone, messages encrypted. Check it out. I don't use Facebook either.
  11. Flitz and elbow grease can bring back the shine. You are probably already aware... some nickel finishes have a copper coating between the steel and the nickel. Using a cleaning solution that contains a copper removing ingredient can undermine and damage the remaining nickel. I use Kroil to clean my nickeled guns.
  12. Spending the coming week on Maria Island doing marine biology field work, then returning to Hobart for classroom work until July. I'm so proud of her!! edit: I will ask her opinion on Aussie hamburgers and report back.
  13. Not as good as Clint's movie. Bought a copy decades ago when it was cheap. Save your money.
  14. If the gun is small enough, pocket carry may be an option. More comfortable for me, and easy when changing clothes.
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