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Forty Rod SASS 3935

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Forty Rod SASS 3935 last won the day on May 3 2019

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About Forty Rod SASS 3935

  • Birthday 03/15/1942

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    Forty Rod SASS 3935

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    Prescott Valley, AZ
  • Interests
    Family, friends, guns

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  1. Most dogs are God's answer to so many questions that I can't begin to count them. My little 13 pound mixed breed warned me of a danger in the yard about 3:15 AM two mornings ago. She wouldn't go out alone, but when I did, flashlight and .45 in hand, she followed. Suddenly she bolted around the corner barking her tiny brains out. Almost immediately there was a loud ruckus and a forty five pound bobcat came running around the corner with my tiny dog right on its heels. I yelled and my dog stopped and came back with her tail wagging as fast a s she could wag it, and every dog for blocks cheered her on She spent the rest of the day strutting around as though she had taken on Godzilla and King Kong together. Such a commotion. Darkness, suddenness, and speed saved the cat. It was there and gone before I could get bead on it. Probably for the best because we Iive in a family neighborhood and the authorities frown on shooting in such a place, and the cats are legally protected for the most part. We've had several in the neighborhood before and lots of other wild life, too.
  2. but no one seems to sell them in men's sizes for any reasonable price. I want a 4" Brim, 5" crown, black Gus style hat in 7 3/4 or 7 7/8 size. I'm not looking for a "stiff" hat, but a softer one that I can shape to my liking. My 1941 vintage Resistol has reached a place where it can't be cleaned any more and is getting really thin in some places. I'll keep it for pure nostalgia and because of the story of how I ended up with it, but as an everyday hat...well, it's earned a quiet retirement and a seat of honor on a wall.
  3. More people died at the World Trade Center than at Pearl Harbor. In the roughly three and a half years after the Japanese sneak attack the US (and its allies...we couldn't have done it on our own) destroyed a lot of the worlds infrastructure, killed literally millions of people, lost tons of historical items from documents to art to research, etc. and we became the most powerful and advanced nation on the planet. In the twenty three years since 9-11 no one has really been called to task over it. We haven't made anyone pay for the attack, many of the countries who were our allies, and many that we saved from extinction after 1941 have turned on us and many are actively trying to destroy us. A huge percentage have routinely voted against us in the UN (and don't get me started on what I think of that puke organization). The few who still stand by us are in peril themselves or are too weak to be of much use. Our own government has turned against its own citizens in favor of many of these nations and is running scared of many of them. This isn't over yet, my friends. The worst is still to come if we don't fight back NOW!....and I fear we won't.
  4. The "Free Press" is killing us, both figurative and literally.
  5. The next time they do a test like this, ruining a beautiful classic car, whoever thought it up and authorized the test should be strapped to the front of one of the cars.
  6. Stanley used to make some greta stuff. I still have my Dad's pre WWII "Yankee" push-pull drill....and I found they still make bits for it, or did as recently as five years ago when I bought five new packages of them just in case I'd ever need them.
  7. He could be a fierce and dangerous character and a moment later he'd smile and his entire personality changed. One of my favorite actors. I will miss him.
  8. Well, the "white noise" gadget works. Not perfect yet but I found a sound I can live with ( a babbling brook on very low volume) and am going to raise the volume a notch at a time and drop the volume to 3 for a night or two until I get it all sorted out. I don't know who thought a diesel freight train was a soothing noise, but he should be locked away with this thing playing around the clock in his cell for a few years....maybe 30 or 40.
  9. My sincerest condolences. I did the substitute teacher route for three years until I got a full time position. That only lasted a year before I became Director of Academics (DOA was a very appropriate sign) at Sawyer College in Pomona, CA. Another one year job in my "quiver" of jobs.
  10. Bernstein was a train boss? Who knew?
  11. That dolphin stroke was a bitch when I was on the swimming team and I had all four limbs. That guy is GOOD!!!
  12. Taint the amount of the dog in the fight, it's the amount of fight in the dog. It looked like the big guy took the fight to the smaller guy who defended himself. I might have done the same thing...and have on occasion. Don't let the other guy throw the first punch if he's coming at you...and keep on swinging until he can't fight back. And be aware of others getting involved.
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