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Forty Rod SASS 3935

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Forty Rod SASS 3935 last won the day on May 3 2019

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About Forty Rod SASS 3935

  • Birthday 03/15/1942

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    Forty Rod SASS 3935

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  • Location
    Prescott Valley, AZ
  • Interests
    Family, friends, guns

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  1. Maybe I missed it, but can it be raised back up and used again?
  2. Garner was a really nice guy on top of it all. I never got to meet Steve McQueen
  3. Losing about one a month these days. Many more are hanging on by a thread. About 2/3 are younger than I am. Hard to decide whether to mourn their loss or celebrate my own survival.
  4. I gave up on any Olympics the year our hockey team beat the Soviets. I don't know why so many people I have always thought to have good sense subject themselves to this trash..... but it's you time to waste. I feel the same way about other "Gee whiz look at me" events....like the Academy Awards as an example.
  5. WWII repro adjustable web sling for 1928, 1928-A1, M-1, or M-1A1 Thompson submachine gun. Light khaki color with black hardware and U.S. marking. Like new. Instructions for fitting it to the gun available online. $10.00 shipped to you via USPS. Forty Rod
  6. I'm not an antique, I'm a "classic collectable"....so there! Problem is no one makes parts for a 1942 model anymore. On the other hand, the thumb's on the wrong side. No, seriously, I'm within a couple of thousand bucks of matching the Bionic Man!
  7. Add me to the list. We've got the boy's back. Keep us posted and when he's ready let him listen to some of your favorite singers.
  8. OFF SUBJECT: I don't know Ms. Greene, but I love her style. The director of the Secret Service should be fired (and maybe Ms. Greene could be considered a replacement for the job) and arrested for dereliction of duty and a full investigation by an outside party conducted in this case. From what I heard from her own mouth, she is trying to cover her own butt and may well be guilty of conspiracy to commit assassination of President Trump.....which would involve many others, as well. That sound in the background, hopefully, is the leftist effort to destroy my country crumbling. Wait for the BS coming from the liberal-socialist-communist drones who will be turning up.
  9. Ice maker works, too. That minor part of my life doesn't require my using language that my mother would not approve.
  10. IAPA! If they are citizens or legally here and not causing problems worthy of police notice they can stay. If they are causing such problems jail them and when the their sentences are completed send the aliens home and lean heavily on the rest.
  11. If you have any 1911s for sale..............just a suggestion.
  12. Screw the power company. I have 30 solar panels and almost every month I get rebated for the electricity above what I use that they have to pay me for. It stacks up and I have not paid for electricity more than five or six months in the ten years I've lived here, and the worst it's been was I had to pay $48.00 for the $148.00 a month lease on the panels.... generally much less, but I only know it because my bills tell me I don't get as big a rebate. And it's so hot flies are stuck to the ceiling of the corrugated metal shed in my neighbors'd back yard. BTW, night time I keep the temp set at 68, daytime I move it up to 72, year in and year out. If Iget cold at night I have a electric blanket which keeps my back from giving me fits. "But, Tom, if you move to Arizona you'll die from the heat." I'm in central AZ a mile above sea level and surrounded by hills and mountains. The hottest it's been this year was 103 a day or two and it got up t 105 a couple of times since we moved here.
  13. OKAY, Amazon delivered this gizmo late yesterday and I just around to using it. I followed the directions and you know what? This stupid kindergarten simple dumb ass POS WORKED! It took three tries and about five minutes, but it is flowing like a new machine. Waiting to see if the ice maker works as well. Thanks, Cholla. I knew it wasn't likely a filter because I change the filters every 6 to 9 months, last time in mid-March, but I do appreciate the answers I got. Never know, I might find a use for them somewhere down the line. In the meantime this little gasoline syphon wanna be has a place in my gadget drawer.
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