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The Original Lumpy Gritz

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Everything posted by The Original Lumpy Gritz

  1. Get a box of military/NATO spec 9mm. Load the COAL to that length. I use a Lee Factory Crimp Die and confirm size/fitment in a Dillon case gauge. I have fired my loads in many handguns and full automatics with no issues.
  2. Use your 7/8oz wad. Put a dried red kidney bean in the shot cup before adding the 3/4oz of shot.
  3. When I first read the title, thought you wrote explosion
  4. Powder burn rate chart. https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:9899a314-2b3b-474e-a3cd-57374f82dc42
  5. Unless you hold a BATFE explosive lic. You CAN'T ship it. Don't even try, BATFE has no sense of humor!
  6. 6 months ago, it took 2 months here in Springfield, MO.
  7. Bet it's not your regular metric thread.
  8. Ck bore for leading with a bore scope. Slug the bore. Recut the crown.
  9. MVA Long Range Buffalo Soule with Hadley Eye Cup for the tang sight. MVA #113 with Lollipop inserts for the front.
  10. Fill to just cover the pins and cases. Run for 1 hr and check the cases.
  11. Try it with the pins They also act as a 'cushion' for brass. Do you fill it with water? You should.
  12. Will be a outstanding event put on by a fantastic club. Beautiful range in a secluded valley.
  13. What media are you using? You want a slow turning tumbler. Rinse the brass twice, before drying.
  14. You can't unless you have a BATFE explosive lic. Don't even try!
  15. The end of a Era. Shoes that can never be filled. Thanks Kris, for all of the great songs!
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