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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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About Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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    Tucson, Arizona Territory

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  1. I don't even HAVE a smartphone. I'm still rockin' a flip phone. And I don't use it much. I only carry it with me when I leave the house, and I only use it to make the occasional call. I don't text, and I for DARN sure don't try to use my phone as a confuser to check my email and such. As for social media, this is pretty much it. No Fake Book, no Tic Tac, no Instacrap, none of it. There's nothing going on in the world that I need to know about that can't wait until I get home to see it.
  2. Like Cyprus Sun said, high centered. Look around on youtube. there are a LOT of those there. It doesn't take a lot with a long, low trailer and a even slightly raised crossing.
  3. I'd guess that it would be closer to 90% of our population period. I see smartphone zombies of all ages everywhere. I especially see them, old AND young at my gym. They're sitting on a piece of equipment I want to use, fiddling on their phones instead of actually working out. I see them in restaurants. Groups of people, small and large, sometimes entire families, sitting together, ALL on their smartphones instead of enjoying each other's company.
  4. When I was a Young Marine, I spent some time in the "Girly" bars on Court Street. A beer at that time was $1.25 or $1.50 They used to give change for large bills in quarters and S.B.A.s. The girls would ask if they could keep the change as a tip, figuring that as the night went on, and the customers got more inebriated, they wouldn't notice the S.B.A.s mixed in with the quarters, since they were almost the same size. I never stayed that late, and put the S.B.A.s in my shirt pocket to keep from mixing them up. When ordering another beer, would pay for it with the S.B.A.s. Sometimes I'd leave that bar and go to another and use them there.
  5. But they still b*tch about the Government. I tell them, "If you don't vote, you don't get to complain about it,"
  6. If I'm ignoring someone, I don't care WHAT they write it off to.
  7. And since I have more experience at it, I'll do it BETTER.
  8. Two and a half years living among them. I've known good people from Massatooshits too, Key is FROM there. Agreed there are a******s everywhere, but per capita, I met a lot more there. I got kicked out of a restaurant up there for asking for Iced Tea. It was Winter, and I asked for Iced Tea. I was haughtily informed that it wasn't Iced Tea Season. I asked if they served coffee in the Summer, since coffee is hot, and was told of COURSE they served coffee in the Summer. I asked why the same wasn't true for Iced Tea, and was asked to leave.
  9. Louisiana law wasn't written by pilgrims. If you've never been around them, you have no idea how bad these people are. During rush hour, the breakdown lane on the Highway is treated like a high speed passing lane. Merely commenting that you saw that one of their sports teams lost a game is a perfectly justifiable reason to start a fight. Stopping for people in a crosswalk will get you looks of disbelief. Not making a right turn on red when there is a SIGN saying "No Right Turn on Red" will result in horns being blown at you and other drivers yelling at you, "HE!!, THAT DON'T MEAN ANYTHING". When my first wife worked at a doughnut shop, she would greet customers with a cheary, "Hi, how y'all doin' today?" (she was from Louisiana), which would earn her a sneer and a "Why don't you go back down South where you belong?" from said customers. As both a Marine and a truck driver, I've been all over this great country of ours. One place I never want to see again is Massatooshits. Oh yeah, as a Marine, I met other Marines who were from Massatooshits. To a man, they said they were never going back.
  10. Most places no. You can get a ticket in Arizona for having blue lights on a vehicle here. A friend on mine's son got one for having some on his Mustang. However, in at least one state in the Pacific Northwest, tow trucks have, (or used to have) them. I saw one back in the '90s when I was in a truck stop for the night.
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