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Daddy's home.

Forty  Rod SASS 3935

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After  a really terrible holiday season I'm home and recovering.


Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes.  I'll fill you all in on what happened (and hopefully help you all avoid it as you go on down the road).


More later.




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Glad to have you back! You were one of the first to welcome me to the forum.

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Things may not all be right in the world now, but they're a lot better!  ^_^


Now rest up a spell then get back in the saddle.  :)

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Carry on.


Don"t let the b-----s get you down


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I see you’ve found your way back around the confuser!!


You have the floor, sir!!

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Okay, here's what I have to pass on:


Hospital's have NO ergonomic  any damn thing.  Everything is made for the staff to better take care of you and your comfort is secondary.


No one on a hospital staff is paid nearly enough.


If you don't like the food ask to talk to the dietician.  Effective the third morning I started getting a sausage patty, double order of bacon, hash browns or refried mashed potatoes, apple and orange juice, ZERO coffee and / or tea, fruit or oatmeal, and trimmings.


Lunches and suppers were equally to my liking and snacks (pudding, Jello, and cookies were for the asking) and some soft drinks were available.


Only got one shower in the whole time I was there.


Guy across the hall played his music ate the point of pain and had some noisy visitors all day every day.  At the end of the second day on that floor I suggested they move him somewhere closer to the ER receiving area because I was about to see to it that he needed their immediate attention.  (If you say it in a joking manner and the staff like you, you can get away with a lot.)  He was gone in about twenty minutes and I didn't hear him again.


I must have done something right because the whole staff saw me off when I left and invited me to stop by on a none medical visit.  I send flowers over yesterday.


What happened to bring this all on:


 Morning of the 21st I got up felling a bit weak and shaky.  Got myself ready to go to town for gas and groceries, and to take some things back the the library,  Suddenly felt sick to the stomach and a major diarrhea episode hit and in no time at all my entire digestive tract voided itself from both ends.  I cleaned myself up and headed for the fridge because I knew that I had become almost instantly dehydrated.  I managed to get a can of V-8 juice open, had a seizure, and passed out.


Over the next thirty two hours I was in and out of consciousness, having hallucinations, and unable to anything at all to help myself.  I was convinced that the spilled V-8 juice was blood, was sometimes aware that I was hallucinating and unable to do ANYTHING to help my self.  


I'm not someone who frightens much, but I'll tell you I was in full bore panic mode.


My little dog stayed right by me and kept licking my face.  We had snow so she had water but had no food. 


Next day I blew an appointment with a friend and after a couple of hours of trying to reach me he came to the house.and found me.  He thought I was dead and I was in no condition to prove him wrong.


Living four blocks from a fire department is a good thing because inside of a half an hour I was was on the way to the VA hospital about eight mills down the road.


Let me pause to explain how lucky I am:

1. dog stayed by me or I would have been nuts(er).

2. The friend who found me was a decorated and thrice wounded combat medic in 'Nam and spent most of his post 'Nam career working for the VA up near Seattle.....HE KNEW WHAT TO DO and took no time doing it.

3. The paramedics were there quickly.

4. My neighbors rallied around and took care of my dog, secured my house, arranged to get my mail, called my family, and everything else to make me secure.

5. Someone got on line and spread the word (Thanks Blackwater) and I started getting messages almost before I got out of the ambulance.  

6.  My housekeeper was called and arrangements were made for her to come by and clean up to mess.


That's all for now.  I get exhausted by simply blinking twice a minute.


One caution:  get a Life Alert System, learn how to use and KEEP IT HANDY!!!  I bought one about three months ago at my daughter's insistence, but didn't have it in reach.  That will never happen again.  Jerry, the man who found me, used both Life Alert and 911.

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Glad you’re back home! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

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Glad to hear you are back.  Your ordeal makes my current health issues pale in comparison but I know it isn't a contest.  If it were a contest, you won hands down.   


I watched the lawn for you whilst you were away.  It's just as it was how you left it.

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Glad to see that you are back home, Forty, and on the mend.  All the best and you take care of yourself.

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20 minutes ago, Jailhouse Jim, SASS #13104 said:

A word of advice for us old guys, have someone you call once or twice a day at a designated time.  No call, no answer, the cavalry gets called.

I have two families that live across the street from me.  Both have keys to my front door and they gave me NO options.  I call one lady before 10:00 am and the other around 6:30.  If I don't call, they call me.  If they don't get an answer they have the  police get come by for a health and welfare check.  If they don't get a response they can force an entry and call 911.


Small towns are great that way.  Lots of folks looking out for you.

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8 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

Okay, here's what I have to pass on:


Hospital's have NO ergonomic  any damn thing.  Everything is made for the staff to better take care of you and your comfort is secondary.


No one on a hospital staff is paid nearly enough.


If you don't like the food ask to talk to the dietician.  Effective the third morning I started getting a sausage patty, double order of bacon, hash browns or refried mashed potatoes, apple and orange juice, ZERO coffee and / or tea, fruit or oatmeal, and trimmings.


Lunches and suppers were equally to my liking and snacks (pudding, Jello, and cookies were for the asking) and some soft drinks were available.


Only got one shower in the whole time I was there.


Guy across the hall played his music ate the point of pain and had some noisy visitors all day every day.  At the end of the second day on that floor I suggested they move him somewhere closer to the ER receiving area because I was about to see to it that he needed their immediate attention.  (If you say it in a joking manner and the staff like you, you can get away with a lot.)  He was gone in about twenty minutes and I didn't hear him again.


I must have done something right because the whole staff saw me off when I left and invited me to stop by on a none medical visit.  I send flowers over yesterday.


What happened to bring this all on:


 Morning of the 21st I got up felling a bit weak and shaky.  Got myself ready to go to town for gas and groceries, and to take some things back the the library,  Suddenly felt sick to the stomach and a major diarrhea episode hit and in no time at all my entire digestive tract voided itself from both ends.  I cleaned myself up and headed for the fridge because I knew that I had become almost instantly dehydrated.  I managed to get a can of V-8 juice open, had a seizure, and passed out.


Over the next thirty two hours I was in and out of consciousness, having hallucinations, and unable to anything at all to help myself.  I was convinced that the spilled V-8 juice was blood, was sometimes aware that I was hallucinating and unable to do ANYTHING to help my self.  


I'm not someone who frightens much, but I'll tell you I was in full bore panic mode.


My little dog stayed right by me and kept licking my face.  We had snow so she had water but had no food. 


Next day I blew an appointment with a friend and after a couple of hours of trying to reach me he came to the house.and found me.  He thought I was dead and I was in no condition to prove him wrong.


Living four blocks from a fire department is a good thing because inside of a half an hour I was was on the way to the VA hospital about eight mills down the road.


Let me pause to explain how lucky I am:

1. dog stayed by me or I would have nuts(er)

2. The friend who found me was a decorated and thrice wounded combat medic in 'Nam and spent most of his post 'Nam career working for the VA up near Seattle.....HE KNEW WHAT TO DO and took no time doing it.

3. The paramedics were there quickly.

4. My neighbors rallied around and took care of my dog, secured my house, arranged to get my mail, called my family, and everything else to make me secure.

5. Someone got on line and spread the word (Thanks Blackwater) and I started getting messages almost before I got out of the ambulance.  

6.  My housekeeper was called and arrangements were made for her to come by and clean up to mess.


That's all for now.  I get exhausted by simply blinking twice a minute.


One caution:  get a Life Alert System, learn how to use and KEEP IT HANDY!!!  I bought one about three months ago at my daughter's insistence, but didn't have it in reach.  That will never happen again.  Jerry, the man who found me, used both Life Alert and 911.


Thank you for the update.


As I wrote above, galm advice and gentle humor.


5 hours ago, Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 said:

Daddy's home.


  ........... DANG!!! .... now we have to wear clothes and act like adults  :blush:






Never mind..


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Next report: injuries.


Because of the seizure(s) I have a snuff can sized gouge in my left hip, both elbows were deeply cut and scabbed over, one knee is just. now returning to normalcy, and I am scabbed up and bruised all over.


I have a very painful back and both knees are stiff and sore, my neck feels like it did back when I was skiing and tensed up before going over rough terrain in the very cold.


I am as weak as a kitten and I have no endurance or fitness left, and my  eyes want to close all the time.  When you get very dehydrated your body core tends to cannibalize your muscle structure to keep you vital organs running, and it takes time to get all that back, a really long and exhausting experience.


My eyes don't want to stay focused and my balance isn't all that great, but seems to be improving fairly quickly.


Therapy starts tomorrow.   More on that later.


My lead nurse tells me I could conceivably live forever if I don't die first.


Ain't that encouraging?

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Take that nurse's advice- live forever or die trying.  Glad to have you back.  Is bourbon  still part of your diet?

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I'm glad all is well and that you are on the mend. You will remain in my thoughts and meditations for a full recovery.


Take care of yourself, amigo.

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12 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

Okay, here's what I have to pass on:


Hospital's have NO ergonomic  any damn thing.  Everything is made for the staff to better take care of you and your comfort is secondary.


No one on a hospital staff is paid nearly enough.


If you don't like the food ask to talk to the dietician.  Effective the third morning I started getting a sausage patty, double order of bacon, hash browns or refried mashed potatoes, apple and orange juice, ZERO coffee and / or tea, fruit or oatmeal, and trimmings.


Lunches and suppers were equally to my liking and snacks (pudding, Jello, and cookies were for the asking) and some soft drinks were available.


Only got one shower in the whole time I was there.


Guy across the hall played his music ate the point of pain and had some noisy visitors all day every day.  At the end of the second day on that floor I suggested they move him somewhere closer to the ER receiving area because I was about to see to it that he needed their immediate attention.  (If you say it in a joking manner and the staff like you, you can get away with a lot.)  He was gone in about twenty minutes and I didn't hear him again.


I must have done something right because the whole staff saw me off when I left and invited me to stop by on a none medical visit.  I send flowers over yesterday.


What happened to bring this all on:


 Morning of the 21st I got up felling a bit weak and shaky.  Got myself ready to go to town for gas and groceries, and to take some things back the the library,  Suddenly felt sick to the stomach and a major diarrhea episode hit and in no time at all my entire digestive tract voided itself from both ends.  I cleaned myself up and headed for the fridge because I knew that I had become almost instantly dehydrated.  I managed to get a can of V-8 juice open, had a seizure, and passed out.


Over the next thirty two hours I was in and out of consciousness, having hallucinations, and unable to anything at all to help myself.  I was convinced that the spilled V-8 juice was blood, was sometimes aware that I was hallucinating and unable to do ANYTHING to help my self.  


I'm not someone who frightens much, but I'll tell you I was in full bore panic mode.


My little dog stayed right by me and kept licking my face.  We had snow so she had water but had no food. 


Next day I blew an appointment with a friend and after a couple of hours of trying to reach me he came to the house.and found me.  He thought I was dead and I was in no condition to prove him wrong.


Living four blocks from a fire department is a good thing because inside of a half an hour I was was on the way to the VA hospital about eight mills down the road.


Let me pause to explain how lucky I am:

1. dog stayed by me or I would have been nuts(er).

2. The friend who found me was a decorated and thrice wounded combat medic in 'Nam and spent most of his post 'Nam career working for the VA up near Seattle.....HE KNEW WHAT TO DO and took no time doing it.

3. The paramedics were there quickly.

4. My neighbors rallied around and took care of my dog, secured my house, arranged to get my mail, called my family, and everything else to make me secure.

5. Someone got on line and spread the word (Thanks Blackwater) and I started getting messages almost before I got out of the ambulance.  

6.  My housekeeper was called and arrangements were made for her to come by and clean up to mess.


That's all for now.  I get exhausted by simply blinking twice a minute.


One caution:  get a Life Alert System, learn how to use and KEEP IT HANDY!!!  I bought one about three months ago at my daughter's insistence, but didn't have it in reach.  That will never happen again.  Jerry, the man who found me, used both Life Alert and 911.

I was wondering about how your pup reacted. Glad to hear it. Get strong,  Amigo. I will be down for a visit in the Spring. We’ll have a fine time!

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