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Forty  Rod SASS 3935

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11 hours ago, Duffield, SASS #23454 said:

Take that nurse's advice- live forever or die trying.  Glad to have you back.  Is bourbon  still part of your diet?

Never was.  I was a Black Flag dark rum drinker.  They disappeared many years ago shortly after I gave up the demon rum.  (Got to liking it too much and stopped drinking altogether.)  I hope I wasn't the cause they went out of business.

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Hey Forty Rod, glad to hear you're home and healing, I'll continue to keep you in my prayers. Your pup is definitely your best friend and should be given a medal for staying by your side during those hours you were down and alone, (same goes for your friend who found you and called the ambulance). Now do your therapy, don't pinch the nurses, get well, and get strong, because all the Whiskey Row Gunslingers miss having you join us for our Thursday morning breakfast get together at Zekes. Looking forward to seeing you again pard.



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Forty!!  Check your email!!  I sent another test message!

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