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Tex Jones, SASS 2263

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Tex Jones, SASS 2263 last won the day on November 10 2016

Tex Jones, SASS 2263 had the most liked content!

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    Cedar Valley Vigilantes, Granite City Gunslingers

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  1. Jorgensen clamps might work. 6", 12", 24" 36"
  2. I can't tell the depth of the underlying table, but you might need at least one c clamp on the left side to stabilize the stair tread. Ideally, the c clamps should also be on the rear of the stair tread, but I would guess that the table is too wide. There may be some play if the table isn't strong (heavy) enough to prevent movement.
  3. No snow here, but -13 now. We're warming up though as it's going to be around 8 above zero tonight. 🥶
  4. RIP, Bob. Truly one of a kind.
  5. Many years ago, Macy's in New York brought in a bunch of Enfield Carbines (when one could still sell rifles to the general public without a permit requirement). I saw the ad in the paper and my uncle sent one of his employees with me to buy one, as I wasn't old enough. I took that rifle apart many times, lost a few parts but replaced them when I found an outfit in PA that sold parts. Still have it , but I never shot it. Fazakerly production.
  6. Belated Happy New Year, Bob!
  7. So far this season we haven't had much snow. Latest one dropped less than 2 inches and shoveling it was not a problem. Anything more than 4 or 5 inches, the landscaper plows it out. I have many years of shoveling in NY and NJ, no more of that. My neighbor and his 8 yr old son help out clearing the walkway from the house. The boy loves to shovel the snow. Lucky to have good neighbors.
  8. Good to learn you're still around and doing well. Don't be a stranger.
  9. Don't wait. Call your credit card provider and request a charge back. Make it TACNATION's problem.
  10. I watched it on Netflix and it's one that requires attention. It's a good example of several, possibly intertwined story lines. A good cast, although Costner is, in my opinion, the weakest character. I didn't care for the final few minutes highlighting what appears to be scenes from the second part. Overall though, it's pretty interesting.
  11. The dates haven't been set yet, but the Midwest Regional Match, Gunsmoke, held at the Cedar Valley Vigilantes Club in Morristown, MN is usually at the end of September. Always a good match.
  12. Plenty of good gunsmiths who can tune up a Uberti. If you're in Ohio, then try contacting Lassiter (Tom Wildenauer) in New Lebanon: Tom's Single Action Shop, New Lebanon OH- 937-687-1039. Tom doesn't do much on the web; best to call him, usually in the afternoon. If you're handy, there are spring kits available for Ubertis from Pioneer Gun Works (pioneergunworks.com) and Shotgun Boogie Gun Works (sbgwllc.com) among others. Good luck.
  13. I doubt anyone could understand this guy now.
  14. I saw Ray in West Berlin in 1970. Still remember it.
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