Deuce Stevens SASS#55996 Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 With all the talk of the SASS Regional map being restructured and how this could be better or that could better I felt compelled to throw a different thought into the ring. The negativity gets a little overwhelming at times. I want to take a moment and thank SASS for the game that we play today. I can say that with 100% certainty that without SASS I would NOT have the people that I have in my life today,which pretty much accounts for the people that are closest to me that are not blood relation. The people that I interact with everyday. The people I laugh with, argue with, cry with and yes even sometimes hurt with. I had the honor of helping lay to rest one of the best men I have ever known last week, his alias was South Paul. Without this game I would have never crossed paths with Paul. And I would have missed out on all those awesome memories that I have of spending good times with him. Without SASS all the personalities and characters of this game would not have existed as they do today. We can parse lines on a map and rules all day long. But what has always made this game so great is the people, and that is why it's still here today. And that is why after all these years I'm still excited to get out of bed and attend even the smallest of monthly matches. I'm not saying that we cannot express concerns or share ideas and thoughts on how to make things better. But this game will only be as healthy as the attitude the members carry.
Buckaroo Bubba Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 Well said Deuce!! I am right there with you. I have met so many great friends over my 12 years in this sport and that wouldn't have been possible without SASS. Some I met 12 years ago and some I met just this year. I can honestly say that I have a Cowboy Family. I made the comment this weekend to someone that the reason I work so hard for my club and SASS is it is my way of giving back to the sport that has given so much to my father and I. The friends, the good times, and memories! It is not about any awards or trophies, it's about enjoying my time with my father, Moosetracks and all my friends doing what we all love. I love SASS plain and simple. Thank you to the original Wild Bunch and Misty and her crew! Keep up the great work!
Michigan Slim Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 Well written, Deuce! I have met some fine folks in my life in ones and two's. But I go to a monthly match and there are 50 or more of the finest folks on this earth around me. My daughter can have 30 uncles, 10 aunts and 10 grandpas all in one place. And if not for this game I would not have been able to see your fine son pull those wopper bass out of the pond this weekend. I count you and your family as friends, and an honor to know you. And all the many SASS friends my family has made. Thank you one and all for making our lives that much fuller.
Boulder Canyon Bob# 32052L Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 With all the talk of the SASS Regional map being restructured and how this could be better or that could better I felt compelled to throw a different thought into the ring. The negativity gets a little overwhelming at times. I want to take a moment and thank SASS for the game that we play today. I can say that with 100% certainty that without SASS I would NOT have the people that I have in my life today,which pretty much accounts for the people that are closest to me that are not blood relation. The people that I interact with everyday. The people I laugh with, argue with, cry with and yes even sometimes hurt with. I had the honor of helping lay to rest one of the best men I have ever known last week, his alias was South Paul. Without this game I would have never crossed paths with Paul. And I would have missed out on all those awesome memories that I have of spending good times with him. Without SASS all the personalities and characters of this game would not have existed as they do today. We can parse lines on a map and rules all day long. But what has always made this game so great is the people, and that is why it's still here today. And that is why after all these years I'm still excited to get out of bed and attend even the smallest of monthly matches. I'm not saying that we cannot express concerns or share ideas and thoughts on how to make things better. But this game will only be as healthy as the attitude the members carry. What he said.
Medicine Creek Johnny Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 +1 Sometimes we need to step back and remember we do this for fun
Mad Dog McGee Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 PLUS 1,00000 , Thanks SASS and all the hard work by everyone to make it the greatest shooting sport out there.
Hoss Carpenter Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 Deuce, thanks for pointing out the obvious. There are a lot of us who stay in SASS for the fun and friendship. We compete, but rarely win. Still have just as much fun and meet some superb people along the way. Counting 22 years now. Old and Slow, but still love the Folks. Cheers, Hoss C.
Kirk James Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 Deuce, well stated. The people we have meet are great role models for the whole family. I am so grateful for the experiences my family has been involved with. We should always brainstorm ideas to improve, yet never forget the hard work it took to get the organization where it is. The SASS organization has been there for my family and so many others. We are so grateful for the SASS scholarship and the opportunity it is providing for SASS Kicker. Misty Moonshine is doing a great job in keeping everyone informed.
Dubious Don #56333 Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 Well said Deuce! I can honestly say that SASS changed my life. It's family, plain & simple.
Keystone, SASS # 47578 Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 DITTO, to all the aforementioned and a great big YEEHAA!
Dogmeat Dad, SASS #48563L Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 I was first introduced to SASS in the spring of 2002 and shot my first match with my wife, in the sleet, in November of that same year. It was cold, it was miserable, we both shot terribly, and still we had fun. Now 14 years later, I have people I call friends (not sure what the call me ) from all over the country. We can travel hundreds of miles to a club we have never visited before, signup at registration, and know that the game we are about to play will be essentially the same game we played at home. Consistency of rules, consistency of safety procedures, but most of all, the people will be there with welcoming smiles and open arms. Over those 14 years, the style of game we play has changed considerably, and I can only imagine how much it has changed since it's inception, but over all of those years, the core of the game is still the same and that is because of SASS. In order for any sport/game to be successful, there needs to be rules and those rules need a governing body to oversee and update them. SASS, and the TG's, have served that purpose well over the years. That's not to say there haven't been less than perfect decisions along the way, but those eventually get worked out and the game moves forward. Bumps in the road, are just that, they are an obstacle to be dealt with, worked around, and once past, forgotten. In all of my years, which is close to 60 , I have never been involved in any activity that is just as accommodating to the mediocre performers such as myself, as it is to the best of the best. Anyone can play this game, compete at whatever level they want, and be treated just as if they were the top shooter. It is welcoming to family, of all ages, and folks from all walks of life. On any given Saturday, I can hang out with lawyers, mechanics, doctors, office workers, engineers, farmers, dentists, truck drivers, etc and no one cares what you do in the "real world" how much you make, where you live, or even what your "real name" is out there in the real world. It is one of the many things that makes SASS unique in the world. I look forward to the future of SASS. While there are undoubtedly some rough trails ahead, I think the leader of this band of Cowboys, knows where we need to go and is doing a good job of negotiating the obstacles that lie in our path. From my saddle, the view on the horizon looks pretty darn good and I am excited to think about sharing it with my grandkids!
Cowboy Rick, SASS #49739L Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 Add my name to the sentiments so well expressed by Deuce. This sport is so rewarding on many fronts, friendship and common goals at the forefront. Great post. CR
Snakebite Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 Deuce, exceptional post. Thank you for reminding me of the reasons that I have stayed in this game for over 25 years. It's the people that keep me comming back.Everything else is just a bonus.
Two Spurs Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 +1 Sometimes we need to step back and remember we do this for fun Interesting how quickly we can loose sight of that. Would be a good reminder to hear often.
TN Mongo, SASS #61450 Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 Deuce, you nailed it! Since 2003 my life has been so much better. My wife and I now have over 100 new friends who we would never have met without SASS. We have other interests, but cowboy shooting has become the most important.
Lost Trail Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 While I don't get to shoot nearly as often as I would like, since I'm still working age and running our company with my bride, I don't have as many great experiences and relationships as a lot of you. Plus I've only been at this about 2 years now. That said, I am very grateful for SASS and the SASS community. It's a great thing to have an organization that cares as much as SASS about safety, education, fun, family and friends. The level of commitment to CAS and each other is wonderful and something unique. Well said Deuce!
dutch bear Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 Wow, well said We owe ALL off the people that made/make this sport great a debt of gratitude. Because of cowboy action shooting we have friends around the world, and not just friends, but real friends, friends I know we can depend on in our time of need, friend that say “what can I do to help” and that is a rare thing in this sometimes crazy world we live in. and to negativity, please let us all remember that people do what they do with the best intentions, and in the believe that they serve the interest of cowboy action shooting. Although we all have the best interest, we will make mistakes, differ in opinions etc. give each other room for opinions and mistakes, and remember that “if you wouldn’t say it to someone in person, don’t write it on a forum, e-mail or other electronic media” A very gratefull Dutch Bear
Null N. Void Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 I always look forward to the weekend and get excited about the match. SASS, and all the people that work at the clubs, makes that happen. Thank you! NNV
Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217 Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 Thanks Deuce! :wub: SASS and all of the friends I've made at matches, the Convention, and the Wire. My life is better for it. Regards, Allie
Jefro, SASS#69420 Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 Well said pard. I've always been involved in the outdoors, camping, fishing, hunting, but my main stay was fishing in the mountain lakes and streams around E Tn.& SW Va. When I moved to the NC coast about 30 years ago it was offshore fishing and king mack tournaments. Fighting a bad back for many years I had to give up the offshore stuff and down size for spec. trout, flounder and drum. After about 7 years of that I had to give that up too and finally have the surgery I'd put off forever. I knew my days of bouncing in a boat were through and had to find something else to keep me outdoors besides an occasional hunt. While recupurating I saw SASS on the Outdoor channel I bout jumped out bed .......hollered out "I can do that!!" Our first SASS match was the Carolina Belles Bust Out, if that didn't set the hook nothing would. Now years later and having shot in seven states we have made the best of friends and meet the best bunch of folks you could ask for. In a word SASS was a God send, now we shoot SASS, WB and CFDA and still love every minute of it. Thanks Jefro Relax-Enjoy
Russ T. Sites Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 Thanks sass for turning us all back into kids again. We have a sport that we run around saying bang your shot ( or its a miss). we may argue about rules once in a while but no different the when we were 12 and playing cowboys and indians
Big Sage, SASS #49891 Life Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 Wow, well said We owe ALL off the people that made/make this sport great a debt of gratitude. Because of cowboy action shooting we have friends around the world, and not just friends, but real friends, friends I know we can depend on in our time of need, friend that say “what can I do to help” and that is a rare thing in this sometimes crazy world we live in. and to negativity, please let us all remember that people do what they do with the best intentions, and in the believe that they serve the interest of cowboy action shooting. Although we all have the best interest, we will make mistakes, differ in opinions etc. give each other room for opinions and mistakes, and remember that “if you wouldn’t say it to someone in person, don’t write it on a forum, e-mail or other electronic media” A very gratefull Dutch Bear Deuce said it as well as could be done...but he left out one thing: our local club people who do all the grunt work (with little thanks) so we can shoot each month and in my home club's case our annual Revenge shoot. I count Dutch Bear as a friend and I only shot with him (and his wife too) at The Revenge shoot a few years back. Great cowboy and shooter (he cleaned my clock that weekend!). Everyone is right......SASS is family!
Hoot Hamilton Posted October 6, 2016 Posted October 6, 2016 Very well said, Deuce. The people are what it's all about. I'm proud to be part of SASS and proud to call you "Pard" hOOt
Chicken Scratch Posted October 6, 2016 Posted October 6, 2016 Add me to the plus crew I love this game, I love SASS Scratch
Chance Ramsay Posted October 6, 2016 Posted October 6, 2016 Well put need Deuce.And thank you for the effort you have shown to the Sass family Chance
Deadeye Dingus Posted October 6, 2016 Posted October 6, 2016 Great commentary, Deuce! I got into cowboy action shooting because it looked like a fantastic way to enjoy shooting. Along the way I've met some of the greatest cowpokes and cowpokettes(?) and I'm glad that I can call them all friends. Although my shooting skills don't and never will amount to much, participating with all these fine folks has been a hoot! Like you mentioned, none of this would have happened if SASS hadn't been in the picture. Thanks to all the fine pardners out there and especially to those that put SASS together. Forever grateful, Deadeye Dingus
No Limit Posted October 6, 2016 Posted October 6, 2016 Amen brother! My wife will tell you that it has saved my life. Something else might have come along and done the same but SASS was there first.
Jackrabbit Joe #414 Posted October 6, 2016 Posted October 6, 2016 Well I would like to add that I have belonged to this organization for many years and have met some awesome folks and it's one big family that we should all be proud of and yes thanks to SASS for starting this a few years before my time. Quite a few past members have come and gone and hope some day to make contact and meet up with them again. So to all SASS members out there take care, God bless and see you on the range some where in time. Jackrabbit #414
Hail Mary Posted October 8, 2016 Posted October 8, 2016 I am so thankful to our sass family. My hubby started in sass first, by our two daughters. I decided staying home alone was no fun, so I started to shoot. We have grown so much closer as a family and have the best cowboy friends because of our sass family. We are so lucky to have made friends from all over this great county. No matter what happens, our cowboy family through sass is really the best. We come to them first in good and bad times. Our cowboy friends are the most supportive and inspirational. The most important part of our great sport is to have fun and enjoy the friends. Our family is so much richer and blessed by the wonderful friends and the great times we have together shooting cowboy. So at the end of every day, I say thank you to God because our own little family is so much richer and blessed because sass has given us the best of friends. I may never finish first but I always a winner because of our friends in sass. So thank you Duece for the perfect reminder of what is really important at the end of each day. Hail Hot Mary
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