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Snakebite last won the day on January 8 2019

Snakebite had the most liked content!


About Snakebite

  • Birthday 10/30/1947

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    King River Regulators and Chorro Valley Regulators

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  • Interests
    God, Shooting, RVing, Guitars

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SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Geeze! Were you shooting the Jr. Category?
  2. Yes Pard, it was good to remember old times and some of the best stages I ever stole!
  3. I use one shot. It works great. Every once in a while I squirt some up into the sizing die. wait a minute and go some more. It stops any and all galling. Some have lamented the cost being a reason for moving to something else. The cost is not even significant compared to the other items used in reloading. Just take a bite of your $15 hamburger and then spray a little One shot on your b@$$ and go. 😁
  4. Come on Wayne, tell the truth. You stick around because of the huge payments, residuals and notoriety that you receive from SASS for your articles in the Chronicle. 😂 And I can give you thanks for a few times that you've given me a tip or two on a gun before I dove into it, saving me a good deal of time by the benefit your experience. You've got friends whether you like it or not. There are good folks everywhere, and there are Jerks everywhere. As to who is good and who is a Jerk, I guess that depends upon whom is making the selection. I prefer to hang with the folks that fall into my "Good" category.
  5. I'm sorry that I opened the door to all of this, but here is my take on the people I've met in CAS. Half of them are below average.
  6. Easy Big Boy, he wasn't talking about you. 😁
  7. Short stroked cane pole makes hard to pull in those big Cat fish.😃
  8. You are right. In some cases the 20 yr old gun is worth more than the newer gun. Is a 20 yr old JM Marlin in top shape worth more than one of the Remington Marlins? IMO, yes it is. Is a used top condition 73 deluxe Half Round, fully tuned Pistol Grip ($2400 new + shipping and paper) with everything on it plus extras worth more than a basic bottom of the line new 73 with nothing done to it? IMO, yes it is. In most cases folks just don't grasp or won't admit that by the time they pay shipping, paper work, a short stroke and tune and that $1299 bottom of the line rifle is up to $1800+. Yet they will turn their nose up at that top line gun for the same price. Next thing you have to hear is about how their truck needs a new transmission, the wife needs a Face Lift, and their dog just had a little of pups, and that they are short of cash. Geeze!
  9. A cane pole, a string, a hook, a worm, a Coors Lite.
  10. It cost money to play this game. Equipment and supplies are not cheap and parts to tune up and repair a gun are very hard to find and expensive when you do. I know that I will get flamed for this, but I'm sick of hearing from folks every time they want something that they don't have much money. It's almost a pre-cursor to the conversation/inquiry. If you are not willing to pay the going rate for equipment and or work, then go fishing. Gad... did I really finally say that out loud?
  11. I haven't worked on or tuned up every SXS out there and by no means know what the heck I am doing when compared to the guys here that actually do know. So take all of this with a grain a salt. Over the past 30 years of playing with "Cowboy guns" I've screwed up so many guns that I can't even count them all. BUT, I'm slowly learning what NOT TO DO! I've done a number of BSS. IMO they are a Battleship and about as good as you can get for the rough use this game can put on a gun. I've done many Stoegers and as most folks know, when all else fails, you can always get one them to get the job done. I've slicked around with several other SXS, some better than others, but without any doubt the worst I've ever come across was the Citadel Boss SXS. IMO it is total junk. After all the hoppla that was out there about the CZ Sharptail, I decided to try one of them, so I bought one. I'm obviously not as good as some of the Big Name guys because I did NOT like it. The low angle of attack used to cock the gun yielded a mechanical disadvantage due to the geometry. IMO the gun can not be made to operate the way I want one to. I've seen several other Sharptails and not one of them suited me. The SKB is good, but very difficult to get. So, I decided to try a Charles Daly 512 Superior. Out of the Box it was as tight as a Bull's @$$ in Fly season, and unusable. It took me a while to get it figured out. I had to learn as I went, but it started to shape up. The top lever spring is "Interesting". After trial and error it has turned into the slickest SXS that I have ever handled. It is so light weight that it could push you around when shooting full strength loads, so I put a Mercury tube in the stock. Of course it has NOT stood the test of time yet, but right now it is not only a good looking gun, but it is the easiest to open of any gun I've seen The extractor is taller than I like, but a little trimming on the top and it became more friendly. JMO
  12. Looks like they have a "Open Category"
  13. Years ago I enlarged he flash hole in a few 45-70 cases. I did it because I was using up a bunch of Pyrodex pellets that I got for free and was convinced that they needed more ignition.... so I drilled out the flash holes in a few cases, shot up those damned pellets and then used the cases in some of my Yard Art Metal Fowers. Best advice is this: DON'T DO IT! Snakebite
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