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Snakebite last won the day on January 8 2019

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About Snakebite

  • Birthday 10/30/1947

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    King River Regulators and Chorro Valley Regulators

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    God, Shooting, RVing, Guitars

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SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Howdy; A few years back I ended up with some Winclean 244 powder. It isn't as fast as I would normally use so I have never loaded any of it. However, with current powder prices going through the roof, I thought it might be time to see if I could come up with a load that I could use in 38s and 12 ga. Both my wife and I prefer ammo that is on the light side. Does anyone here have any experience producing light Cowboy type loads using this powder? Since I moved off the Ranch and into town it's become a real chore to develop loads with a new powder. It was nice when I could load a few then step outside and test them. Now it takes hours and gas to go to the range just to test a load. It would sure save me some time if someone has already done the work and would share their feedback. Thank you. Snakebite
  2. If you move in next to a Hog farm, you are going to smell Pig $#!t. I spent 37 years working at Air Ports/Air Bases for the FAA. Not one of them were built in close proximity to anything. Over time things built up around them. Farming and industrial complexes work out just fine. Housing units don't work out because of the noise. People buy them because they are usually at a lower cost than the surrounding housing unit. A few years before I retired the Feds spent MILLIONS on the house that were built off the end of the runway at FAT to help curb the sound. They replaced the windows with dual pane, insulated the hell out of them and even restructured some of the attics to cut down on the noise and added sound proofing type roofs. It was pure BS! I have zero sympathy for the people that bought those houses, they knew exactly where they were buying a house and that the noise came with the purchase. Maybe such locations would be a good place to build housing units for the homeless, or maybe a Hog farm.
  3. One thing that helps to keep ranges open is if you make them accessible to Law Enforcement agencies and/or Military reserve units for training. A firing range that is set up and adopted to such training exercises that is made available to those organizations has a much better chance of surviving. They receive favor from most counties because they serve a "Must Have" need for the community. If that can be staffed they can also provide a place for the public. As shooting ranges start to dry up for various reasons, it becomes necessary for groups to pull together to maintain a place for both recreational shooting and for training purposes. We just built a Large additional shooting area for the police at our home range. We have been under siege from the HIGH dollar folks on the other side of the hill from our range for some time now. They would like to see us shut down. Providing Law enforcement with a new and desirable shooting/training area adds a great deal of clout to our cause. Snakebite
  4. Geeze! Were you shooting the Jr. Category?
  5. Yes Pard, it was good to remember old times and some of the best stages I ever stole!
  6. Howdy WW; Do you know what he did to your Charles Daly? I've tuned several different SXS over the years and have a "General" idea what to do, and can usually figure out how to do it. However, it's very nice to know what things the "Pros" have done to a gun before diving in on my own.  I don't know if parts are available for the 512. The only after market parts I've seen are the Firing pins that Shotgun Boogie sells.  If you have any feedback that you can share I would love to hear it. Thanks



    1. WymoreWrangler SASS 46187L

      WymoreWrangler SASS 46187L

      I had some problems with the soft standard firing pins, so Run N Iron put in the Shotgun Boogie firing pins and they work great, I don't know all he has done, I was not letting the gun get to full reset on the second barrel and he reset the timing, and so far that has corrected the problem, when he built the second one, he asked if I'd brought the first one, because he didn't remember all that he had done...  LOL

  7. Alright pard. You know of course that you have always been my favorite...... RIGHT??? ;)

     What do you have and how much. My wife shoots her little cutdown Browning. It's only 19" barrel and I want something  a little longer to increase the Sight radius for her, and maybe even a little lighter. 



  8. You missed a really good match... and the weather was to die for. Light jacket in the evening and covers in bed at night. Do you still travel?

    1. Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217

      Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217

      I sent you a private message.

  9. Long time no see. Hope all is well with you and yours. I read the wire often but careful not to reply very often. Sometimes I can't help it. :-) Enjoy reading your post. We agree on about everything.


    We received close to 50 Sharp-Tail's and Hammered Doubles in the last 30 days and still need about 20 more to fill the backorders. Hope it's not a long dry spell like the last one before we see them again. Taylor's is set up with CZ and ordered us 75 Sharp-Tails but not holding my breath on when we'll start seeing them come in. Tammy thought maybe the end of August.


    Take care,


  10. You are sure right. I didn't even notice that it was so old. Some good advice, and IMO some not so good.
  12. Tnx for the photo and for labeling it, but can you please be more clear... which one is Palewolf?
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