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Pit Bull Tex

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About Pit Bull Tex

  • Birthday 08/07/1943

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    My wife and grand kids and my kids. Their health and their love.I love The people I have gotten to meet in sass and the ones that have just talked to on the wire.I do like to shoot and pick on people at the shoot.I love the hugs I get and the ones I will get when I meet some on you people. I pray for all on the wire and all that I shoot with.After this last fight with cancer that my wife and GOD and all of you that prayed for her.Things change your outlook some.

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SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. I have some stuff.I will put it together and take a picture.

  2. Where would I get a good schematic of the TTN?


    1. Colorado Coffinmaker

      Colorado Coffinmaker

      Pit Bull,


      I have never seen a schematic of the TTN.  Good or Bad.  I have seen a picture of the various parts laid out but no schematic.

  3. Happy,were you looking for a 66 in 38cal?I have one that Boomstick did for me.It was not new when he did the 3 rd gen SS on it..


    1. Happy Appy

      Happy Appy

      Tex could u get some pic of the gun?  Would u be interested in a trade?

  4. How much for the grip frames?


  5. You sell the 45-70?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jeb Stuart #65654

      Jeb Stuart #65654

      I believe I had it posted for $1175 and I'll pay the shipping to your FFL.


    3. Pit Bull Tex

      Pit Bull Tex

      Thank you.Just looking.Thanks again.


    4. Jeb Stuart #65654
  6. send me your phone number and I will text pictures of my sass vaquero's.       Thanks,   Shaddai

  7. Will get it in the mail today or tomorrow Smoky Pistols.
  8. Anyone want a Tradition Universal Breech Plug and Nipple Wrench
  9. No bits on your spurs yet?How have you been?how are your two shooting cards doing?Have not seen her on the wire sense I got back  after the flood.Have you ever found you a 10 ga. double yet.Hope to see you down the road.Having to sell some of my guns to get the money to go shoot.Sold my SKB  Monday.Going to sell my 1858 uberti with 12 cylenders next.Hope you are doing good.Enjoyed shooting with you 3.Pit Bull




  10. Sam,What is a old 66 with the notch in the receiver worth?


    1. Silver Sam, SASS #34718L

      Silver Sam, SASS #34718L

      Hey Pit Bull, Good to hear from you Pard !!!

      They're good guns, but many of the parts are impossible to get,

      IF anything breaks you could have a problem........

      Because of that some smiths are very reluctant to work on em.

      I sold a nice engraved one last year to a new shooter for around 800 bucks if I remember correctly.

      It was a good solid gun & had Real Nice wood & it had been short stroked.

      I warned him of the same things I'm telling you!!!! He bought it anyway.

      Since I can do my own smithing I have no problem owning one.....

      But if you have to rely on someone else for any repairs, then I'd steer clear.

      Take It Easy Pard, C U Later, Sam

    2. Pit Bull Tex

      Pit Bull Tex

      Thanks Sam.Nate told me the same thing.Stay away from it.How have you been?Got my house back together after the flood.Going to start shooting some now.Had a knee replacement and it is about ready also.Pit Bull

  11. Good.Maybe he will use them with BP.
  12. Rye,I will take those 44-40 dies if still offered.
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