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Null N. Void

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    79344 Life Member
  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Cross Creek Cowboys, Buccaneer Range Regulators, Old Hickory Regulators

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    Fayetteville, NC

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  1. Jefro passed away suddenly 2 days ago. He was the match director for the Buccaneer Range Regulators in Wilmington, NC. He was a dedicated Black Powder shooter and shot Frontier Cartridge Duelist. Another Cowboy that will be missed. Null N. Void
  2. Get well soon! It's always been fun to compete with you!
  3. Red Dot 78 grain RN, 2.5 grains, 844 FPS 90 grain RNFP, 2.3 grains, 773 FPS 100 grain TCFP, 3.0 grains, 830 FPS (Knockdown load)
  4. Hi Null & Void,

    If you would take $150.00 shipped for the pair of .32 holsters, I will buy them. I have a new young shooter at our club, who can use them.

    Flat Top Okie

    SASS 80827  

    1. Null N. Void

      Null N. Void



      Send the payment to:


      Laurence Shaul

      894 Three Wood Drive

      Fayetteville, NC 28312


      Please send me your Shipping Address.


      NNV (Larry Shaul)

    2. Flat Top Okie

      Flat Top Okie

      I will mail check tomorrow. Please send to address below when you receive check.

      Ship to

      J.R. Hile

      14340 NW 150th St

      Piedmont, OK 73078

    3. Null N. Void

      Null N. Void

      Holsters are on the way.  USPS and should be there Saturday or Monday.

  5. Doing better. Hope to see everyone soon.

  6. Thank you PWB for the quick answer. One miss, one P it is!
  7. Please note the second sentence of the original post. The stage was not set that way, just simplified for the wire so everyone reading and commenting didn't have to wade through the stage to get to the important point, which was shooting the wrong knockdown and what is to be done about it.
  8. Thank you to all that answered the previous WTC. It cleared up some concerns I had when running the timer. Now I have a slightly different one based on the same stage Pistol targets have one dump target and one knockdown. Rifle targets have one dump target and one knockdown. Stage calls for 9 pistol shots on the pistol dump target and then shoot the pistol knockdown. Move to rifle and shoot 9 rifle shots on rifle dump and shoot the rifle knockdown. Shooter starts and shoots the 9 shot dump on the pistol dump target and then, instead of shooting the pistol knockdown, they shoot the rifle knockdown successfully. Here's the change in the way the shooter might shoot it. They then move to the rifle table and shoot the 9 rifle dump successfully and then, because there is no knockdown available, shoot the 10'th shot on the dump target. What's the call? The way I understand it, it should be 2 misses and a procedural. I miss for the knockdown left standing, I miss for not engaging where the rifle knockdown was and a P for shooting the dump target 10 times. What's y'all think! NNV
  9. This came up while working up stages. I've simplified the stage that is proposed. SG is not involved. Pistol and Rifle targets are set correctly and have plenty of room between them but are visible from either table. Pistol targets have one dump target and one knockdown. Rifle targets have one dump target and one knockdown. Stage calls for 9 pistol shots on the pistol dump target and then shoot the pistol knockdown. Move to rifle and shoot 9 rifle shots on rifle dump and shoot the rifle knockdown. Shooter starts and shoots the 9 shot dump on the pistol dump target and then, instead of shooting the pistol knockdown, they shoot the rifle knockdown successfully. They then move to the rifle table and shoot the 9 rifle dump successfully and then, because there is no knockdown available, shoot where it would have been. What's the call? Hitting a rifle target with a pistol shot is a miss per the Flow chart. My call would have been one miss for the pistol knockdown still standing. However, what do you do with the 10'th rifle shot. Do you treat it as a prop failure? Do you treat it as a 2'nd miss? This didn't occur in a match, but I'm thinking about how would you score it. Thanks for your time! NNV
  10. I live in Fayetteville east of the base. These are the clubs I routinely go to. In the Immediate area of Fort Bragg/Fayetteville are the Cross Creek Cowboys who shoot at Wagram on the third Saturday of the month and the Flat Branch Cowboys who shoot at Range 37 (North of Fayetteville) on the 4'th Saturday. I usually will be shooting there. Within in couple of hours drive, depending on where you live around the base, you have Creedmoor and Wilmington on the second Saturday, and Rocky Mount and Salisbury on the first Saturday. The New Bern group shoots every Saturday. Here's the link to the North Carolina Cowboy wire which has details. http://www.carolinacowboys.us/cowboy_clubs.htm I generally shoot somewhere in NC on the weekends. Drop me a message if you have any questions. NNV
  11. If you don't have the time to shop or money is an issue, jeans, a long sleeve shirt, lace up shoes or boots and a straw cowboy hat will do fine. There isn't any club around here that wouldn't welcome you with that. The hat's not required, but it will save you from doing the "hot brass dance." I do some shooting with suit pants and vests. They came from various Salvation Army shops, Goodwill, etc. I looked for 3 piece suits and gave them the suit coat back. Usually the cost is under $20. Not necessary, but the belt loops were removed and I put bachelor buttons on them so I could use suspenders. Bachelor buttons are easy to install, you hammer them on. Suspenders can be bought in the same stores for about $1 apiece. If you see a collared shirt you like, they are easy to convert to collarless by stripping the winged part of the collar off. Occasionally, you can find hats and boots, but they are rare at the Salvation Army and Goodwill stores. However, they are occasionally available in thrift stores and antique shops. I think they drift into antiques shops with other stuff, and the owners want to get rid of them. I don't thing I paid more than $20. I've more expensive stuff now because of gifts and shopping at bigger matches, but with the expense of starting with guns and leather, it was nice to be able to get into right look without too much money.
  12. I do not have any problems with Red Dot at the low range of powder loading. I shoot a 38 special in my revolvers with a 105 grain bullet and Federal Primers. The rifle is a 357 Magnum with a 125 bullet, same primer. Both have good crimps. Primers are all seated tightly. I check each match round, and any that don't have the primer seated below the level of the case either get reworked or go in the practice bin. We did have a couple of shooters have primer non ignition on the first cold Saturday that they didn't have previously. That may have been because the grease and oils thicken in the cold and slow the hammer down. They may need an extra tweek of the hammer spring.
  13. I bought these from Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00YT5KRHI/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 They were delivered USPS. I can handle them reasonably well as far as setting up goes and they look like they will last forever. I'd stay away from any non hardened steel. They get pitted quickly and you have more splash back problems. NNV
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