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Rooster Ron Wayne

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Rooster Ron Wayne last won the day on March 29 2018

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    I wont be Wronged , I wont be Insulted and I wont be laid a Hand on . I dont do these things to others and I require the same from them !

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    God Guns Guts - Family - Ridding My Harleys - NRA Certified Range Officer - NRA Life Member - GOA Life Member - Warthog Life Member - An Armed Society is A Polite Society - Lube Your Balls & Cap Your Nipples

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SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Biden anomics ! Couple of more months we can put an end to it . If we all get out and vote !
  2. No one asks you to help them move anymore . Your to big of a liability !
  3. This is One of My Holy Grail Guns for Me . My Colt 3rd Gen 44 Special .
  4. WOW . This beautiful lady is still looking for a new home . Somebody please buy this. I'm starting to show weakness Free Bump !
  5. I have several No.3's By Uberti & By Different Importers . My First one was the First Model No.3 American in 44 Special by Cimarron. I'm sure I paid way more then I should have . But it's a rare gun in a rare caliber. And I had to have it .
  6. Whoop there it is ! Whoop there it is ! They truly are Beautiful Guns . Uberti doe's a Amazing Job on The S&W No.3's
  7. You know how to turn a Dishwasher into a Snowblower ? Hand Her a Shovel !
  8. T-Mobile . Four lines unlimited everything , 100.00 a month for everything. Grandfathered in for life, As long as I don't add or delete anything. I'm not going anywhere. Ever. Rooster
  9. You got to admit when the little buddy took off running and Tuco was in chase, That it made you laugh out loud lol
  10. Tuco the rat & Andrew the saint . https://youtu.be/vCmsDAErITQ?si=PnXCu8jDXsZ4csoc
  11. I have my Grandads 1911A1 Remington Rand He was issued in WWII . I own several different brands of 1911's and A1's It doesn't really matter or not 1911 Name is on both guns 1911 or 1911A1 are both 1911's I think people correcting others on spelling or wording is far more ridiculous then dropping off the A1 from a 1911 or not ! So Saith The Rooster
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