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Cowboy Rick, SASS #49739L

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    Illowa Irregulars - Shady Creek Shootists - Indiana Black Powder Guild Jedi GF

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    Where the Mississippi runs west
  • Interests
    CAS, long distance bicycling, camping, hunting

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  1. Shared some single malt with him and Molasses several years ago around a campfire in Illinois. CR
  2. What is the "member reputation" number? CR It appears to be the number of likes a person has received for posts. This is very likely as it appeared after the "Like" function became operable and someone reported that it increased by one after a "like."
  3. Charlie, so sorry to hear of your misfortune. Prayers for a speedy recovery. CR
  4. Kinda gives a whole new definition to putting it on ice for a while Skipper - keep the boy moving, hate to see a good man down. See y'all in May! CR
  5. You know we're saying a prayer for your speedy return! CR & DD
  6. One more vote for use 'em one and done. I really like Gun Clubs because they shuck well and are easy to come by. CR
  7. Are we going to see your better half on the range soon? Hope so! CR
  8. Boomstick said he'd be there if you are still looking. CR
  9. Manatee created the Grabber. Best on the market. Still makes some now and then. CR
  10. I wear my US Open FCGF buckle 'cause I like how it looks. The rest are on a length of leather hanging from a nail on the wall of my gun room. You can lap them and get quite a few on a 4' piece, just punch a hole every few inches. Better than collecting dust in a box. CR
  11. You are definitely the woman! Way to go Kaya CR
  12. I started as a Duelist and shot crossdraw for years until I became a Gunfighter. 50# and some years later, I put on my crossdraw rig to shoot a Plainsman match - couldn't find my holster anymore due to the increase in my stability base CR
  13. Now there's a thought Truthfully, I just retired and am more interested in playing around with this sort of thing. Many years ago, when I was shooting bullseye a LOT, I cast with 2 10# pots, 2 - 4 cavity molds and sized with a Star. Regret selling the stuff. Could easily cast 1,000 in an evening. Pretty sure I do not want to go that route again, but Lord only knows where my mind and ambition will take me. My buddy is a commercial caster, and his 45s drop at .452" - pretty consistent. CR
  14. Received, appreciated, and answered. Thanks to all who have replied. I forgot about just dipping the nose of the bullet into the lube before loading the round into the chamber. Consistency of the lube would still need to be the same. I do have Bore butter, but want to expand my options. What a great resource you guys are! Happy New Year CR
  15. It'll be Comin' Back Atcha before I get down in ammo enough to try this, so I'll take this into consideration. CR
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