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JFK assassination

Rye Miles #13621

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60 yrs ago today, where were you?

I was in 10th  grade printing class. Announced over the PA system. We were all let out to go home!


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I was 8 years old and living in Fort Worth.  Remember the President visting Fort Worth before going on to Dallas.  Was all over the local news.  It was announced over the speaker system at my elementary school and I believe we were all sent home.  Watched on TV as Oswald was shot at the Dallas Police Station.  I still do not believe the Warren report and figure I will never know before I'm gone who really shot Kennedy.  Have driven though Dealey Plaza many times but have yet ot visit the 6th floor museum.  Guess I should do that some time.

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24 minutes ago, Cowtown Scout, SASS #53540 L said:

I was 8 years old and living in Fort Worth.  Remember the President visting Fort Worth before going on to Dallas.  Was all over the local news.  It was announced over the speaker system at my elementary school and I believe we were all sent home.  Watched on TV as Oswald was shot at the Dallas Police Station.  I still do not believe the Warren report and figure I will never know before I'm gone who really shot Kennedy.  Have driven though Dealey Plaza many times but have yet ot visit the 6th floor museum.  Guess I should do that some time.

I saw Ruby shoot Oswald on tv also, unreal!!

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I was in the 7th grade, CIVICS class.   Mrs Harville was the teacher and came into the class

to tell us there had been an assassination 'attempt' on Kennedy.   But that is all she knew

at the time.

I didn't know what 'assassination' meant at the time till another student told some of us

in the class.




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I was in the 3rd grade, Rancho Santa Gertrudes  Elementary, Downey,  California. All of the classes were in the cafeteria for lunch. The Principal,  Mr. Gallegos, come over the intercom to announce the President had been shot. After the lunch recess we all went back to class. Soon, Mr. Gallegos announced the President was dead. Iguess we all went home, I don't remember. 

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I was 13, a Freshman in High School. Just finished lunch, waiting to get back to class, the principal announced the news over the intercom and we were all stunned.

I still think it was an inside government hit job. 



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I was in college. I was out in the driveway of the house I was rent with a number of other guys. One of them came out and said the President has been shot. I said, "Don't even joke about something like that!" He replied that it was true and to come up to the third floor where we had a TV room. We saw the initial report, but not announcement that Kennedy was dead! I was cadet commander of the AFROTC smallbore rifle team, which was scheduled to go to the national guard armory for practice. I suppose it was a dumb decision, but I felt that the Commander-in-Chief would want us to continue the mission. So I contacted the team members to assemble at the ROTC building, and we headed out. We took a portable radio with us, and heard that the President was dead!  Several days later, I was standing in the ready room of a local airfield, having just come back from flying a light plane, when I heard that Oswald had been shot and killed!


Since then, there have been all sorts of books written and conspiracy theories, including a podcast series being conducted by Rob Reiner. Unless somebody actually connected with the assassination comes forward, I don't think we will ever know the truth.  At least one simulation of the shooting was run by a noted gun writer/NRA expert, and his conclusion was that Oswald could have done the shooting alone using a 6.5 Manlicher-Carcano rifle. 


My personal opinion? NFI!

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Third grade, Minatare, Nebraska playing football at the lunch break. We all got called back into the cafeteria for the announcement and got sent home. Still remember seeing Jack Ruby shoot Oswald on live TV and then the funeral and procession for JFK. 

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I was 9 or a bit younger.  I was playing in the driveway of my grandmother's neighbor when I heard it over their radio from an open window.


I just went to my knees crying.

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I was 2 years and 10 months old. I remember watching the funeral on TV. I was apparently pretty knowledgeable about what happened and I apparently explained it to everyone I encountered - per my Mom and Dad. 

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1st grade, St. Francis school, Vista CA.  Mother Madeline came into the classroom, just inside the door, said. "The President has been shot.  Rosary will be prayed in 15 minutes in the church."  So we all lined up, went to the church with all the other grades and a few adults other than the nuns.  Prayed the Rosary, listened to a sermon about the about communists wanting to take over the US and this was their opportunity.  Got sent home.  Had to call mom to come pick me up.

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I was in 6th grade when the teacher let the class know.
After that day I started a scrap book with any newspaper articles I could find.
I believe my mom had kept it after I left home for military service in '72.
Eventually got lost,  I guess with their subsequent move to the country.

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9 minutes ago, Chickasaw Bill SASS #70001 said:

I want to know , How that Mauser , changed into a Carcano ? 


  Chickasaw Bill :huh:

To this day I have always wondered about that also. I remember the police saying they picked up a Mauser and a picture, then later it turned into a Carcano. How?

Also the different number of shots fired and changed year later.

Mabe, just maybe, Oswald was involved but he wasn't the only one I believe.

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I was in the day room of the second floor of my barracks in the triangle area of Keesler AFB, where I was training as a radar repairman.  

Something I'll never forget: on Hwy 90 in Biloxi there was a big billboard which said "Impeach the Kennedys".  It was taken down after JFK was shot.

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Seventh grade, Xenia, Ohio.  Home sick in bed with the flu.  


A bad, bad day.  :(


Tangentially related - long, controversial, but interesting:  LBJ  

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i was 13 , st patricks , the nuns came in from lunch crying and explaining sorta , t recall a black ribbon on the presidents photo that hung in our classroom , when i got home my folks were very upset , 


i remember watching the TV the entire thanksgiving weekend with all that unfolded , one of my first experiences with media events , later to become the nightly news with VN which ive always considered Kennedys war [not that im criticizing here - just my remembrance] 


i remember we were a much more patriotic country back then , i remember that no one - even those that voted against him wished for that or anything else bad , cut then this was only a short time after the war and we were still united as a country then , 

as mentioned above a lot changed between this time and 68 , and yet not so much changed , we had two prominent assassination's and riots at the political conventions , my home town had national guard at the local liquor store and i got my draft letter , tet was in full swing , and we were a year away from mansons murders , in hind sight it all seemed to be going to hell in a nadbag and it seemed to start with JFK thanksgiving of 63 , 



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1 hour ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

That was replayed so many times I think I can identify the Texas Ranger.

That's true but nothing was like seeing it LIVE on TV. Me and mom were watching it and we both freaked out! So weird!

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On a SAC base doing a scramble to get the armed B52's in the air followed by the KC135 tankers. It was a hell of an experience as it was thought to be for real, gladly it was not. :FlagAm:

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I was in the 3rd grade in Lydia Rippey Elementary School in Aztec, New Mexico.

We had just come In from recess.

I don't remember any announcement being made, but the whole tone and atmosphere in the school went very somber and tense.

Found out what happened when I got that afternoon.

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I was a senior at Pinkerton Academy. Was sitting 5 or 6 back in the row near the window, it had to be Miss Garland’s English class in the new Saltmarsh building. Mr. Papathan came in with the announcement, he was not even Asst Principal/headmaster so it had be important.

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21 hours ago, Cypress Sun said:


I don't remember anything about it. I was pre-kindergarten. I do remember the sonic booms of the jets during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Kinda weird.

My dad was in a plane circling Cuba waiting to parachute in. In the months prior to that he had been training Cuban’s. We almost got into it with the Russians over that . I don’t know if we’re going to be as lucky this time 

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21 years old recently discharged from the USN working in Covina Ca. as an apprentice carpet installer. Heard the news on the truck radio, and was glued to the TV when I got home. I also remember seeing Ruby shoot LHO.

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