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Smokin Gator SASS #29736

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    Tehama county
  • Interests
    cowboy shooting, USPSA, ICORE, IDPA

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  1. I watched part of a wagon train episode today. When they ran the credits I saw Stacey Keach listed. I was surprised. Checked and found it was Stacey Keach Sr. He played Carlson the gadget guy on Get Smart. Acted in lots of other shows too.
  2. I'm pretty close to where you are. Haven't stockpiled as much on bullets. They've had more of the gradual expected price increases as time goes on compared to primers and powder. Eventually I may need primers but I'm still good. I've bought a few 8 pounders of preferred powder at good prices for now. Have plenty of Clays for everyday use.
  3. When prices were ultra high, $200+ asking price for a thousand primers, I'll say it did annoy me that people who were essentially non shooters were asking these kinds of prices. Stockpiling for the sole purpose of selling, not shooting. But that was still not the same as what at that time would be "current market price". Happened with 22s also. When prices were high I had Federal spp that everyone wanted and I traded straight up for Large rifle primers. We were both happy. Nobody is forced to pay those prices either.
  4. And then some people get upset that some shooters thought ahead and stockpiled components that they will use themselves when prices go up or the components are unavailable.
  5. They were outraged by claims that Trump was denied extra protection and repeatedly said this was just another conspiracy theory by right wingers. Now they sre admitting that they have been refusing additional protection all along. But they also claimed that there was extra security because of Iranian threats then said they were too shorthanded to provide extra security. They can't keep their lies straight.
  6. They are really trying to push that the shooter searched multiple politicians and that Trump just happened to be his first opportunity. If all of the information they've released, factual or not, was the same but the attempt was made against Biden, who thinks they would still report in the same manner, that it just happened to be Biden?
  7. They may be stuck with Harris. If it's not her they are admitting she was just there because of race/gender.
  8. Whatever type of fence they decide to use for a perimeter it would probably be a good idea to have a plan to get through it, over, under, whatever it takes, if needed. Seems pretty basic. It shouldn't require Seal Team 6 to get through a fence they knew was going to be there. It didn't just pop up magically.
  9. Maybe they could have got through the gate that was shown in one of the videos that was secured with zip ties.
  10. Many years ago Vincent Price was appearing at a local auditorium at the college. I really regret not going. It would have been amazing just to hear his voice. I did see B B King there. That was great.
  11. If the prosecution intentionally hid evidence, filed under a different court case number to hide it, the case should be thrown out. But he can not claim that he was found innocent of pointing the gun and pulling the trigger. They weren't allowed to introduce evidence of him being a producer on the movie. But he was much more involved then being merely a hired actor. He was in control of a lot of what happened when they filmed.
  12. I mentioned previously that the perimeter should have been set farther out. This is in response to claims that local police are responsible for security outside the perimeter. Are they saying that the secret service sets a ridiculously close perimeter and whatever the local police department does outside the perimeter is ok by them? If the locals have no plan, leave it free for anyone to roam, the secret service doesn't advise, assist or receive any plans from the locals? Whatever the locals decide is good enough for the SS?
  13. The perimeter should have been much greater then it was. Also from what I've seen it didn't take 8 seconds to respond. Don't count on getting the actual truth about what happened that day no matter how long they investigate. The media already reluctantly admitted to not reporting the truth if it doesn't support their agenda. Bidens diminished mental capacity at the debate forced their hand.
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