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Choctaw Jack

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    Tres Rios Bandios

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    Northwest New Mexico
  • Interests
    All sorts
    of stuff-whatcha got?

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  1. That's a nice problem to have ! But you've got to be prepared if you decide to change categories. New category, new gear!
  2. Ken Griner at Griner Gunworks did a fantastic job on my R-M 1860s, and a pair of 1871 Navies. Action jobs, arbor corrections, coil spring conversions,and lowered and jeweled the hammers and triggers. Both pairs are super smooth and shoot great!
  3. Ken Griner, Griner Gunworks,can correct the arbor fitment issue as well as the coil spring conversion. He's done two pairs of pistols for me and they are great! Choctaw
  4. I had the same problem with my measure. I put a piece of black electricians tape on the head of the bolt. That same piece of tape is still on there close to 10 years.
  5. For Sale : These are sleeves for your long guns. 42 inches long, they fit my 20 inch barrel rifle and my 22 inch SxS. Made with mid weight cotton canvas with sturdy ties. Keeps the dust off and keeps them cooler in the sun on those hot summer days. $40 Per Pair Shipped !!! Several pairs available 1st "I'll take a pair" wins. Choctaw Jack Buy one for $20 Shipped!!
  6. -1 degrees here in northern New Mexico this morning.
  7. Joe Cocker? or Joe Walsh? ......either would be fine with me!
  8. A great shoot put on by a great club! I'll be there! Choctaw
  9. .......Too late!
  10. Sorry, no experience with the Schofield, but I shoot with a couple of Pards that use them, and I don't think they have the replacement carriers for Scofield. My vote is for the C45S. Very efficient cartridge, good accuracy, and brass is available or you can cut down 45 Colt brass, which I do, since I have lots of brass to work with. The only downside is you do have to have a modified carrier. Choctaw
  11. Ken Griner did two pairs for me, and"jeweled" them , too. He does a great job. Give him a call. Ken Griner Aka El Mulo Vaquero Griner Gunworks 505 632 9712 You can find him in the Merchants section here on the SASS Wire Choctaw
  12. I have used that mold ( the 6 cavity version ), in 45 Colt for lots of years and never had any issues. Can't see any why there should be with the Schofield cartridge.
  13. I'm a .45 shooter ( 45 Colt and C45S for CAS , 45 ACP for many years prior ) , and I have no plans to change. Shooting the 45s carries it's own penalties, cost of components and availability of large pistol primers in my area being the main ones. And yes, I shoot those " mouse fart loads " with 160 grain bullets at 630 fps and 114 power factor. This allows me to shoot the larger caliber rounds at the smaller caliber cost. I think that recoil is the same or less than a moderately loaded .38 round, and less than a .357. I've encountered only one KD target that this load wouldn't put down , and all the other shooters were having trouble with it also, but I believe it was the target, not the load. I prefer the C45S cartridge over the Colt, but there are a few extra hoops to jump through to make the loading process work smoothly, but in the long run we'll worth it, IMHO. But as said earlier, shoot whatever puts a smiling your face , it's all a matter of choice. Choctaw
  14. Revolvers with the transfer bars are generally thought to be safe to dry fire. Most others are not. Snap caps are your friend!
  15. The notch is for cutting fish and poultry bones....... Just sayin'......
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