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Is there anything that hurts worse

Oak Ridge Regulator

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As I've said before, trailer hitches are gods way of showing you where your shin is. Ouch! I can feel it from here! Damn

Merry Christmas Oakridge to you Space Cowgirl and Neo.

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Finding an opened Airstream window with your forehead, stitches required.


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I can think of hundreds of things that hurt more and don't involve trailer hitches.......and at one time or another I've found a large percentage of them myself.



I thought my scars were fading away.  A nurse at the VA suggested that they are simply running together.

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I'd vote for catching a fastball in the Jimmy.

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13 minutes ago, Dantankerous said:

I'd vote for catching a fastball in the Jimmy.


Or a medicine ball....  :wacko:  :blink:

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36 minutes ago, T.K. said:


Plus 847 Billion.


I have lived a somewhat active life and paid for it over time.

Football, wrestling, motorcycle accidents, car accidents.


I have broken ankles, my nose a couple times, ribs, wrists and my orbital socket.

Destroyed my knees, torn muscles and had my eyes flash burned in a welding mishap.

I have had multiple hernias and had an intestinal rupture.


Ya know when you hurt yourself or you're sick and the Dr./ Nurse asks your "pain number"?

I thought I had a pretty good handle on that pain scale - I knew what zero feels like and I figured that while there had to be worse pains than I had experienced - I probably understood up to an eight or a nine.


When I had kidney stones - I had to completely reevaluate my understanding of whole body, brain melting, soul crushing agony.

Everything else that I had ever experienced was automatically pushed down a peg or two because I had just discovered a new high end.


Everything else (that I have experienced) - you bite down, suck in deep breaths, attempt to mentally focus.

I only time I have ever passed out was from dehydration during two a days football practice in a humid Michigan summer with a coach who believed with holding water was a training tool.


So I had never experienced my body going traitor and shutting down on me solely from pain - Kidney stones nearly made that happen.


I woke up feeling poorly and was debating between going to work or calling in sick. By the time I had dropped off Desert Scorpion at school; that debate had progressed to going home or going to Quick Care.

Quickly after that - it became Quick Care or an Emergency room and after that - it was simply a question of whether I made it to the Emergency room.

I ran every stop sign and redlight driving because my brain had already recognized, If I stopped - I would pass out.

I walked into the Emergency room and was asked what was wrong; apparently when a 6 ft 250lb man with tears streaming down his face says simply "I don't know" and falls - the medical profession reacts.


I would not wish Kidney stones upon my worst enemy.

Not on Democrats, not on Tik Tokers, not on the Philadelphia Eagles, not on George Santos or onto California drivers.


Tho I will tell you that drugs are an amazing thing.  :wub:

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Like @Creeker, SASS #43022 I have had lots of injuries and have the scars to prove it, but I have never had kidney stones because I drink lots of water every and have for years. 
But I had an injury pain that totally made realize that what I thought was a 10 on the pain scale really wasn’t.
The day the 4 ribs from vertebra T6 down became separated at their breaks and two of them punctured my left lung near my spine. 
Glory Hallelujah! Was that the most incredible sensation I have ever had. Intense pain the like I hadn’t experienced before. 
I had a bike crash Thursday. The folks at the ghetto hospital called St Francis in Los Angeles sent me home with some painkillers and said I would be fine. 
Saturday after a shower the ribs popped free as I reached for a towel. 
I went to the ER and ended up having rib plating surgery and nifty tubes running out of me to drain various fluids the were where they shouldn’t be. 

I used to consider whacking my shin on a trailer hitch to be really really painful. I was wrong. It is painful, but it’s no longer at the top of my list. ;)

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@Pat Riot

I have gone on a water kick as well.

For health and to wean myself off my soda addiction (and hopefully drop a few pounds).


And I fully agree ribs are nasty and mine were simple breaks.


My Dr. informed me that Kidney Stones are as much a product of dehydration as the things you drink.

His example was a cup of coffee (probably not a perfect analog - but understandable) - as long as it has liquid in the cup; the coffee remains dissolved and in suspension - easy to pour out.  But let the liquid evaporate and you are left with a crusty material in the cup.

In the human body - this crusty material can bond together and then need to pass; as he phrased it, "now you get to push a ninja throwing star thru a drinking straw".


Stay on the water everyone.

Avoid trailer hitches and Kidney Stones.

And let's all have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Jolly Kwanza, Fabulous Festivus, (or whatever your failth, family or beliefs dictate) with a Happy New Year and a healthy 2024 for all.

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33 minutes ago, Texas Lizard said:

The ladies may have a different opinion.....


Texas Lizard

Yup, that's always the comeback from the ladies.

Kidney stones?  Ha!  You aint felt nothing until you've pushed a human out of your happy spot.


But heres the thing - a while after a woman has given birth; a few months, a year or two - they will start talking about doing it again.

You aint never going to find a man on the planet that would ever voluntarily do kidney stones again.

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12 minutes ago, Creeker, SASS #43022 said:

Yup, that's always the comeback from the ladies.

Kidney stones?  Ha!  You aint felt nothing until you've pushed a human out of your happy spot.


But heres the thing - a while after a woman has given birth; a few months, a year or two - they will start talking about doing it again.

You aint never going to find a man on the planet that would ever voluntarily do kidney stones again.


Here's the thing:  I know a few women who have done both.  And to a person, they've all told me that they'd FAR rather deliver another child than experience 'stones again.  AND they all have said "Oh!  And it's gotta be MUCH worse for you men!"  


Hm.  I just remembered something... we used to have a participant here in the Saloon (ACS) with the alias "Kid Kneestone."  Haven't seen 'im in years ~ I truly hope he didn't succumb!  :huh:

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1 hour ago, Texas Lizard said:

The ladies may have a different opinion.....


Texas Lizard

A friend of ours has had 4 babies and 2 kidney stones. She emphatically says that she would much rather have the babies than the stones...

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8 minutes ago, sassnetguy50 said:

Crucifixion after being whipped is probably worse than a shin to the trailer hitch.

Most likely true - but that one really famous guy kinda knew he was gonna make it thru ok.

It helps to have connections.  :rolleyes:

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Kidney stones definitely defy the 1-10 pain chart. Don't ever want to do that ever,ever again. Hands down the worst pain I ever dealt with,period.

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Warning of graphic description ~ if of a sensitive nature read no further!


As delicately as I can describe it... my first experience was while standing at the "facility" in the men's room at work.  Suddenly, it was as if the devil himself had thrown a "bolwing ball hold" on me with a huge, red-hot iron hand and gripped with all his might.  I thought the top of my head was going to lift off, and seriously thought I was going to stroke out and that my last conscious experience on this Earth would be hitting the linoleum.  


Fortunately, *ahem*, it did pass.  


I have also learned that the ER staff takes 'em seriously.  I have also learned that morphine has interesting effects.  Did you know that some music has colors and some scents actually have patterns, like plaid and paisley~?  :rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967 said:

Hm.  I just remembered something... we used to have a participant here in the Saloon (ACS) with the alias "Kid Kneestone."  Haven't seen 'im in years ~ I truly hope he didn't succumb!  :huh:


Kid Kneestone is still upright & mobile! 

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Yes. But I can’t share here. Not a kidney stone and it is recurring medical condition, and I will probably have to deal with it til I’m dead.  It knocked me unconscious on one occasion. All of the others times I wish it had. I’ll leave it at that.


Treatment in a burn unit when they start peeling off dead flesh I’ve heard tops about everything.

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23 minutes ago, Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967 said:

Warning of graphic description ~ if of a sensitive nature read no further!


As delicately as I can describe it... my first experience was while standing at the "facility" in the men's room at work.  Suddenly, it was as if the devil himself had thrown a "bolwing ball hold" on me with a huge, red-hot iron hand and gripped with all his might.  I thought the top of my head was going to lift off, and seriously thought I was going to stroke out and that my last conscious experience on this Earth would be hitting the linoleum.  


Fortunately, *ahem*, it did pass.  


I have also learned that the ER staff takes 'em seriously.  I have also learned that morphine has interesting effects.  Did you know that some music has colors and some scents actually have patterns, like plaid and paisley~?  :rolleyes:

I have seen music in technicolor when they morphined me for a kidney stone....then they did a roto-router surgery on me at the same time and I spent almost a year with a Foley catheter.


It's a toss up between kidney stones and broken ribs.

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"Remember that when you catch yourself in your zipper, anything you do, including nothing, will hurt."

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1 hour ago, Dirty Dan Dawkins said:

Yes. But I can’t share here. Not a kidney stone and it is recurring medical condition, and I will probably have to deal with it til I’m dead.  It knocked me unconscious on one occasion. All of the others times I wish it had. I’ll leave it at that.


Treatment in a burn unit when they start peeling off dead flesh I’ve heard tops about everything.

I spent a summer in bandages, in and out of a burn unit. My siblings remember that year. I do not. I remember falling in the fire, the look on my mothers face running up to me, and that pain is white and tastes like metal. 

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All joking aside, having an inmate throw scalding hot bleach in my face was about the worst I have ever hurt. Thank God other officers were with me fighting the fire and shoved a fire hose in my face.

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13 hours ago, Oak Ridge Regulator said:

Than walking around your pickup truck in 10 degree weather in the dark and driving your shin into the trailer hitch ?

ohhhhhhhh , i can only think of a couple that hurt that much that you get up and walk away from , thats no fun to be sure 


i will come back to add i know a little of the burns as my wife spend time with the debreading - i took her to the hospital , never want tpo hear that again , but she didnt walk away from the incident as i have when i caught my trailer hitch in any weather , totally different thing 

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