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El Chapo

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  1. You'd have to ask the guy who brought up the idea. I would imagine those of you who use substitute BP are doing so because it's cleaner? I can say that real black is not clean at 1.3cc for my 38s. I can't imagine packing another 10% of it in there would make it any cleaner either....it's like filling one's cases with charcoal! But it sure is fun.
  2. His point remains. The way to get cleaner combustion with any cartridge is more pressure (cars are 10:1 or more now, but 100 years ago they were more like 4:1, all fuels burn cleaner and more violently when under more pressure). Of course, eventually the metal fails, so too much pressure is a problem. And duplex loads are a good way to invite that to happen, which is probably why they're not allowed in SASS.
  3. Just so you guys can get an idea of what 1.3cc looks like in a .38 case, I found a picture from the last time I loaded BP .38s. I use the 125 grain lee round/flat profile bullet in these. This is 3f Graf's black.
  4. Mine are pure lead, or as close to that as I can get to that, and I've not had that experience. Even 3f is pretty loose in the case when it's filled to the brim, which creates a lot of air space for powder compression. I have never gotten the vibe that my loads were compressed to any meaningful amount. The bullet is touching the powder but you could probably compress the powder much more with your fingertip than I do with a bullet. For those of you who haven't done it, think of it like flour that is sifted vs. flour that has been packed into a measuring cup. The volume might be the same, but the mass is far different.
  5. I believe the dipper I use is 1.3cc. You can fill the case to the top if you want and use the bullet to compress the powder; it isn't going to hurt anything.
  6. Can't wait. I had to withdraw from EoT because my wife's schedule got changed, and we negotiated this instead!
  7. Let this be a lesson to never send a check to anyone, even someone you know. Online payment platforms offer purchase protection. Checks offer basically zero protection in 2025.
  8. 36 gallons of water will last you for a long weekend no problem You will have no reason to run a generator all night long. 200 watts of solar and an inverter will make coffee or anything else you need 120 volts for. Most everything in your camper will be either 12 volts off the batteries or propane (fridge). The only things you need a generator for are air conditioning or the microwave. If you're in a place that is 100 degrees at night and need the generator, nobody will care because they will all be running theirs, too. Outside of that, it would be rude, and unnecessary, to run even a quiet generator all night long. You will want to use the "black tank." You can dump your tanks on the way home; there are tons of places to do that. I have a truck stop that I go to, fill with diesel on the way home, and dump my tanks at the same time. That way when I put the camper away, it's empty. As to what to pull with and what size camper to get, just make sure you are well within your tow ratings. I would not pull more than 80% of whatever number your vehicle is rated for. I could go further into the technical details but just make sure you have a good cushion. Agreed on all of the comments regarding trailer tires as well. Whatever you use, it needs to be made in USA. I am running a combination of Michelin XPS Ribs and Goodyear Endurance. I have had two Goodyear Endurance failures but I have a tire pressure monitor now because road hazards are usually what takes out quality tires and the last flat I had, I probably drove on for 50 miles before I realized it was flat. Discovered it the next morning after sleeping in the truck stop when doing the walk around inspection for the day.
  9. "The Winchester model 1897 and model 12 pump in 12 gauge, civilian or military style are allowed. The IAC ‘93/’97 reproduction Winchester is also approved. This shotgun may be identified by the numbers ‘93/’97 on the left side of the barrel and the words IAC Billerica, MA on the right side of the barrel. Original Winchester 1893 shotguns were declared unsafe by the manufacturer and are NOT legal for use in Wild Bunch Action Shooting™ matches. Fully accurate reproductions are allowed."
  10. USPSA and IPSC had a falling out to the point that IPSC really isn't done in this country any more and its divisions are probably not of interest to many Americans. There probably are a small handful of IPSC matches conducted in this country every year but it is an obscure niche within shooting sports, at least in the USA. I'm sure it remains popular elsewhere.
  11. When I shoot with the police, they always seem to be asking about competition techniques. The technique is really always the same, aim, shoot, then learn to do that faster. Many of them are bad at both the aim and the press part.
  12. FYI, most of the time the walls in competition are just vision barriers in order to prevent you from just standing there and blasting the targets. It makes the game more interesting when the targets can only be shot when and in the order they present to the shooter's vision. If there was more movement in CAS it'd be the same way.
  13. It's been decades since code was required. Come and join us!
  14. I have not but it's something I'd try if I had someone to show me how. I have a vertical for 2m but I'm not sure it'd be strong enough (too omnidirectional). I also have a 2m/440 yagi on my tower that came with the tower, but it isn't hooked up.
  15. For those who have lost friends in war, disrespect for our flag and what our country stands for simply has a different meaning. It's really the same issue, just a difference in magnitude.
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