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El Chapo

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  1. 96% of those accused plead guilty. I don't think that's the problem. It's a culture problem where people don't have any respect for the courts.
  2. The oath is good for all of your testimony. The oath is that the testimony you will give before the Court (aka, the Judge) is truthful. FWIW, perjury is massively under-prosecuted in this country and people lie every day in court and nothing happens.
  3. Female is a sex, not a gender. Again, if you don't know what a female is, I think that's where it goes off the rails. Even the nutjobs who can't decide their gender know male from female. My dog doesn't wear clothes, but he's clearly a male.
  4. If you need proof to know what a female is, you might be part of the problem.
  5. I use the 125 Lee RNFP. I have the 105 mold but it doesn't feed through the rifle as smoothly as the 125 does. I still have a bunch of 105s that I might just load for revolver only because they're ready to go and I might as well shoot them. I guess when I finish my current reloading projects I'll get to it.
  6. I ordered a completely functional 90 year old Winchester Model 12 last week and the seller shipped it to my old address which I'm not even sure how he obtained, instead of the address on my FFL. It makes me wonder how common that is. Fortunately the tenant is one of my best friends so he signed for it and called me and I picked it up.
  7. One thing I say that breaks with what everyone else will say is buy whatever guns you want. People will tell you to buy nothing but the whole reason I wanted to do the sport was to buy guns to shoot my cast bullets. Fortunately I hadn't been told that or I wouldn't be here. People will hate that I'm telling you that, but you will figure out for yourself what works and guns have great resale value, it's really not a problem. Get yourself a ton of 38 brass. I have a 5 gallon bucket full that rotates through my press as I shoot it. 2.5-3 grains of anything at the top of the powder burn rate list will be fine with a 125 grain RF bullet. I'm currently using Ramshot Competition and I plan to keep using that for a while. Shotguns, recently I got myself a Lee Load All and your .38 powder will probably work in 12 gauge. I have loaded 3/4 and 1 ounce loads and it's not a huge difference but if you want to load them light, go for it. Shot size doesn't matter; I use 8s mostly. You're probably going to have to work your shotgun loads down from the book as most of them have an ounce of lead at 1200 fps. My loads are at least 20% below that in terms of powder volume, e.g., an 18 grain load from the book becomes 14 grains with the same wad. With black powder I load 2 drams which is going to be considered quite light but still gives plenty of flash and smoke. Read and learn the shooter's handbook. My leather if from JM Leather. I ordered it before I ever went to a match and it's wonderful and I wouldn't change a thing about it. Go to as many matches as you can. Shoot whatever category you like. I have ONLY ever shot gunfighter because that's all I wanted to do. Recently I tried black powder and I'm addicted. I will definitely do that again.
  8. No, that's for goods and services. My tenant sends met the rent every month on Paypal and it doesn't cost either of us a dime. As a bonus, I have an electronic record for my taxes and he gets a receipt. Win-Win.
  9. That is not correct. A second degree murder in New Mexico does not require a showing of premeditation or malice. Second degree murder in New Mexico requires only that the state prove that the defendant intentionally did an act that results in the death of a human being with the knowledge that the act created a high probability of death or great bodily harm. It is a "general intent" crime, which is defined by the following jury instruction, Rule 11-141 NMRA, which is mandatory in all general intent crimes: In addition to the other elements of (murder), the state must prove to your satisfaction beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant acted intentionally when he committed the crime. A person acts intentionally when he purposely does an act which the law declares to be a crime. Whether the defendant acted intentionally may be inferred from all of the surrounding circumstances, such as the manner in which he acts, the means used, and his conduct and any statements made by him. The elements of second degree murder are found in 14-210: For you to find the defendant guilty of second degree murder the state must prove to your satisfaction beyond a reasonable doubt each of the following elements of the crime: 1. The defendant killed (name of victim); 2. The defendant knew that his acts created a strong probability of death or great bodily harm to (name of victim); 3. This happened in New Mexico on or about the (date alleged). Baldwin was not charged with second degree murder, but it should be obvious from reading these two things that he could have been. There are three theories of first degree murder, one of which requires proving premeditation, but I think everyone agrees that Baldwin did not intend for her to die, so it's really not relevant to this discussion other than to say that there is no evidence that such a charge would have been appropriate. There was no verdict because the judge took that away from the jury to punish the government for violating Baldwin's basic constitutional rights.
  10. If you get a bank check, it's even worse, because if someone steals it and forges it, the bank will let them walk out with the cash. I'm not sure what the law is about paying you back the money for a forged check, but I doubt there is any protection. Maybe, if you're lucky, the police will figure out who it is, and years from now, if the criminal has any money, you'll get restitution. But it'll likely be worth more of your valued time than the face value of that check. Using a credit card eliminates that risk entirely. There is no real reason for individuals to be using checks in this century for retail transactions. It's a risk that is absolutely not worth it. And even less reason to send a money order to someone you don't know personally, because you will have zero recourse if they don't send the product.
  11. My response to the above post follows. I'm sorry i can't seem to run the quote tool today. Involuntary manslaughter is a homicide with a lower mens rea than murder. Whether his actions were reckless is a factual question that only a jury's opinion matter, and only after they have heard all the evidence. If you want to know the elements of both murder and manslaughter, I suggest you look at primary source material, not some website. All of New Mexico law, including its criminal law (chapter 30) and the jury instruction for all criminal offenses (chapter 14 of the New Mexico Rules Annotated) is available on a public website: https://www.nmcompcomm.us/search-laws/ All real crimes require both an actus reas and a mens rea. The mens rea of recklessness (or, more correctly, what New Mexico calls "criminal negligence" although it's equal to what the rest of the common law world calls recklessness, and what that means, can be found within these documents. All other sources are suspect. There is no areal dispute that Baldwin is factually responsible for her death. The question of whether he could have been criminally responsible, could only have been answered by a jury, applying the law linked above.
  12. The explanation for how a live cartridge ended up on the set goes to his recklessness. Mens rea is required to prove any serious crime, especially a felony one. A crime is an act + a guilty mental state; both must be investigated and proven. How and why he might have known there was a possibility live rounds were making it onto the set is something any competent defense attorney would want to investigate and answer. Suppressing evidence of a witness and physical objects that could allow them to investigate that is an obvious violation of their discovery obligation. Questions I have: who loaded the Starline brass? Starline doesn't sell ammo to my knowledge. Is the person who loaded them associated with the armorer? How about Baldwin? Whose DNA is on the brass? Who is the person who delivered them to the police? How did that person obtain possession of those cartridges and what were the circumstances? All are important questions even I want to know as a citizen of this state, and I'm not in the position of defending the accused.
  13. If you send someone a paper check, you are sending them your account and routing number to steal your identity. They are printed right on the bottom of the check. It is the easiest way I can imagine to scam people or be scammed, short of actually stealing their credit/debit card.
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