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About T.K.

  • Birthday 06/03/1960

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  • SASS #
    SASS Lifer #5903
  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Chorro Valley Regulators

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Central Coast Kaliforny
  • Interests
    Shooting, reloading, Motorcycles, Hot rods and classic cars. Hat collector, western history buff, oh yeah did I forget to mention Guns, Guns , Guns!!

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  1. When visiting Tombstone many years ago my Mother in law bought my step son a set of cap pistols and holsters. We went into an Ice cream parlor near the famous giant rose bush and he started popping off some caps. An older lady came out from the back and told him to leave. "No gunplay in the shop" I told him "Even Doc Holiday never got thrown out of an Ice cream parlor in Tombstone!"
  2. I Always wear a Helmet, heavy Steerhide leather jacket (not one of those "fashion" weight leather ones) Levis and Leather gloves and boots. I only wore shorts once in 105° weather in Laughlin at the bike run (still had my boots on) I burned. my leg big time on the exhaust pipe. It hurt like HELL! The weird (or Scary) part was it smelled like BACON!!! Good Luck, and RIDE SAFE Pards!
  3. FYI, 1866 and 1873 buttstock are interchangable. The comb hieght is slightly different, but you wont even notice. I have a 1866 buttstock on my 1873. No problem. Good Luck, Pard
  4. I have had 20 or more kidney stones since i was in my 30's. So far I have never needed surgery, I have passed them all "naturally" The largest was 6mm. (I guess I am blessed with large ureters) About 2 years ago I had my annual urologist app w/ ultrasound and the Doc said I had 5 stones in my left Kidney and six in my right of various sizes. He told me to come back if they bothered me, otherwise increase my water intake and he would see me in 6 months. Shortly after, I saw a video on Utube about PAPAYA SEEDS. It said they help clean out your kidneys and help them work more efficiently. I started eating 20 fresh papya seeds first thing every morning, the taste is somewhat like radishes combined with pepper corns! But you get used to it.😝 When I went back to the Urologist ( about 8 months later) The ultrasound indicated NO KIDNEY STONES in either kidney! 👍 This is the first time I've been "stone free" since my early 30's Im a fIrm believer in power of PAPAYA SEEDS! The Doc said hes never seen anything like it! Just cut your ripe papaya in half, scrape out the seeds wash them off in a collander and dry them for a few hours on a paper towel. Store in the fridge. (Dont eat the white or under developed seads.) Oh yea Eat the papaya fruit too! It has many good nutrients in it. Good luck ( and health), Pards!
  5. I remember my Grand Mother taking me and my older brother to the Woolworths dining counter while shopping in So Cal back in the early sixties. If we behaved during the shopping trip we were rewarded with an Orange Julius afterward. I imagine the prices were a bit higher then. Below we were at Knotts berry farm @ 1966
  6. BTW Pards, BUCK will clean, sharpen and polish your BUCK knife FOR FREE! (You pay shipping) I had a 110 with a broken blade tip and they only charged me @$17 and that included return shipping! Great Company, Great product!
  7. Heres mine. I put together the knife, made the handle, made the sheath.
  8. A coworker of mine Floyd Woodward was in the Navy in 1963 and was used as an extra in "PT-109".
  9. We saw it and THOROUGHLY ENJOYED IT! Dennis Quaid did a Superb job! HEY DENNIS, MAKE SOME MORE WESTERNS!
  10. During my 32 years as a Nuclear Security Officer, we (the officers not management) always said if you do fall asleep and are woken up, Make the sign of the cross! However, The best trick was to learn to sleep with your eyes OPEN! I never, never ever SLEPT ON THE JOB!
  11. I always wanted one in stainless steel / .44 magnum.
  12. The cans appear to be made that way. The lack of any substatial surface rust on the cans indicates they were probably stored properly. As long as it was stored in a cool, dry place it should be fine.
  13. Keurig (original version) and I use Mc Cafe K-cups. I buy them on Ebay and it costs @.40 cents a cup.
  14. If its anything like I remember, he will serve these today, then the leftovers will be served as bean soup the next day, then boiled down to black beans and served the following day. Any left overs will be mixed into the meatloaf!
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