The Chinese have accessed government texts iphone to Android and Android to iphone. The FBI recommends using an app instead of SMS texting between platforms.
Yes, open front and rear on the Sierra. They started calling their traction control system a limited slip differential, it applies brake pressure to the slipping tire, forcing the power through the open differential to the other tire. Does it get better fuel economy and tire life than my locker did? Yes. Was the G80 better on the farm? Absolutely.
FWD does have advantages in a concrete jungle. With offices in DC, NYC, NJ, they don't know what AWD was designed for. Further proven by saying AWD history was SUVs and Subaru, with no mention of Audi.
If we expand to items received today. I received a barrel, bolt handle, and trigger for a project today. Someone else here received 2 pairs of shoes ("apparently her previous 500 pairs are not enough" he thought as he took advantage of her distraction to hide the barrel).