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Dirty Dan Dawkins

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Dirty Dan Dawkins last won the day on December 10 2016

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About Dirty Dan Dawkins

  • Birthday 03/24/1975

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  • Gender
  • Location
    El Rancho Relaxo, Ga
  • Interests
    Freelance double-nought spy
    For hire political consultant
    Comfortable shoes. Family.
    RATS 332

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  1. I don’t know if I’ve been banned but the level at which people engage me plummeted.
  2. The world bank, IMF, UN. The United States middle class is a collective slave to them all. If it were not for the FED printing money and benevolently sending money around the world to prop up 1st world European defenses, along with 2nd and 3rd world despots (democracy isn't important), our personal wealth and the buying power of the US dollar would be greater. These damned "wars" have not helped either, and they do little to nothing to benefit me and you. Borrowed money, deficit spending and borrowed lives to fund overseas excursions. The money press cannot stop. Someone had to be implanted to ensure it keeps going, once the charade masquerading the realities of Biden's condition. Biden blew his own cover long ago, that he has not been fully in charge of his faculties and duties (i.e.- "I've been handed a list of reporters...", "I've been told not to answer questions", "which way do I go?", mouth agape). If the average voter were allowed more opportunities to draw conclusions based upon observation, then maybe more would conclude the BS we are constantly fed isn't reality.
  3. I handled one recently in 360 buckhammer It was nice and smooth but ridiculously heavy will stick to my Marlins in 30-30 and 375
  4. She was not. But that's not how it works and not how it will play out. No. Civics. LOL Absolutely correct. Not that it was any better, but that was something individuals worked to orchestrate, not the party at large. Now a truly democratic electoral college system would split electoral college votes representative of the votes. Not winner take all. Personally, I kinda like that idea as candidates would need to work for all of the votes, not the 1-2% of the votes needed to win the majority and consequently win all of the electoral votes for that state, which is where we are now- focusing on less than 6-7 states as all others are more or les party locked. This also amplifies the impact of big donor donations (to focus on winning these swing states) and the expected favors in return. The effects of cheating would also be minimized. California and New York wound be effectively neutered in presidential elections.
  5. For a party so hell bent on saving democracy, they sure are going a long way around it to "save" democracy. Democratically cast votes are out the window, just the voices of carefully selected delegates are empowered now- which the populace had no part in selecting, and has no part in directing. They squeezed RFK Jr out of the party with their silly inconsistent and ever changing rules (super delegates they came up with years ago to eliminate Bernie and other competitors from having a competitive chance, yet they hate the electoral college). It is all rigged and orchestrated. When they say government, law and the constitution are all living, breathing, evolving, this is what they mean- able to be manipulated to their purposes and ends at any convenient moment. Just sayin'.
  6. It’s crazy-he flew a drone to survey the area that day undetected. He meandered around ranging the stage and it was dismissed. He went over/around fences and climbed up onto a roof in plain site, to which spectators had to point out, which was responded to with confusion and uncertainty. All of these physical barriers, of which, later baffled the professionals on site as to how to overcome. Their greatest barrier was obviously mental.
  7. https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/news/new-video-shows-thomas-matthew-crooks-moments-before-assassination-attempt/vi-BB1qaIkQ?t=48
  8. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/report-thomas-matthew-crooks-flew-drone-over-trump-rally-sparks-outrage/ar-BB1qj24r
  9. Monticello Ga Pronounced Mont- tuh- sell-o not Mont-tuh-chel-o
  10. So now we find out he (Crooks) surveyed the area with a drone hours before the incident?
  11. Have not seen Reloader 7 in a while
  12. At all cost. And a 20 year old of below average stature, and with average intelligence overcame obstacles that baffled a number of LEOS on-site despite their physical superiority and access to comparatively unlimited resources. He outperformed and made fools of the “professionals” at every level, not by stealth, but out in the open and in plain site.
  13. On second thought no. Why should I? Several simple solutions to this, and the fact remains a kid already did this. He overcame similar obstacles with a pack and rifle. If officers find their uniform and gear an encumbrance, they can always remove crap and throw it over. Crooks made it. Hopped up on the roof ( most likely using an AC unit to get there). He did this in plain site of everyone, unimpeded and shot four people, killing one and wounding three. His primary assets- observational skills and taking advantage of the gross latitude given to him by those charged with security. Several belts (not gun belt but trouser belt) could have been removed and looped through chain link and around a post forming loop steps/ up and over they go. Those vests and shirts could have been put to other uses.
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