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Where'd you get your alias?

Tyrel Cody

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I have allergies.

Also, I like whiskey. And whisky. And Bourbon.  Did I mention whiskey?


Also there's a distiller that is on my way home from my home range that distills a whiskey they call Red Eye.  It's not my favorite, however I will always have a bottle available with me when we're camping and the shooting is well and done...



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1 hour ago, Michigan Slim said:

Seems to me I've called you something else...…… Itll come to me.

Yup ….. seems to me you have!

6 minutes ago, Doc X said:

Yup ….. seems to me you have!



Tully Mars is a modern day cowboy from Heartbreak, Wyoming. Tully's a character in a Jimmy Buffett short story called Take Another Road in the book Tales of Margaritaville. It's a story of Tully and his horse Mr.Twain and their travels after leaving the family cattle ranch which had been sold to a pink poodle framer. He did a cameo on Rancho Deluxe, rode Mr. Twain through the Little Big Horn Battle with a park ranger all while the ranger called out the events of that fateful day. Spent his days in bed at a house of ill-repute called Limited Love, dreaming of the world. It was Tully's dream to "take his pony to the shore", which he ultimately did. His meeting Donna McKay and his and Mr. Twain's passage on a shrimp boat to the islands.




From El Paso/Presidio (TX) areas and on the border until 12+- years old.  I enjoyed, and still do,  the values and open spaces of the western US. OK; in 1989+-, SASS comes along and I was hooked. I called SASS in Cal. and joined as a life member for $100. and took #73. Then, the alias: what to choose.  I told them that I would call back in a day or two. They said 'OK'.  Choices/decisions....enter music. On the way home that same day, Vaughn Monroe's Ghost Riders in the Sky played on the radio.

Now you know.....p.s. I was east of the Mississippi River 1 time and that was to visit/tour the Colt plant. My friend and I were guests of Mr. Marty Huber and Ms. Kathleen

Hoyt, both of Colt.

NOTE: in those very days, those at SASS thought they'd never fill the first 100.

There are some very good alias' up there. Best to all. gr

On 4/6/2019 at 3:42 PM, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

Originally, I was 'Widowmaker Hill'.    Everyone started calling me 'Widder' about 10 years ago

and it stuck.

Sooooooooo, I officially changed it to Widder.


I think it means deriletic, worthless friend of TN Williams..... :lol:





On 4/6/2019 at 3:45 PM, Tyrel Cody said:

Fixed that for you...

   Well I'm from Tennessee and kind of a nod to my dad too. Last name is Williams. I read a LOT. Besides, who could come up with a good cowboy name with the first name Jesse.:D

Guess I shouldve done some research on the gay crack head before I decided for sure. SASS life member and probably not worth changing it now. 


Political correct disclaimer: Nothing wrong with gay crackheads in general. 



While stationed in Scotland I had my name traced. Turned out my family started out in Scotland in clan MacFie, got in a war on the wrong side. Half the clan went to the Western Isles of Scotland while the other half went to southern Ireland and built a wee castle called Blarney.  I'm a younger son of the lord and got in a bit of trouble and came to America as a remittance man.


My Dad’s side of the family is from Canton, China (not Canton, Ohio) so since I started SASS shortly after he passed away & my real name is Chris, I became Canton Chris  to honor him.


I've always been known as Shotgun Dave to my friends. When I was younger and didn't have arthritis, I spent a LOT of time afield, bird hunting with my dogs. Seemed I always had a shotgun in my hand and the name stuck.


When I signed up for SASS, I of course tried to get Shotgun Dave. Unfortunately someone else already has that moniker. So since I shoot mostly black powder and I'm a smoker, Smokey Dave just seemed appropriate. 


Singer Marty Robbins classic ballad.



5 hours ago, Big Iron Ranger said:

Singer Marty Robbins classic ballad.



Arizona Ranger!!


Being a fantasy game, I wanted a name/persona that is nothing like me at all. Rainmaker is the name of a song by the band Kansas about a gun runner/medicine man turned "rain maker" for a small, dry Kansas town. The Rainmaker was born. Give a listen, cool song.


OK, now I gotta done do it. How I got my name, Smoken D, dang it.

Anyway, back in Tombstone I got myself into a card game with the Earp Brothers, Doc Holiday, and Lefty-One-Eye. Had ta be on Lefty's Left side that he was blind with. Well, I caught ole Lefty cheeten and decked him on the left side. Wyatt didn't care fer me decking Lefty on his blind side, and didn't care too much for Lefty cheeten. Because of this ole Wyatt decided that me and Lefty needed to settle this outside with a gunfight. Crap, I ain't no gunfighter but neither was Lefty. There we were and Wyatt laughing yelled, "Draw"! My gun went off and hit Lefty in the right gun arm. Well, Lefty's gun went off also and the bullet grazed me, well, down there between the legs. Both Lefty and I were bent over in pain. Doc put a rag on Lefty and Wyatt told ole Lefty ta get outta town or he would be drawen on him, and Wyatt said he don't miss. Lefty jumped on his horse and off he went. The Earp Brothers grabbed me and threw me on the card table in the saloon. There Doc pulled my pants down greatly exposing somewhere I didn't wanna show right there in the saloon. Doc said it wasn't bad, then all of a sudden I saw smoke a commen up from me from down there and I thought, what the heck is he a doing smoken that cigar down there. I looked at Doc as he came up with a big grinn on his face, then he showed me a match he had lit and said that outta fix that. He dang used that match ta cauterize where I was a bleeden. I bout passed out but there was Ms. Sally looken down on me with that same dang grin. Well, I use to be known as Big D, but after everyone was a laughing at me, Wyatt started ta call me Smoken D.

So there it is dang it, how I got the name Smoken D


I'm half deaf

When I got my hat it had a dome.  My ma siad I looked like Hoss Cartwright.

One of my best pards uses Deveraux for his reenactment (and now SASS) name.  We're close enough to kin that I ran with that.


It was that or Croc Holiday haha


Good post. There is a lot of interesting stories here. I grew up on a small dairy farm on the western edge of the Catskill Mountains in upstate New York. The farm was in a little hollow that was called the "Bullet Hole". I spent a lot of time as a kid in the fifties roaming the farm and playing cowboy, and I am still doing it.


The Midnight star was the saloon in Silverado, My favorite western, My mother was a bar tender so son of the midnight star. It's not a tribute to that woman either. If you ever ask me about her and I don't have much to say well that because I don't have much nice to say about her. My uncle George Big Iron Elsworth thought it up

1 hour ago, Bullet Hole Kid SASS#81025 said:

Good post. There is a lot of interesting stories here. I grew up on a small dairy farm on the western edge of the Catskill Mountains in upstate New York. The farm was in a little hollow that was called the "Bullet Hole". I spent a lot of time as a kid in the fifties roaming the farm and playing cowboy, and I am still doing it.

Was going to reply, but realized you said WEST of Catskills, and in my mind (not a good place) I had pictured EAST, near me in Kingston. But I'll ask anyway- Where IS Bullet Hole?


And I'll answer the original question anyway.

 When I first heard of SASS and cowboy shooting, I was a couple of years out of college, State U. of New York at Utica. Shortly thereafter, I saw a Jimmy Stewart movie, Night Passage, on TV. Audie Murphy played Jimmy's outlaw brother, the Utica Kid.

Hey, I know where that is.

When I got interested in SASS, I applied for that name. Nope, taken. Well, I lived in Red Hook, NY. How about Red Hook Kid? Mmmm, 38 y.o., not so much a kid. Red Hooker, like the CW General? OK, open to possible misinterpretation. Nah, all the guys I've met in this game are, well, "mature", they won't joke about it.


 Well, after some initial ribbing, it was OK.

A couple of years later, I found out that I had Native American ancestors. OK, that accounts for  "Red".

In honor of my father (and some other relatives) I made Red ex USN.


I just dreamed up a backstory first. Basically a confederate cavalryman who never pulled it together after the war. Drifts from place to place working as a cattle hand or gunslinger. What ever pays!


Originally had a different alias that sounded too much like a regular name so that my actual name and alias were mistaken constantly.  Coincidently at one of my first matches I arrived and found that I had been a bit much of a hurry loading the truck, and I found that all the shotgun ammo I had grabbed was my 00 buck.  Oops!!!



Made it up when I was kid.

My grandparents had a saddle on a sawhorse in the back of the garage.

I would frequently sit on it and play cowboy.




I have to admit, I'm not as original as most of you folks. I liked the line in "Unforgiven" where Ned on hearing the alias "Schofield Kid" says "why? are you from Schofield?" Made me want to be the Cibola Kid (I live in Cibola county). Cibola Kid was rejected, so Cibola Al it is. Most just call me Al which is easy for everyone.


I started as Unarmed Bandit.  I don't shoot; I am a designated scorekeeper.  That seemed awkward for a badge, and nobody knew what to call me.  I changed to Fair Game because I have a HUGE sense of right/wrong so that's what you get on my posse's whether you want it or not.  Most people who know me just call me Mrs Pete (married to Pecos Pete) or Miss Bobbie because that's my parent-given name.  Petey got his name when he told me what we was gonna do and I suggested it because there was always  Pecos Pete in the bunkhouse.  Unfortunately the original Pecos Pete had recently died and the SASS crew wasn't sure what to do.  I hope we have represented him well and hope that Grandson #2 (also Peter) will inherit the alias.

21 hours ago, Cibola Al said:

. . . . . Most just call me Al which is easy for everyone.


I can call you Betty, and Betty when you call me you can call me . . Al.


I'm brand spanking new to SASS, so coming up with an Alias was something that I had to consider. Like many, I considered a cowboy name from fiction but didn't really resonate with any of those. Then I thought that I'd try an alliteration of "R" since my given name starts with that, but I'm no rascal, roughrider, or renegade ... so that brought me to the thought that I'd choose something from family history since my mother was a DAR. Still, that just seemed too "normal", and I may as well just used my given name.


Finally, I thought about my profession. I teach photography and advertising design... so I began thinking of photographer's/designer's names, and alliterations of those as variants. Finally, I offered up two of those with "Professor" as a third option - since my students call me that on a regular basis and I'd naturally turn to look at someone if they said it.


Well, turned out that HQ approved "Professor" and that's that. 


i live on the watab river and still considered myself young at the time , im reconsidering the latter half these days , 


Had a Horse, his name was Nutmeg.  Hence "Nutmeg Ryder"    Miss that old stubborn Appaloosa, best horse ever, until my old Quarter Horse reset the bar.   


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