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Red Eye Jim

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About Red Eye Jim

  • Birthday 05/09/1968

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Wolverton Mountain Peace Keepers, Mollalla River Rangers, Orygun Cowboys

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  • Location
    Vancouver USA

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  1. NULL And be careful actually connecting and using open wifi these days. A number of those actually are there on purpose to capture your stuff. (Not so much your browsing, which if you're smart you're always using a https page but depending on how you're viewing your email that's unencrypted.
  2. Apprently, they're starting with the President.
  3. That's almost tempting, although her alias is Low More... (It's actually how you pronounce her first name..)
  4. I did almost go with Jim E. Crackcorn...
  5. I usually try and keep the RV to about 60-65 when on the Freeway and I stay in the right lane. On a 2 lane road I'm usually going 55-60, although I'll slow to posted limits for corners. Sorry if that's too slow for you all.
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