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Marshal Hangtree

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Marshal Hangtree last won the day on September 13 2019

Marshal Hangtree had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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    Panhandle Cattle Company

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Buzzard Hill, Alabama
  • Interests
    Shooting, old time fiddle, clawhammer banjo, old pickup trucks

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Marshal Hangtree's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Here is the latest pic of Lucille. We rescued her two weeks ago and she has made a remarkable change. She is totally trusting of me and Dori. She is eating well and getting along great with the other 2 dogs. She has learned her name, as well as "no" and "come on". She'll learn other commands as time allows, I'm sure. She is THE MOST atypical hound I have ever seen. She has walked right over top of coon prints and deer prints out in the yard with no attention paid whatsoever. She totally ignores the chickens. We have yet to hear her bark or bay, even when a squirrel ran right in front of her and scampered up a hickory tree and barked at her. She never even attempts to get on any of the furniture, and doesn't chew on anything. I always wanted a coonhound that was too old and too sorry to hunt, and we have found the perfect one.
  2. Excellent! Thank you Mods and Admin.
  3. Dang, Pat! I actually caught myself clicking on the "Yes" button.
  4. I thought it was a mitten.
  5. I personally wouldn't mind returning to the days of the single pistol.
  6. Magnet seen on Jeffrey Dahmer's fridge.
  7. Looking for a way to connect....feel free to email me at meeester11 AT gmail. ty, PT

  8. Beautiful Hound, Wyoma! How old is he/she?
  9. I don't have my next dog yet. We're building our house up in Buzzard Hill that should be done in about 2 months tops. When we move up there, I plan on adopting a coon hound from Coon Hound Rescue I'm looking for a bluetick, black and tan, redbone, or walker hound that is too old and too sorry to hunt. One that just wants to be a pet and a porch dog. I'd prefer it that he/she never gets the desire to run a deer or tree a coon. Just relax, eat, and get petted. Occasionally ride in the truck to town for provisions.
  10. A picture of the future Marshal Hangtree . . . . . circa 1960 or so. As you can see, I think I dropped my beer.
  11. Why is that guy squeezing OLG's head?
  12. You're a good man, Professor! Hope some new shooter can get some good use out of these shirts and pants.
  13. Underneath that big ol' hat is one of the nicest ladies you'd ever meet. See you soon, Miss Cindy!
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