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When did being white & a christian become bad?

Knarley Bob

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Phil Robertson of "Duck Dynasty" is under attack for quoting the bible against Homosexuality.

This Country BENDS OVER BACKWARDS for EVERY OTHER FAITH................

It just really irritates me..I'm not supposed to say "Merry Christmas" any more!!!!!!!!!!!



Enough is enough.



If ya don't like it, TOUGH!

Knarley Bob

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THIS YEAR, Im sayin Merry Christmas to my friends and I get some interesting


Most give a big smile and Merry Christmas right back




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When did being white & a christian become bad?


When the President of the United States called us Rednecks that cling to guns and religion.

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I've said Merry Christmas since I learned how to talk. I still do. I have never had a problem with anybody because of it. The worlds of Television and politics are different. But I don't live in those worlds.

Lets just remain calm and carry on the the spirit of the season and not over react nor let other folks ruin the mood.

Merry Christmas.

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I don't watch the show, but if this guy caves in and offers a "heartfelt apology" for what he said I'll never have any respect for him, ever. I hope he and his family stand their ground and make A&E (whoever the hell they are) try to fill the gap that the loss of the program and the sponsors will leave.


I'm sick of everyone apologizing and getting a pass whenever they insult some PC special interest group. I don't want anyone else falling into this trap to save a job or pacify some left wing pukes. I think Paula Dean could have survived and I lost respect for her when she caved.


It's about time someone on the other side started apologizing for insulting ME for a change!


P. O. O. P.!

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'Ya can't call it ---a "Christmas tree" anymore either,so I'm told.


I'm here to say: "Merry Christmas and hope you have a nice Christmas tree full of cowboy decorations"



P.S. "Happy Holidays" to any pard whom may be offended. :)

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Merry Christmas!


To our Jewish brethren, Happy Hanukah..


happy holidays? bah humbug!

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:FlagAm: I am a Dept. Head of Electrical, Home Depot 6862 in Mesa, AZ. I have been wishing customers Merry Christmas since black friday. Even customers I pass that are not in my department. Have yet have ANYONE be upset or annoyed by the sentiment expressed. Even had several white haired people as myself, (actually grey in my case), thank me for expressing that particular sentiment instead of "Happy Holidays". Many customers have expressed their displeasure with A&E network, voiced that sentiment to the network and have stopped watching the programming. The one repeating thread of conversation is, WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO FREE SPEACH?

Merry Christmas to all, and I do mean all.

Chas B. ;)

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Crotchety old man's reaction.


Last Christmas I was in my daughter's parking lot attempting to fry a turkey without setting me or any of the nearby cars on fire. One of the building's tenants came walking by, smiled and said, "Mer - Happy Holidays".


I said, "Screw that crap -- Merry Christmas".


He said, "Well, some people get offended".


I said, "F*** 'em"..


He smiled, nodded and said, "Merry Christmas".


Yes, I'm know to occasionally use bad language. :P

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All this politically correct garbage is just that. Did anyone think that by saying Happy Holidays might offend Christians?? Oh wait…it's okay to be intolerant of Christians but don't you dare offend any other religion!! :angry:






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It's become "a bad thing" because we allow the Liberal Left to run roughshod over the "silent majority" and all we do is bitch about it on forums like this.

Until we're ready to use the same tactics of boycotts, public forums, protests and demostration that the minorities and liberals use this back-slide will continue.

How many of you have let A&E TV know about your displeasure with their actions and bias?

How many of you have signed up to volunteer to work the campaigns for change?

How many discuss their frustration with the direction this Great Country has taken in the past 6 yrs with other like minded citizens, publically?


Bottom line, the only way we can change this direction is by using the same tactics as those forcing their influence into TV, radio, newpapers and on- line media



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I don't watch the show, but if this guy caves in and offers a "heartfelt apology" for what he said I'll never have any respect for him, ever. I hope he and his family stand their ground and make A&E (whoever the hell they are) try to fill the gap that the loss of the program and the sponsors will leave.


I'm sick of everyone apologizing and getting a pass whenever they insult some PC special interest group. I don't want anyone else falling into this trap to save a job or pacify some left wing pukes. I think Paula Dean could have survived and I lost respect for her when she caved.


It's about time someone on the other side started apologizing for insulting ME for a change!


P. O. O. P.!

I'll wager Phil doesn't apologize. He knows there is nothing to apologize for and is deeply solid in his faith. Pretty cool.



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It's become "a bad thing" because we allow the Liberal Left to run roughshod over the "silent majority" and all we do is bitch about it on forums like this.

Until we're ready to use the same tactics of boycotts, public forums, protests and demostration that the minorities and liberals use this back-slide will continue.

How many of you have let A&E TV know about your displeasure with their actions and bias?

How many of you have signed up to volunteer to work the campaigns for change?

How many discuss their frustration with the direction this Great Country has taken in the past 6 yrs with other like minded citizens, publically?


Bottom line, the only way we can change this direction is by using the same tactics as those forcing their influence into TV, radio, newpapers and on- line media



I've posted my frustrations on Facebook, I emailed A&E and told them no until Robertson is back, I've written letters to the editor in my local paper, to my reps in congress as well as locally and talked to as many liberals as I can to try and convince them they're wrong. Why does it seem like nothing works??? It's frustrating!


Rye :angry:

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We've seen this coming for years..........


the present potus declared war on us years ago too.............

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I don't watch the show, but if this guy caves in and offers a "heartfelt apology" for what he said I'll never have any respect for him, ever. I hope he and his family stand their ground and make A&E (whoever the hell they are) try to fill the gap that the loss of the program and the sponsors will leave.


I'm sick of everyone apologizing and getting a pass whenever they insult some PC special interest group. I don't want anyone else falling into this trap to save a job or pacify some left wing pukes. I think Paula Dean could have survived and I lost respect for her when she caved.


It's about time someone on the other side started apologizing for insulting ME for a change!


P. O. O. P.!



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"We want to thank all of you for your prayers and support. The family has spent much time in prayer since learning of A&E's decision. We want you to know that first and foremost we are a family rooted in our faith in God and our belief that the Bible is His word. While some of Phil’s unfiltered comments to the reporter were coarse, his beliefs are grounded in the teachings of the Bible. Phil is a Godly man who follows what the Bible says are the greatest commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Phil would never incite or encourage hate. We are disappointed that Phil has been placed on hiatus for expressing his faith, which is his constitutionally protected right. We have had a successful working relationship with A&E but, as a family, we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm. We are in discussions with A&E to see what that means for the future of Duck Dynasty. Again, thank you for your continued support of our family.

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It has been posted that what Phil actually said was

"We never, ever judge someone on who's going to heaven, hell. That's the Almighty's job. We just love'em, give'em the good news about Jesus-whether they're homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort 'em out later, you see what I'm saying? - Phil Robertson


check out Facebook.com/LiberalLogic101 for other quotes.

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Well.... here's the way I see it:


The man stated an opinion. I believe he has a right to do so.


Someone a day or so ago stated that A&E had the right to do what they did. And perhaps.... no, probably, they do have that right.


However, A&E, as I see it, are essentially being blackmailed into suspending Phil; being pressured by organizations (such as GLAAD and others) and outspoken, generally wealthy, show business and media types. If they want to voice opposing opinions, that's absolutely their right. But what has come about is little more than an attack on the man by using strong-arm tactics. Hell, I doubt any of 'em ever watch DD~!


Now, can you imagine the reaction if, say, the NRA, the Salvation Army, or any other totally non-related group released a statement demanding that MTV dump Miley Cyrus, or they'd organize a national campaign to boycott MTV's sponsors? Other than snide laughter, there'd be a MAJOR condemnation - and not of MTV, but of the groups making the demands!


The issue isn't about gay people's rights. It's clearly about the right to free speech, which to too many means "you can say whatever you wish as long as I agree with it!" Balderdash!! (Which is a polite way of saying another word that starts with "B")


Noam Chomsky, who is perhaps the world's most outspoken and radical militant leftist, said that "With regard to freedom of speech there are basically two positions: You defend it vigorously for views you hate, or you reject it and prefer Stalinist/Fascist standards."


And there you have it. -_-

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I am no theologian; so, correct me if I am wrong. To the best of my knowledge, there are no religions that approve of such acts as those noted in this string as being sins. That said, I can not imagine people who are devout to their religion, generally approving of A&E’s actions.

What remains to be seen, assuming this is not a publicity stunt, is how A&E and the Robertson’s handle themselves going forward.

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Posted · Hidden by Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217, December 21, 2013 - Homophobic comment
Hidden by Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217, December 21, 2013 - Homophobic comment

So many people in the
"Entertainment" business are of the bent persuasion that I will be surprised if they pay any attention to protests.

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Merry Christmas to all!




Peace on Earth - to Men of Good Will (the correct translation)!

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Well.... here's the way I see it:


The man stated an opinion. I believe he has a right to do so.


Someone a day or so ago stated that A&E had the right to do what they did. And perhaps.... no, probably, they do have that right.


However, A&E, as I see it, are essentially being blackmailed into suspending Phil; being pressured by organizations (such as GLAAD and others) and outspoken, generally wealthy, show business and media types. If they want to voice opposing opinions, that's absolutely their right. But what has come about is little more than an attack on the man by using strong-arm tactics. Hell, I doubt any of 'em ever watch DD~!


Now, can you imagine the reaction if, say, the NRA, the Salvation Army, or any other totally non-related group released a statement demanding that MTV dump Miley Cyrus, or they'd organize a national campaign to boycott MTV's sponsors? Other than snide laughter, there'd be a MAJOR condemnation - and not of MTV, but of the groups making the demands!


The issue isn't about gay people's rights. It's clearly about the right to free speech, which to too many means "you can say whatever you wish as long as I agree with it!" Balderdash!! (Which is a polite way of saying another word that starts with "B")


Noam Chomsky, who is perhaps the world's most outspoken and radical militant leftist, said that "With regard to freedom of speech there are basically two positions: You defend it vigorously for views you hate, or you reject it and prefer Stalinist/Fascist standards."


And there you have it. -_-

Didn't Guns&Ammo just do the same thing to Dick Metcalf for expressing his opinion?

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Didn't Guns&Ammo just do the same thing to Dick Metcalf for expressing his opinion?


Wouldn't know. Haven't read G&A for many years. :mellow:

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Amen !

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One of my fraternity brothers from college, still a very good friend, who was a lawyer now turned Lutheran pastor observed thus:



"1) This is not a "freedom of speech" or First Amendment issue because A&E is not the government, and the First Amendment only applies to government action; 2) For the most part, this dude was quoting Paul from Romans and First Corinthians on homosexual practice, so labeling him a bigot because he called it "sin" is really just saying you don't think he should accept the Bible's teaching on this matter; 3) His race comments were ridiculous; most importantly: 4) A&E wants it both ways: they want a backwoods guy so they can make a profit on their show, but they only want him to act like a backwoods guy who has their values. So in my opinion, shame on them. You don't have to agree with him, but let him be himself. Just another example of corporate greed, hypocrisy, and fear of public backlash."


As for saying "Merry Christmas," I've explained my thoughts on that subject before.




As for the OP, I won't lie, I feel at least a little trepidation wondering who "we" are and who the country is being taken back from.

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As far as A&E being anti-Christian, they recently did the The Bible mini series. They are probably not anti anything. They are simply pro revenue. Their decisions are based on profit and loss.

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It's become "a bad thing" because we allow the Liberal Left to run roughshod over the "silent majority" and all we do is bitch about it on forums like this.

Until we're ready to use the same tactics of boycotts, public forums, protests and demostration that the minorities and liberals use this back-slide will continue.

How many of you have let A&E TV know about your displeasure with their actions and bias?

How many of you have signed up to volunteer to work the campaigns for change?

How many discuss their frustration with the direction this Great Country has taken in the past 6 yrs with other like minded citizens, publically?


Bottom line, the only way we can change this direction is by using the same tactics as those forcing their influence into TV, radio, newpapers and on- line media





Frio…….I have, for one, wrote A & E a nasty e letter, a paper letter, and even called them and told them that I will not watch ANYTHING they produce on the boob tube, or ANYTHING they have a hand in making. I also told them I find them very distasteful in that I fought and bled for the very right that they are now using against a fellow vet who fought also. I also showed them a cancelled tickets I have to visit Disney World in Fla in Jan of this coming new year.

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