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Grizzly Dave

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Grizzly Dave last won the day on October 16 2017

Grizzly Dave had the most liked content!


About Grizzly Dave

  • Birthday August 10

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Regulator, SBSS #2255, Pawnee Station, Ro I & II

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  • Location
    Louisville, Colorado

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Grizzly Dave's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Hi Dave,


    BTW, I found Maker to be a kind soul.





  2. Hello Griz if you have pictures of the complete score sheet please post them,just dying to see how all my my friends from Colorado did

    Thanks Oak Creek Martin

    1. Grizzly Dave

      Grizzly Dave

      if you have facebook, this will take you to the first page and you can scroll thru




    2. Grizzly Dave

      Grizzly Dave

      or maybe not.  not my pics, just saw someone else post them.

  3. Grizzly Dave, SASS 85224 From the Colorado Territory Shooting for I reckon 8, 9 years now
  4. There is plenty of untreated sleep apnea in the population. If you often wake up suddenly gasping for breath get a sleep checkup,  Many of us are at an age when sleeping disorders sneak up on us.  These disorders have treatments.  There are serious consequences for untreated sleep apnea.  The heart is starved for oxygen and weakens.  My father died early possibly due to his refusal to deal with his sleep apnea.  I am dealing with mine.  Grizzly Dave, if your insomnia is chronic have a sleep checkup.  We want to see your videos and read your posts for years to come.

    1. Grizzly Dave

      Grizzly Dave

      Thanks for the concern Edward, not to worry, I do have sleep apnea and sleep with a CPAP every night.  It was just 'one of those nights' where I couldn't sleep.



  5. You go Sue! Sadly I am unable to attend this time around. I know that you will have fun!
  6. Info is now available on the Thunder Mountain website LINK
  7. I think a fair amount of the turnover can be attributed to the life cycle of any hobby or interest. People may give other reasons but I think it boils down to that.
  8. Wow, this thread not only jumped the rails, I think it did it on a bridge!
  10. One miss on the pistol and shoot where it was on the rifle. I myself would avoid using the use of the term 'target failure' so as to avoid having to look up in the books to see what that might or might not imply. JMO.
  11. First I'd be sure the extractor rod is clean and lubed. I use dummy shells made from fired hulls and have never had a problem, then again, I almost never practice.
  12. It's not, in the first email clicking either link would take you to the January edition, they have since fixed those links and send another email. In the original email clicking on the cover picture would take you to the February edition.
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