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Chili Ron

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Everything posted by Chili Ron

  1. Howdy, Somehow I need to show this whole thing to my doctor. There is coffee and good coffee and WOW thats coffee. ever so often ya gotta have some WOW. Best CR
  2. Howdy, US paratroops jump on June 9. Each country gets a turn except Russia. Russia was NOT invited this year.... My nephew is jumpmaster for our guys. Hope all goes well. I heard one of the old vets died on the flight over. How sad is that. Troops en transit are being applauded in airports....its about time. Im getting great pix from Normandy. Best CR
  3. Howdy, I would tell the cop that he needs to find a faster car. Best CR
  4. Howdy, I have a little of this and that. My windup clock was originally made for a Soviet Sub. I wind it every Saturday, works darn good. Its heavy. drop it and could lose a toe.... Marked 95-2 Best CR
  5. Howdy, Tool box grill??? I will look fer thatun. Best\ CR
  6. Howdy, I haddnt seen that one but severaal with different ideas and kits that come with stuff to take care of little problems. These have been around a good while. There is even a spin off that uses wood and sort of splits the difference. One outfit has discounted seconds for sale. Save fifty bucks sorta. One has a custom bag with pocket for extra stuff. Remember this is playing with fire.....careful. The fire pits have been on the market long enuf for several commercial ones to be made. I didnt think I was introducing anything new. Best CR
  7. Howdy seems these off the ground fire pits are getting popular. Make it myself or get one done or or or split the difference with a kit??? Im thinkin kit maybe???? Nice that they turn off and dont leave burning coals. Thanks aheadotime. Best CR
  8. Howdy,

    How much and what size coins??

    Lets talk at least.




    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chili Ron

      Chili Ron


      Please contact me soon.





    3. Boomstick Bruce

      Boomstick Bruce

      Sorry, ive been busy with work. with everything going on right now in the world, i think i'm just going to hang onto my gold and silver. if i decide to sell in the future, ill let you know first



    4. Chili Ron

      Chili Ron


      I hope all is well with you and yours.

      There are many places to shop.




  9. Howdy, Anyone interested can get a nice heavy duty leash from the Red Oxx folks. When you buy one a local shelter gets a free one. For more details check with them. They often have a real human bean ansering the fone. Best CR They say the response has been a good bit more that they thought. The leash idea came along when a big roll of belt was found by guys doing inventory while shut down for big virus.....
  10. Howdy, Thanks so much for this very valuable post. I wish we had more like this one. Best CR HEY___DID ANYONE ELSE notice the date on the test??????? 2014.......Hmmmmmm???
  11. Howdy, Just one thing: if you are not Officially signed under your alias then the Ignore is ignored. Cool huh? And I don't ignore many, some folks just amuse me. IE: those who think they know everything amuse us who do. Best CR
  12. Howdy, An old friend bumped into at local watering hole. He had a Santa Fe, liked it as he too has a bad back. He crashed it, wanted another but due to availability bought something else. Regrets the buy, wants another Santa Fe. Any word on them? I never had a hundie One suggestion is to rent one for a couple days. That doesn't give a long term look..... Best CR
  13. Howdy, If the car ran fine, I would sell it if the noise STOPPED. Best CR
  14. Howdy, How can cowboys NOT love herding cats? Best CR
  15. Howdy, Any rifles you might consider for trade? pm me with your shopping list if you like. and Im just down the road and round the bend.... Best CR
  16. Howdy, I could use this for display. If it doesn't sell pm me and maybe we can make a deal. Best CR
  17. Howdy, Cubs world series seats being replaced during renovation. About a grand a pair delivered. Put em on yer gun cart. WOW. Best CR
  18. Howdy, When you take the wheel for the 24 hour race what do you plan to do? Well, you know, Drive..... Best CR
  19. Howdy, Well, of course, chili.... But I also have some awesome chip dip recipes and one of those together with a few bags of chips can be tasty. Think back about git togethers and what stood out. Best CR
  20. Howdy, Very Purdy. Its your call of course but I like seeing them referred to as Original Vaqueros. A small thing. Good luck selling them, nice classic look to em. Some beginner will be very happy. Best CR
  21. Howdy, MONEY SHOOOOOES>>>> I want money shoooooooes. Best CR ps- so why hasn't somebody made cowboy boots with slots for silver dollars? There ya go.
  22. Howdy, did you contact Widder? Could be interesting what he has to say. I don't speak for anyone but hey its winter.... Best CR
  23. Howdy, How about going to the ATM machine? Ever go down to the basement? Best CR
  24. Howdy, Seems I saw a way to open wine with a shoe..... Best CR
  25. Howdy, I will have to break out That episode of Wanted dead or alive with her in it. Best CR
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