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Chas B. Wolfson, SASS #11104

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Chas B. Wolfson, SASS #11104 last won the day on December 27 2019

Chas B. Wolfson, SASS #11104 had the most liked content!

About Chas B. Wolfson, SASS #11104

  • Birthday 07/09/1956

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  • SASS #
    11104 Joined 3/97

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  • Interests
    Corvettes, all forms of shooting, camping, woodworking, home remodeling

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Chas B. Wolfson, SASS #11104's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Next two pics are of one of mine, same vintage. Next three are of the rifle in question. Next are two videos of the play in the trigger. VID_20250112_154311367.mp4 VID_20250112_154335945.mp4
  2. Annie was shooting her '73 when it jammed up mid battery. Upon disassembly, the bolt extension retaining pin had broken and the firing pin was bent. I replaced the firing pin and the bolt extension retaining pin using a #54 drill bit. That all went well. However, after re-assembly of the carbine, I found the trigger to have very little spring tension. It flops back and forth with it actually moving so far back out of the trigger guard opening that it can ride on the top of the upper lever frame. I replace the trigger spring with no positive improvement. Any thoughts or ideas on how to correct would be sincerely appreciated. Regards, Chas B
  3. Bear River Powder GOEX Black Powder Available in 1F – 4F, cannon grade (mixed cases upon request) American made Visco cannon fuse Craig Kirkland GOEX Master Distributor Evanston, WY 307-679-0886 bearriverpowder@allwest.net Black Powder Prices as of 01/01/2025 Powder Single Can 25 # Case 1FG – 4FG, Cannon 22.00 500.00 Reenactor 21.00 500.00 Visco Fuse .50 per foot Prices subject to change without notice I purchased from Craig last year. Will again this coming EOT. No dog in the fight, just letting you all know about the availability to purchase at a fair price. Craig can only bring orders to the match. No extra product will be available. Regards, Chas B 3FEB25 is the cutoff date for ordering
  4. Choctaw Silver Wolf has done all of ours. 12 total. He resides in AL. Chas B
  5. Please consider the six boxes sold. P.M. particulars Chas B P.S. of the six boxes, how many are .38 and .45?
  6. Tobias after staying up to catch the election results
  7. If the giraffe grips are slim profile and you would be willing to deliver at EOT, I would like to purchase. Pay you now however you would like. Thanks, Chas B
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