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Alpo last won the day on September 18

Alpo had the most liked content!

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    Redneck Riviera
  • Interests
    Guns, mostly

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SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. I was trying to decide what that was hanging from his cartridge belt just above the rifle - I've decided it's a pair of wire cutters - when I noticed how nice and square the top of his cartridge pouches are. I have carried two five round stripper clips in the pouches on one of those belts. It doesn't make it look like it's got a flip top box of Marlboros in there. If you have an eight round clip for a Garand in that pouch, however, bullet noses down, the back of the clip will make the top of the pouch have that nice square shape. He may be carrying a Springfield in that picture, but his ammunition appears to be for an M1.
  2. Game regulations frequently do not apply to indigenous peoples.
  3. I was reading an interview with Mr T, back during the A-Team time. He was talking about all the Mr T merchandising. Had Mr T this and Mr T that. Mr T lunch boxes. Mr T tennis shoes. Said he even had a Mr T dart board, for people that didn't like him.
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